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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Maybe he had $410 million. That's over 400 but still not enough. Or maybe he doesn't want to put every last cent he has up to appeal such a ridiculous decision. I know I wouldn't want to. Of course, if he had Bill Gates type of money it wouldn't be a problem. Like I said, the best justice money can buy. Trying to ensnare him in legal battles to the point his political ambitions suffer. To deny this is the reality is disingenuous in the extreme. Won't work though. As the polls are showing.
  2. I understand perfectly how it works.😆 He needs to match the ludicrous amount that was awarded in order to appeal the decision. If he doesn't have it, he can't appeal. In order words, he needs to be uber wealthy to appeal the crazy decision to make him pay an unworldly sum of $464 million. Which is exactly what I said in the first place. I have no doubt that the ridiculous amount awarded was to stop him appealing it. $464 million for inflating assets is insane and clearly designed to wrap him up in the legal cobweb in the build up to the election. Yet the more this happens, the more popular he is. 😆 Maybe you could revert to insulting him and his fanbase? That's sure to work....
  3. Wow, it appears that justice is only for the uber wealthy in the grand old US of A. $464 million to appeal a decision. Seems a tad steep. So much for the Amercian justice legal system. The best system the ultra wealthy can buy. It's a good job he's going to walk it in November. Especially since these incidents are merely adding to his popularity. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-trump-leads-biden-economy/
  4. How would Trump know? He doesn't have the same level of relationship with the Russians as some of his political rivals. Better ask them...
  5. It's a well known expression in finance. Commonly used with no connotations of civil war or dictatorships like the alarmist lefties are pretending it to be. Trump was talking about the hit to the auto sector. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/markets/stocks/news/bloodbath-on-d-street-investors-lose-rs-2-lakh-crore-in-15-mins-of-trade-as-sensex-crashes-800-points/articleshow/106914577.cms?from=mdr
  6. Yes thanks for pointing that out. When I checked it appears the left wing media have quoted him out of context again. They are becoming increasingly desperate. Consistently dishonest. Predictably disingenuous.
  7. I would disagree. I'm not a huge fan of Charles and all his eco warrior "Look at me I'm so virtuous because my Aston Martin runs on vegetable juice" nonsense. I quite like William and Kate but do not worship them. Harry is a disgrace. From teasing the disabled school maid, calling his Pakistani colleague a P***, the Nazi uniform, invading other's privacy while demanding his is upheld. Throwing his own flesh and blood under the bus when he couldn't get his own way. An ultra priviliged spoiled brat, not intelligent enough to realize what he had and not strong enough to stand up to his narcissistic wife. A melt of the highest order.
  8. Harry hardly left the spotlight. Moving to the Paparazzi capital of the world California, appearing on late night TV shows, presenting and collecting awards, doing a tell-all reality series on Netflix and throwing his family under the bus in a auto-biography. Deciding to keep the titles as well despite claiming to despise the institution. He doesn't hate the spotlight, he hates having to do the service that comes with it. Southpark's world wide privacy tour summed it up perfectly. Genius.
  9. Yes she is a liar. Amongst many other things. Yes there is a lot of envy from certain types of people for those with more than ourselves. Sad, but it's human nature. We see it at all levels, even from the ultra privilged Princes like Harry moaning that William had 3 sausages and he only had 2. That type of envy destroys people from within, as we are seeing with Harry's fall from grace.
  10. "Soft Monarchist"? 😆 She despises the monarchy. You only have to listen to her talking about them for 5 minutes to witness the envy and hatred seeping out from every aged pore.
  11. Nothing to do with freedom of speech. If they have criminal convictions they should be struck off. The fact they have criminal convictions relating to a doomsday cult that you also subscribe to is irrelevant. Criminals should not practice medicine.
  12. Correct. They do a great job. Always good to have some eye candy. As long as they have some real soldiers around in case a serious incident occurs.
  13. I'm happy with the fact that despite the lack of justice in the ruling, her reputation is now firmly in the gutter, alongside her morals.
  14. What a weak, pathetic decision. No surprise though. She ticked all the right boxes.
  15. Nonsense. We're gonna have the best flag AND the hottest Queen in the world. Rule Britannia!
  16. Poor choice of words. I don't think he needs to worry about Biden winning anyway. His dementia worsens by the day and everyone can see it.
  17. The Tories are toast. Mordant would be a massive improvement on Sunak though. Never should have got the job in the first place.
  18. Strike them off. We don't need doctors with convictions and IQ's that match their age practicing medicine in the UK. Especially in the socialist republic of Bristol.
  19. "Far Right" is just a catch all phrase that Wokies use to discredit normal people who want to enforce reasonable immigration policies and protect their borders. People who want to see their own citizens cared for, you know, the ones who paid into the system all their lives. They don't object to countries like Thailand doing it. In fact they often scream the loudest when a foreigner is caught without a visa or committing crime in Thailand. But when the same action is called for in Europe or America it's all the fault of the "far right". They claim to hate intolerance, but defend it when it comes from a certain religious or minority group. In the name of diversity of course, because that's our greatest strength (according to them). The hypocrisy is both astounding and amusing. 😆
  20. Of course this isn't a Saudi problem. Any more than a fundamentalist Christian in Texas opposing abortion is a "Texas" problem. Are the Muslims calling for the annihilation of Israel in London and calling for the rape of Jewish daughters a "London problem"? No, unfortunately we see these attitudes towards women, Jews, "Kafir" etc. across the Muslim world and where Muslims have formed communities in the West. The fact that Wokeists defend/deny such intolerance in the name of diversity is amusingly ironic.
  21. Worked in Saudi? That's great. I holidayed in Turkey. Had a great time. Of course neither of these fascinating facts has anything to do with the Muslim intolerance demonstrated in the OP.
  22. Maybe read the OP and make a sensible retort if you disagree with my post.
  23. Never underestimate the ability of Labour to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Plenty of time left for them to alienate the electorate on all sides. Agree. Hopefully more MPs with real conservative values defect to Reform and take the voters with them. The Tories are a mess under Sunak. Never should have got the job.
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