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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. He wasn't joking, his mask slipped and he was forced to admit his mistake. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/us/politics/joe-biden-black-breakfast-club.html It's commonplace amongst Liberals to look down on minorities who dare to stray from the box in which the liberal believes they belong. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-63050482
  2. This woman clearly has no ethics. What a disgrace. No surprise she is a Democrat. The hypocrisy of these people is astounding. I wonder how long before she plays the race card - oh... wait a minute...
  3. Ah, the old "If you vote Trump you ain't black" argument (from whites who naturally know what it means to be black). I love how lefties get so upset when minorities don't do what is expected of them. It really exposes them.
  4. DeSantis doing the right thing, quite rare for an American politician. The Trump bandwagon just has too much momentum. DeSantis understands this. Better to support the next POTUS than stand against him. Well done Ron.
  5. Biden has proven to be quite the warmonger. I guess now he knows he'll be facing Trump, he's thinking a war might be just the ticket to rally ailing voter support.
  6. Boris is spot on, once again. Both he and Trump have more charisma in their little fingers than Biden could ever hope to muster, even when juiced up for a debate. Let's hope Johnson can rise like a phoenix from the ashes with his own political comeback, possibly with Reform UK.
  7. Biden's final card. Start a war in an attempt to win votes. Sacrificing young men for his old ego. Could he sink any lower ?
  8. They'll juice Biden up again nearer the time. Wheel him out for 30 minutes for some pre scripted one liners then back onto life support. Democracy. US style.
  9. There are no right wing extremists in the Conservative party. That's pure hyperbole. Now, let's hope the lords do not frsutrate this and we can get them on the plane to Rwanda sharpish.
  10. Milei knows what's up. Socialism is a scourge that benefits only the duplicitous elites that push it. To borrow a quote, socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery. If humans are free, they are not equal. If they are equal, they are not free. I am very envious of Argentina having a great leader like him. If only Britain had such a politician. Viva Milei.
  11. A small footnote about Biden does not make the post off topic. It's not like your posse never mentions Trump in threads which are not about Trump. Let's have some consistency. The thread is about exporting to regimes that may use the equipment for nefarious means. It's natural that your boy gets mentioned when he is supplying equipment to blow up Palestinian civilians. Truss is exporting equipment designed to save lives. I know you value lives based on political affiliations but let's try to be reasonable.
  12. Perhaps we should stop selling them medicinal products, in case they give it to soldiers who get sick invading Taiwan? Or maybe stop selling them crude oil, in case they refine it and then use it for vehicles to invade Taiwan? Or stop selling them cars, in case the generals use them to drive to meetings to discuss strategies invading Taiwan? Desperate stuff. You and Chomp's obsession with Truss is out of control. Maybe look closer to home for examples of politicians arming nations? You know, like Biden.
  13. But instead of criticizing him you're on this thread attacking Truss. Interesting...
  14. Yet your boy Biden sells weapons to Israel to blow up Palestinian civilians. Presumably that's fine. But Truss selling landmine detectors isn't. Your hypocrisy amuses me.
  15. Another benefit of Trump being elected. The rest of the world is getting tired of "Oirish Joe" interfering in their affairs. Thankfully he will be gone soon. He can retire and get back to playing the banjo.
  16. If I sell someone a defibrillator, and they choose to beat someone to death with it, would you hold me responsible for their death? That was actually quite funny for you . I never realized you had a sense of humour.
  17. Military equipment? Landmine disposal equipment actually helps to save lives and prevent horrific injuries, often in children.
  18. Macron has always been a fraud. Reminds me of the Groucho Marx quote. "These are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others". He'll say whatever he thinks gives him the best chance of maintaining power. Weak little men like him often employ such tactics. He's probably seen the shift to the right happening throughout Europe and wants to get on the bandwagon before it's moving too fast.
  19. Not a bad idea. Issuing blowguns and darts to the RNLI might be another option.
  20. Whilst I appreciate the apology, it is somewhat misdirected on this occasion. Had you apologized for the poor quality of your 'banter' then I would accept it, but claiming to have 'hit a nerve' with some lame strawman is wishful thinking on your part Raymond. Maybe you should go back to calling everyone a racist, at least that was mildly effective at irritating people...
  21. It's an extension of self loathing, a trait that has long been associated with pearl clutching, hand wringing leftists .
  22. In that case we are in agreement that there is nothing wrong with cutting legal immigration if it has exceeded levels that government consider desirable. Excellent.
  23. You were complaining that the goverment was aiming to reduce legal immigration. What is wrong with that if the government has decided we do not have the resources and infrastructure to support any more? Like I said, the UK is not a charity for bleeding hearts.
  24. Observation? More like a biased, spiteful, vitriolic attack from someone so far to the left they couldn't see the centre ground using a NASA telescope.
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