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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. If this was a black man being discriminated against because they wanted more white men to meet a quota, you'd be all over it screaming Racism. But you think it's OK because he is white. In fact, you go even further and label him "entitled" for objecting to being discrimated against on the basis of race. There's a name for people who support discriminating against people based on race. I'm sure you are aware of it. It's good to see it so clearly exposed though.
  2. You are only saying that because he is white. If a black woman complained that she was being discriminated against due to discriminatory hiring practices you would not take the same stance. You would support her. You would criticize those doing the hiring. You would call them racist. Especially if the discriminatory practices were common knowledge and acknowledged by the entity that was hiring. Celebrated even. Discriminating against white people is just the same as discriminating against black people. It is racist. The fact you think he is "entitled" shows your unconscious bias. It shows the racial stereotypes you carry. It shows that you do not believe in equality. It is no better than calling a black woman "Uppity" if she had a legitimate complaint about being discriminated against. You are showing that you carry all the same prejudices as those you profess to stand against.
  3. Please point out where I said Jack Smith found the credible evidence.
  4. Bad luck for him that she was a Doctor. Doctor's are revered here. Same as when the young female doctor was run over on the pedestrian crossing by the cop on a Ducati. It was massive news, lots of pearl clutching and introspection. Drivers even stopped at crossings for a couple of weeks. If the Swiss dude had kicked the maid nobody would have cared. I guess the stairs are being demolished because they encroach on land owned by the highest power in the land. Now the case has gone viral that could have ended up very badly for the owner.
  5. He shouldn't throw in the towel. He should keep going. This is gold for Trump, gold I tell you. More ammunition for him to rally his supporters behind the notion that his political opponents are terrified of facing him at the ballot box and this trying to strangle him via the courts. I mean seriously, 91 felony counts. Talk about overkill. If there were a dozen you could maybe conclude that it wasn't politcally motivated but 91? I guess the Amercian left aren't big on subtlety and disguise. That, along with Bidens continued and very obvious cognitive decline should make November a very good month for Trump.
  6. It's hot in Thailand in March? Shocking. Can someone let me know which politician will accept my money to remedy this issue.
  7. I prefer to call them Doomsday Cultists but Chicken Little's would also fit the bill (at least for the turkeys who actually believe the alarmism).
  8. Actually they are busy trying to extract more tax from the population and enacting legislation for more state control under the guise of "saving the planet". But you already knew that.
  9. Just as you so effortlessly slide into race baiting, as if you have lost the argument.
  10. Because the climate has always changed, and always will. Because humans will adapt. Because climate related deaths are at an all time low. Because nobody believes the Doomsday cultists. Because global warming is an attempt to push global socialism.
  11. Well done Brian. Racism and sexism is wrong in all forms, even when it is against white people or male people (or Jews). This politics of revenge only prolongs discrimination and resentment. The answer to racism is not more racism. Time for this positive discrimination to be filed under the "terrible political ideas" tab. Along with Critical Race Theory and other leftist loony theories.
  12. Climate alarmism thinly disguised as travel news. If they keep repeating it, they think people will start believing it.
  13. Srettha was a stop gap. Someone put in place while they overturned the election result and ensured Move Forward never got power. They're just waiting for the right time to officially hand the power to Thaksin. My guess would be 12-18 months depending on the public mood. Democracy. Thai sty.
  14. Loud or Aggressive is fine, as long as they are loud and aggressive. In this case I'd say it's fairly accurate for Fani Willis. I'd agree on the use of the word uppity, it's has racial connotations, akin to Biden referring to LL Cool J (as well as other black men) as "Boy". https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/watch-joe-biden-forgets-popular-rappers-name-and-calls-him-boy-trolled-4419777
  15. That's what I was thinking as well. I'm sure I get charged (I think 20 Baht) every time I withdraw money from an ATM outside Bangkok.
  16. In a car I'm not too bothered, I'm quite happy with an Auto since I do a lot of driving in and around Bangkok and I get very little pleasure from driving in such an environment anyway. On motorcycles, I much prefer a manual gearbox. Being able to control the amount of engine braking, throttle response, availability of power etc. by selecting the correct gear gives you much more control and makes it a much more engaging, visceral experience. Especially when mated to a 140hp Italian V-Twin.
  17. This article is about manual vs automatic gearboxes. Not self drive vehicles.
  18. It reeks of pure desperation. They know the writing is on the wall. Expect more of these stupid attempts to subvert the democratic will of the people.
  19. Given Biden's clumsy, racist language I'd imagine most black voters would vote for Trump in any case. He doesn't need AI images, Joe will take care of the job for him. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/may/22/joe-biden-charlamagne-you-aint-black-trump-video https://nypost.com/2023/09/25/biden-slammed-for-botching-ll-cool-js-name-calling-him-boy/ Black males don't generally like being call "Boy" by old, white males.
  20. Obviously the correct decision. The voters of America need to decide whether they want Trump or not, nobody else. Just like Brexit, attempts to overturn the Democratic will of the people should be shut down immediately.
  21. Agreed. It's amazing how many forum members who have previously been labeling others as Racist at every opportunity are now so eager to expose themselves as antisemites. I guess they don't consider hatred of Jews as Racist. Like Diane Abbott. https://news.sky.com/story/diane-abbott-accused-of-hateful-antisemitism-after-suggesting-jews-do-not-face-racism-12864141
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