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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Khan is a disgrace. Absolutely useless. A massive waste of space. There is absolutely no reason to pretend otherwise.
  2. There's really not much to complain about with Jews living in Britain. Unless you are a rampant antisemite of course.
  3. Mainly Beach Road Pattaya, where there are regular stories about them committing violent crime. It's not a right wing issue. It's about protecting women and providing safe spaces for them. Not every woman wishes to spend time in a prison or changing room with a man in a dress.
  4. But the Met Police are consistently failing to enforce existing laws on hate speech when Jews are on the receiving end of it. Two tiered policing. Not really a surprise when you have Khan as Mayor.
  5. It's no surprise that you would try to downplay the rapid rise of antisemitism in the UK. You sound like Dianne Abbott claiming Jews do not face racism and comparing it to having ginger hair. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/apr/23/diane-abbott-suspended-by-labour-after-saying-jewish-people-not-subject-to-racism No doubt people were also trying to downplay it prior to the rise of the Nazi party's reign of terror. That's some elite company you're in.
  6. Throw the book at her. She was so clearly lying under questioning it was ridiculous. Her indignant attitude, obfuscation, diversionary tactics were quite a sight to behold. She has no business being in a position of power. A complete charlatan.
  7. About 9/11? Or 6/1? (I kind of feel stupid using 6/1 as some historic date, I had to look it up). Are you seriously comparing the 2 events ?
  8. Are you really comparing a few hundred wackos in Cosplay walking into a building to the rise of Muslim extremism and antisemitism in the west? How about we compare 6/1 to 9/11? Is that clear enough for you ?
  9. You always say that. I'm yet to see you follow up on it, mainly because of the "it never happens" part.
  10. The problem for Labour is that Starmer is also pro Israel (publicly anyway). That's how these opportunist chancers like Galloway step in to rally up the antisemites and get a seat in Parliament. He's smart. He showed it can be done. Expect more of it. The hate is strong at the moment and people will exploit it.
  11. It is antisemitism. People might try to use language to try to soften the edges, but it is what it is. The world's oldest hatred cannot be repackaged that easily.
  12. Good to see you agree that global warming will make certain places easier to live. Easier for certain species to survive. Easier for certain crops to grow. Human technology to allow us to adapt will undoubtedly be faster than the rate of climate change. I thought you "progessives" welcomed change? May I remind you that climate related deaths are falling dramatically, mainly due to technology? And I'm not talking about creating Lithium batteries from African child labour.
  13. Tax rates? I also suspect the socilaist movement will use their science to try to extract more green taxes from the successful in order to create their utopia where the elites fly around on private jets and the proles give up their 2 weeks in the sun. On that we can agree.
  14. You're repeating yourself again Chomps. Don't bet your life savings on May. The Tories will wait for opportunists like Galloway to form more options to spilt the anti-semitic Labour vote. More time for Labour MP's to expose themselves as racist anti semites. I told you there was still time for them to mess it up.
  15. On the plus side of all this, it's great to see an American administration doffing their cap and taking the knee to a British Prince. All these years after the war of independence and British royalty can still rock in, break all the rules and do exactly what they want in the US. Like a broken clock, wait long enough and Biden's administration will be correct twice. 1. Spending US taxpayers money to support Israel's military again Palestine. 2. Allowing a self confessed drug addled British Prince to walk all over their immigration rules on the basis of his Royal status. Credit where it's due. Harry and Joe have confirmed what we all knew. The British do what they want. Stay where you are Harry, you are finally demonstrating the power of British Royalty.
  16. I wonder how many other areas could now see opportunists stand for election on a Pro Islam, Pro Palestine (anti Israel) ticket. Especially in areas with a large Muslim community (of which there are now many in the UK). Could this disrupt the traditional Labour/Tory stranglehold on British politics? I suspect many Muslims would vote for someone with a Pro Islam, Pro Palestine, anti Israel stance before they even started thinking about the hair's breadth that now separates Labour and the Tories on many issues. Given the apathy towards the 2 main parties by many traditional working class communities who have been let down by both and may not vote at all, could we be witnessing a sea change? How many more Labour MP's will expose their anti-semitic views before the general election? Could Labour's policy of importing minority groups who they think will vote for them, backfire? Will these new anti-Israel opportunist MP's split the Labour vote? Many anti-semites could switch from their traditional Labour vote to one of these "Pro Palestine" parties. Could Labour lose the anti-semite vote? Could the likes of "Queers for Palestine" and other Woke fools move from Labour to one of these new anti-Israel candidates? Could get interesting. Given the rise of anti-semitism in the UK, maybe Starmer would be better off to stop pretending to condemn it. Bring back "friends of Hamas" candidates like Corbyn. Let Diane Abbott write more anti-semitic newspaper columns. Might be a winning strategy in the current climate. What a time to be alive.
  17. Labour's anti-semitism biting it in the bottom again. A leopard doesn't change its spots. Interesting to see UK seats being won/lost on what's happening half way around the world rather than things like local services. I guess that's another strength of Diversity, multi-culturalism and mass immigration. We should be so grateful for being culturally enriched in places like Rochdale . Do Labour still have time to blow the general election? On this evidence, plenty...
  18. I predict a complete mess where it is technically illegal, but tolerated, unless you upset someone in power or a cop needs to extort someone to pay the repayment on his mia noi's BMW. Much like vaping.
  19. Doesn't seem to be working out for him either way. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-68443430 More anti-semitism in Labour, seats in northern England being won/lost based on what's happening in Gaza. What a time to be alive . I didn't think even Labour were capable of messing up the next general election given the Tories woeful performance under Sunak, but maybe I underestimated their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory? If Labour were a football team, they could be 3-0 up heading into extra time and lose 4-3.
  20. Not only about the $$$$. Ever wonder why it's always the left banging on about it?
  21. Biden pretending to get serious on immigration as an election looms.
  22. JonnyF


    Maybe people went elsewhere because certain individuals think they own the thread and make personal attacks on anyone who doesn't have complimentary things to say about their club?
  23. If they think it's bad now, wait until Labour get in. The world's oldest hatred runs deep in the UK left. https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/commentisfree/2023/apr/30/diane-abbott-letter-woeful-inflammatory-letters
  24. They are finally taking it seriously now they are the ones getting abuse. They thought it would only be the working class communities in places like Rotheram, Bradford and Birmingham who had to suffer. They never though their areas would be affected. Too leafy, too gentrified. Unfortunately with Khan as Mayor and a politicized Met Police Force the capital is a lost cause. Sad to see London ruined, I enjoyed my time there in the 90's but that London is long gone. Couldn't pay me to live there now, especially if I was Jewish. If only someone had seen this coming.
  25. Indeed. Some places will become easier to live in, some will be harder. The climate has been changing for millions of years and will continue to change for the next million years. Buying an electric car won't change that. Humans will adapt, and elites will use it to scare the proles into handing over more money in "green taxes". Climate related deaths are at an all time low. An inconvenient fact for the Doomsday Cult.
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