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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I'm sure it does. That's why the stats are so misleading. Uneducated individuals often get breeds mixed up, I'd be willing to bet 99% of people on this thread would label the dog below as a "PitBull" as well. Or this one. Or this one. Sometimes it's best to keep your lack of knowledge to yourself, especially when it disproves any point you might be trying to make.
  2. Huge benefits. Sovereignty, self determination, a purer form of democracy to start with. Economically it hasn't had much of an effect either way yet, but it was always going to be a long term project. I always felt that between 5-10 years would be the start of the upturn but it came much quicker than that. I also expected more of a negative impact the first 2 years after leaving (obviously not to the ridiculous degree Project Fear suggested) but it never really materialized. As for the laws, you can't unwrap 30 years of ligature (that's not meant to say legislation BTW) in a couple of years. The fact is, we make our own laws now. We'll work through which ones we want to keep over the next decade. All in our own good time. By your logic you wouldn't mind me locking you in your condo all day because you didn't plan on going too far anyway.
  3. Interesting. But this thread is about the rise in anti semitism post October 7 2023.
  4. In other breaking, highly controversial news, scientists have suggested that men and women have different genitalia, only women can give birth and that only approximately 1 in 25,000 men have XX chromosome. The scientists are currently in protective custody at an unknown location.
  5. More rubbish. These "Pitbulls" you speak of (which is a broad classification of several breeds, it's not even a breed) cannot "lock their jaws" and are not even significantly more powerful, in fact they barely make the top 10 for bite strength. https://wagwalking.com/breed/top-dog-breeds-with-the-strongest-jaws They don't have any type of locking mechanism. Their bone structure is the same as any other dog and their bite not even as strong as a bog standard Mastiff or German Shephard.
  6. Of course it is not good news for the UK. That's why I said I hope the Germans can turn it around quickly. However it dispels the myth that the UK's incredibly brief recession is due to Brexit, when we can see countries that remained in the EU like Germany (or even strong countries outside the EU like Japan) doing even worse due to worldwide economic issues and shifts. The Europhiles/Rejoiners love to jump on any bad news from the UK (see the other thread on World News), but get all butthurt when someone points out that the current economic climate is affecting countries both inside and outside the EU. I also like to point out all the lies of Project Fear now that we can see they were ridiculous exaggerations to try to scare people into voting Remain.
  7. That's the problem, people repeat things without doing the research, others believe it and you end up with threads like this one .
  8. Like this one? Don't tell me, if this dog bit you, you wouldn't even mention savage PitBulls and would immediately call for a cull on the Ca De Bou (which I very much doubt you'd previously heard of)
  9. Another barstool myth that the uneducated repeat and the foolish believe. "Pitbulls" jaws do not "lock". Their bone structure is the same as any other dog. https://www.k9magazine.com/pit-bull-locking-jaw-myth/
  10. And if you do that you get a loads of gormless chumps saying "he must be dangerous, you'd let him roam the streets free otherwise" . Same as if this dog below bit someone they'd call for PitBulls to be eradicated, despite the fact it is a Cane Corso. Or this one, despite it being a Presa Canario. Can't fix ignorant. As this thread so perfectly demonstrates. 😃
  11. Plenty of bigotry from the Wokeists. Let's start with their attitude towards... Jews/Israel. Conservatives (especially if they are black, cue the "Uncle Tom" and "superficially black" insults). Cultural appropriation (one direction only, they have no issue with black women straightening their hair for example). Those who reject identity politics. "Positive" discrimination (a synonym for supporting discrimination against white people). People who believe in the nation state/borders. People who believe in biological reality e.g. believe women do not have male genitalia or that men cannot be pregnant. In fact, pretty much anyone who does not subscribe to their own Woke beliefs. I'd argue the more Woke someone is, the more bigoted they are. As for educated and enlightened? I'd say ignorant, dogmatic, sanctimonious, pretentious, gullible and neophilic are more accurate descriptions.
  12. https://www.2keller.com/news/chihuahua-attacks-boy-in-springfield-township-in-20081030.cfm
  13. Flawed stats. A PitBull is not even a breed, it is a broad classification of type that covers many different breeds. It's a bit like saying 5% of cars in accidents were Ford Fiesta's, 15% were Toyota Camry's, 80% were trucks (including all makes of passenger pickup trucks, commercial vehicles, 16 wheelers, tow trucks, garbage disposal trucks, Songtaews, cement trucks etc.) and using that data to conclude that a Toyota Hilux 2.0 4 door is very dangerous. Worse still, many people don't even know which breeds represent this mythical "Pitbull" so you get about 20 different breeds and various cross bred mutts being grouped together as a "Pitbull" which wasn't even a breed to start with. Ignorance. Pure Ignorance.
  14. More details emerging. Seems like a verbal argument that escalated quickly into a shootout. Senseless. Two charged. https://www.ktvq.com/2-adults-charged-with-murder-in-kansas-city-parade-shooting
  15. Khan is a disgrace. Ruining TFL, knife crime out of control, anti-semitism running rife, a politicized police force more concerned about LGBT tweets than serious crime, livelihoods destroyed by ULEZ and now this. Of course, the Brit haters and leftists will be delighted that his is ruining the capital. Let's hope his reign as mayor is short lived. Roll on May.
  16. Well that didn't take long. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68346038 One of the benefits of being a sovereign nation free of the shackles of the EU means you can act quickly and make decisions that benefit your own country. Let's hope the Germans can turn things around as quickly. They are the powerhouse economy of the EU after all. It won't be easy being tied to such a behemoth but I'm sure they can do it with a couple of years, even without Britain's massive contributions to the EU. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/15/germany-two-year-recession-2023-gdp
  17. Looks like it's already over. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-68346038 News from Germany not looking so good. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/germany-likely-to-fall-into-recession-central-bank/articleshow/107825003.cms?from=mdr The EU as a whole not looking too rosy either. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/19/five-years-ursula-von-der-leyen-destroy-europe-economy/
  18. I'm sure the likes of Jessica Biel, Justin Theroux, Jennifer Aniston, Jon Bernthal, Tom Brady are in awe of your legendary confidence and toughness as a 7 year old in the playground . https://www.businessinsider.com/celebrities-who-love-pit-bulls#tom-brady-loves-doing-activities-with-his-pit-bull-lua-10
  19. They prefer to wait until they are 6. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/boy-6-needed-surgery-after-30866709
  20. Left wing governments are synonymous with anti-semitism and they are few more left wing than Trudeau's mob so this should come as no surprise. He was quick enough to act during the truckers protest during Covid, essentially attacking their right to free speech by cutting off their bank accounts. I wonder where his authoritarian/totalitarian streak has gone now that Jews are suffering hate crime?
  21. Exactly. He speaks the truth so they call him a bigot. He's very successful so they call him entitled. Jealousy is a terrible thing. Even worse when it comes from Woke/Liberal failures.
  22. They are great actors as well. starring in kids series The Little Rascals, as well as blockbusters like Once upon a time in hollywood and John Wick alongside the likes of Brad Pitt and Keanu Reeves. Of course that was before tabloids started demonizing them.
  23. Yes you argument has been shown to be illogical and flawed. Best get your coat .
  24. You are confusing dog aggression with human aggression.
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