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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Constant deflection. It must be awful holding views so unpleasant that you are too ashamed to admit them, even on an anonymous forum.
  2. 100% correct. I share Musk's opinion. Neither candidate is of a high calibre. But one is clearly less substandard than the other. Not an ideal situation, but if the choice for dinner is Mama noodles or mouldy cat food, I'll hold my nose, eat the noodles and hope for filet mignon tomorrow.
  3. Science certainly doesn't know whether it is caused by humans. Of course, that is somewhat inconvenient for the socialists and elitists who want to use that theory to tax the population to death, regulate their behaviour and increase the power of the state, all while pretending to be more virtuous.
  4. I've come to realize that if every thread is not about Trump, it soon will be. 😆
  5. I know exactly how you would feel. The fact you glibly refuse to answer again merely confirms it. 😆
  6. Quite the imagination 😆.
  7. I didn't mention Trump. Nice rant though 😆.
  8. It's no surprise that Musk would so strongly reject Biden and the Democrats on so many issues. He's a very smart guy.
  9. While this would be a great vote winner for Trump, I sincerely hope Harry is not returned to the UK. We only just got rid of him. Especially so if that awful woman he married comes with him.
  10. Of course they won't leave. Who would take them? Besides, they'll be too busy whining on here like they did after Brexit 😃. Roll on November. I'll get my lifejacket ready for those Lib tears.
  11. Cancel? 😃 She's free to vandalize research labs. Just as she is free to be struck off due to her criminal convictions for doing so. I wonder how you'd feel about a right leaning doctor convicted of vandalizing an abortion clinic? No doubt you'd love to be treated by him/her for your pedantry. 😃
  12. Semantics. I'm happy to use vandalized, desecrated, defaced, smashed, whatever. We know what she did, the convicted criminal.
  13. Not sure why you are obsessed with Banksy but painting a mural on a wall is not the same as vandalizing a research lab, then preventing access to the workforce by chaining yourself to the gate. What next? Refusing to give her patients medicine that was tested on animals? Refusing to treat patients that drive SUV's? Nah, strike her off. Doctors should have ethics and maturity. This convicted criminal has neither.
  14. Of course there is a connection. She smashed up a research lab. Committing GBH doesn't affect your ability to be a surgeon but good luck getting a position with that on your record. Both crimes prove one thing, you are a criminal who willfully breaks the law when they disagree with something. Banksy paints brilliant murals on walls that people enjoy. He doesn't go around smashing up research labs while working as a doctor. He doesn't stop people doing their daily jobs. Strictly speaking he should probably be fined but you can't compare it to this woman's crimes who clearly lacks ethics and maturity. He also isn't a doctor. I'm not saying lock her up and throw away they key. I'm saying she lacks the ethics, judgement and maturity that we expect from our doctors. She is also a convicted criminal. Strike the entitled brat off until her criminal record has expired.
  15. A doctor that cannot control themselves to the point that they get a criminal conviction for smashing up a research lab on their day off should have their ability to practice removed. Unfit for the job. Totally unprofessional. Reapply in 10 years if they don't re-offend. It's akin to a teacher who burns down libraries at the weekends because they don't like the books in there. Why treat them differently because they are pearl clutching middle class, leftist hand wringers who agree with your doomsday cult predictions? Oh, wait a minute...😃 The medical profession doesn't need convicted criminal vandals who smash up things they disagree with. We have higher standards in the UK.
  16. I disagree. Background check. Criminal conviction found. Removed. Same as everyone else. Just because Tarquin/Penelope has a degree and a high salary and loves hugging trees makes them no different. Especially in a position like Doctor/Teacher. Struck off until their records clear in 2034. A doctor smashing up a research lab is disgraceful.
  17. Sure. Doctors vandalizing research labs on their day off. She's a criminal. A convicted criminal. Links below. https://www.herefordtimes.com/news/23798974.protesters-sentenced-damage-caused-sequani-ledbury/
  18. Exactly. Convictions for criminal damage to a research lab of all things. And she's a Doctor. Smashing up a research lab on her day off. Yet people try to portray it as a free speech issue. 😆
  19. OK so now we agree it is about criminal records. Let's put the free speech thing to bed then. That was a diversionary tactic and not a very good one if I may say so. So you'd allow someone who was convicted of willfully committing criminal damage to a research lab (in the case of Sarah Benn) to resume practicing as a Doctor? Nothing to do with their medical abilities, until possibly she disagrees with something happening at her lab and decides the best course of action is to smash it up. I wonder what she would do if her patients disagree with such strongly held beliefs? Refuse treatment like the nurse who said Tory voters should be refused treatment on the NHS? Or worse? Maybe we shouldn't wait to find out. I certainly wouldn't want her treating me if she found out my opinions on Stop Oil and the climate cult given her propensity to breaking the law and criminal damage. Certain jobs like Doctor, teacher, nurse etc. should have a clear criminal record. I believe theirs will be clean after 10 years if they stop getting caught committing criminal acts. They can reapply for jobs then.
  20. Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious. Yes the courts decide. Just like they decided not to allow Move Forward to take power after winning the election in Thailand. Similar standards it seems.
  21. Quoting only the second half a sentence like that in order to change the underlying meaning is not only unscrupulous tactics, but against forum rules. Come on Chomps, you're better than that. Or at least you used to be.
  22. Of course it would be a good thing if politicians were not prevented from standing for election due to politically motivated cases and rulings. Or a lack of sufficient funds to appeal ludicrous awards approaching half a billion dollars. I would have thought that was obvious. Just like Brexit, the will of the people should not be overturned in courts of law (see Gina Miller's attempts if you are not familiar). The electorate should decide. Not judges, lawyers, DA's, political opponents, media etc.
  23. They can have their opinions. That's no problem. They can believe the earth is flat and Greta is the reincarnated daughter of the virgin Mary for all I care. It is their criminal convictions that we are discussing here. Stop trying to conflate the 2 very separate issues. Convicted criminals should not be practicing medicine. Especially those with suspended jail sentences.
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