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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Why should immigration numbers be unlimited? They should be matched to the demand of the country for immigrants. Immigrants with specific skills that the country needs should be prioritized. The UK is not a charity case to make lefties feel better about themsleves.
  2. To be honest, given the few that I have had the misfortune of talking to that is probably a blessing. Sit around poncing drinks, imagining all the female staff actually like them.
  3. Why on earth are you mentioning Empire? Talk about Strawman. That's more like a StrawArmy. Still, if it makes you feel better about yourself to imagine everyone else thinks like that then you go for it Champ. Don't let reality get in the way of your jaded world view.
  4. It would appear you have redefined Conservatism to suit your narrow and biased view of the world.
  5. Hard right? Are you joking? They are practically a left wing government (with a few right of centre rebels) at this point. There needs to be a real Conservative option for voters. If they do not win, fair enough - that's Democracy. But to not even offer the voters a party with true Conservative values is an affront to Democracy.
  6. That's because they are monkeys. I had the misfortune of being introduced to one at a fairly new bar near the entrance to LK Metro at the weekend. An absolute tool. It's almost as if the interview process involves demonstrating that your arrogance is only matched by your lack of intelligence.
  7. It was a strange choice to swap a great shot stopper like De Gea for a ball playing goalkeeper like Onana when you haven't got the defenders who can receive the ball and mount a phase of play. Especially when letting De Gea go for free and paying 48 Million for Onana. One of many strange decisions from Ten Hag. Like paying 86 million for Antony.
  8. I'd agree - the Conservative party are far too weak under Sunak. They need a strong leader with real conservative values to lead them forward. If they have any sense they will remove Sunak and he can go join Labour or the Greens or someone who closer aligns with his lily livered nature. The Tories can then appoint a leader from the ERG, or maybe Farage. Or maybe the Tories can dissolve completely and the MP's with real conservative values can join Reform UK and the weak ones can form "Newer Labour" or "Break UK" alongside Blair, Abbott, Corbyn and all the other political leftist loons/failures.
  9. Time for Sunak to go. The UK needs someone with true Conservative values to lead them, not some wishy washy fool who pretends to have them when it is convenient. There is no real Conservative option for people with moderately conservative values currently in the UK. The Tories have morphed into New Labour (minus the illegal warmongering obviously). Get Rees Mogg or Farage into the top spot ASAP or face defeat to the loony left at the next election.
  10. It really kills me to be the one to break this to you but [drumroll] - 51% is a majority. It would apppear that it is not I who has the problem with arithmetic.
  11. Ironic that you would complain about trolling while trolling. The Left - they are what they accuse you of being...
  12. My record at predicting these things is outstanding. Yours? Not so much...
  13. You meltdown after Trump wins may even exceed with your Brexit meltdown and your Tory landslide meltdown .
  14. Surely the candidate with the most diehard followers wins the vote anyway. You appear to be clutching at straws. The Democrats are clearly worried. And they should be.
  15. No - it doesn't have any bearing. My statement stands. A large proportion clearly do not hate Trump. 51% of them clearly like him. There is no evidence that the other 49% hate him. My statement is accurate, maybe you should re-read it. Biden on the other hand.... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-continues-bleeding-support-key-voter-groups-dems-sound-alarm-2024-poll
  16. I may have some bad news for you. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-tops-opponents-biden-hits-new-low-approval/story?id=106335244
  17. So you'd be happy for Democrats not to vote then? Let's see how that works out for ya.
  18. There were 6 candidates. He was 16% of the people standing and still got 51% of the vote. More than all the others combined. He had well over double the nearest contender. Even the BBC acknowledged it was a landslide. Comprende? https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-us-canada-67973518
  19. You appear to have missed the point (again) which is of no surpise. Allow me to explain the obvious. The fact that Trump is so popular with Republican voters is a good sign for the Republicans chances of winning in November. You see, if a large proportion of them wanted to vote Republican but hated Trump they might be tempted to abstain or even worse, vote Democrat. If the majority of Republican voters think Trump is "Da Man" then there is very little chance they will abstain or vote Democrat. Comprende?
  20. They'll probably juice him up again before assisting him onto the stage. Glowing like a cannister of Radon. They'll have to make his portaloo out of lead. This sheer scale of this win is just another example of how popular Trump is. Biden better start packing that suitcase, I hope he doesn't leave any of Hunter's dime bags in the white house.
  21. Perfectly possible if a left wing government get into power. We can't have those nasty natives upsetting the immigrants.
  22. Totally agree. IMO it is an example of the culture here. It's one of many hangovers of Sakdina, whereby the Munnai control the Phrai. Those in power still think they have a duty to control the unruly 'peasants' so they come up with these sanctimonious 'pointless' rules as a show of power and to make themselves feel righteous. They consider themselves the adults who have a duty to control the children. The attitude was particularly noticeable in Prayut (he didn't have the self awareness to hide it) but essentially all the 'leaders' think this way. So it may appear pointless, but it does have the effect of being another nail to reinforce this hierarchical relationship between the 'good people' and the 'stupid' proles.
  23. It's a weird law. Pretty much every pub that I frequent in Bangkok serves all afternoon. I've only experienced the 2pm-5pm ban in certain restaurants in the shopping malls (although never in Wine Connection). It's totally inconsistent. I "kind of" get it in 7-11 (if the population are really that irresponsible as to require booze locked away from them at that period) but in decent restaurants in tourist areas it's absolutely ridiculous.
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