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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Silly, ill considered, knee jerk reaction. No wonder he's failing so miserably as PM. The bully breeds are excellent ratters, maybe that's why he is so scared of them...
  2. Possibly killing 2 birds with one stone. America is a predominantly Christian country so politically it would make sense to appeal to those with Christian values. It's not like he's the first one to do it. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/23/us/biden-catholic-christian.html
  3. I wasn't aware those were Christian values. Christianophobia is not an admirable trait.
  4. You can take the boys out of Bristol, but... Fairly typical behaviour, Bristol on a Saturday night can often resemble a war zone. I've seen some legendary battles on Corn Street. From the video it looked like the LB was about to get a stomping until the other one ran the lad over with the car. They'll never live this "entanglement" down if their names are released .
  5. Truss is correct of course. There was no way someone with conservative values and her economic philosophy was going to be allowed to remain in power. And now we have Rishi.
  6. Christian values AND nationalism? Wow, this is going to get the lefties really riled up. Probably why they did it.
  7. Very stupid. In fact, almost as stupid as the Queers for Palestine crew.
  8. That's why he's so angry. Hasn't has a decent meal for years...
  9. You've changed your tune. Earlier in the thread you were saying the only reason I keep my dog under control is because he is a vicious beast, just waiting to kill our workers as they lay wet cement, perch on scaffolding and use power tools. If he were safe he could roam free. Now anyone who doesn't act as responsibly as me should be fined. Given that Pitbulls make great therapy dogs maybe you would be better suited to one than you think ?
  10. Possibly. But there are funny jokes and stupid jokes. If I was Hunter (given his history) I'd probably prefer to avoid stupid jokes about snorting class A drugs, alcohol, hookers, speeding etc. At least ones that make it into the public sphere. But then Hunter Biden seems to lack good judgement. It seems to run in the family. Nurture or Nature? In this case probably both.
  11. It's not coke. If anything drug related it is smack but I'm more inclined to think it's a terrible attempt at a joke from another dubious character that Hunter associates with. He's not renowned for great judgement.
  12. That would be a great idea. What wouldn't be a great idea would be sending a picture of a Smirnoff bottle full of water to someone who was addicted to alcohol and had a particular penchant for Vodka. If this guy thinks that sending a mock up of 3 lines of smack to Hunter Biden to aid his recovery from drug addiction then he is an idiot. Assuming of course it is a mockup and not 3 lines of smack on a woodworking table.
  13. If I cut up a few lines on the table of a ski chalet balcony, would you assume the mountains were covered in Coke? PS when I said it was "Brown" I wasn't referring to the colour .
  14. I'd imagine there are millions of ways for that to be arranged .
  15. I always send pictures of non Alcoholic beer in an icy cold Stella pint glass to show support to my recovering Alcoholic friends.
  16. I favoured No Deal followed by "Singapore on Thames" myself. We could certainly have done of better job of exiting had we not had traitors like Theresa May trying to undermine the project with BRINO. However, thank our lucky stars we are out now. We can continue to diverge further from the EU in coming years as it continues to swirl around the plughole. With Germany's manufacturing continuing to be undermined/undercut/outperformed by the likes of China and more basket case countries being allowed to join, I really don't see the EU as something I would want to be a part of, even if I didn't have an issue with being reduced to a state of a Federal Europe (which I would have a massive issue with).
  17. After a good carpentry session I always cut up my sawdust into neat little lines using my credit card as well. I mean, who doesn't? In fairness it doesn't really look white like cocaine. Looks more like Brown to me.
  18. Just providing more examples of left wing/Liberal governments failing to address anti-semitism and often engaging in it themselves. It's a pattern amongst left wing governments and by looking at that pattern we can see reasons for why this is happening in Canada. But yes, let's focus more directly on Trudeau's own party's failure to act swiftly after October 7. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-trudeaus-antisemitism-envoy-faces-criticism-for-silence-on-rising/
  19. He's popular with the ladies. Snappy dresser as well .
  20. If you don't want cherry picked examples, why not read the fulll report? You might learn something. https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/sites/default/files/investigation-into-antisemitism-in-the-labour-party.pdf
  21. You mean like the Labour Party? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-54731222 https://news.sky.com/story/diane-abbott-accused-of-hateful-antisemitism-after-suggesting-jews-do-not-face-racism-12864141
  22. I'd place a wager he's better looking than you . Did you even read the thread? We have builders on site working with drills, power saws, angle grinders etc. Wet concrete being poured. Nails and sharp steel cutoffs lying around on the ground. Only an irresponsible, inexperienced owner would leave a dog to roam around in such circumstances. You sound like one of those irresponsible owners that leaves their dogs to roam freely, defecating everywhere and generally being a nuisance. Have you considered a goldfish?
  23. No I didn't. RuamRudy linked to an article from 2016 and I pointed out that it's not really relevant to the discussion.
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