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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. We're adults here, so feel free to contradict any points I have made with your own. Your flippant response strongly suggests you are incapable of doing so.
  2. No surprise. The evidence is there for all to see. It's actually bordering on sad now. How many examples do we have to witness? How much more dignity does he have to lose? It's getting really uncomfortable to watch.
  3. Perfectly in keeping with the way Biden and his team handles many issues. Why would anyone expect him to handle the border crisis any more effectively than say, the withdrawal from Afghanistan? It's a pattern of dysfunctional management. An inept administration led by a senile old man.
  4. Why doesn't he just claim he's too senile to remember? Worked for Biden...
  5. Assuming that's a serious question, it's because it raises her public profile through the roof. I'd barely heard of her 6 months ago and now she's on the front page of loads of websites every day and all over X, Facebook etc. He might not be interested in her political opinions (or maybe he is) but he'll certainly be aware he'll gain lots of attention from this stunt because her profile has grown so much as a result of those opinons. You've only got to look at this very website to see her having 2 threads on page 1, one of them having 11 pages of comments related to MAGA theories. Can't remember that 12 months ago. If she wants to try to influence elections she's going to have to accept the attention that comes with that and not all of it will be positive. Capeesh?
  6. Apparently the ginger fool was given 12 minutes with his (alleged) father and then sent packing back to LA to be with his handler. Quite generous from Charles. About 11 and a half minutes more than I would have given him. Good to see Harry still saving the planet though, one private jetting PR exercise at a time. I wonder what his carbon footprint per minute with his father was for that round trip. I'll be certain to give up my holidays as you wish me to Harry. Do as you say, not as you do, right? What a plonker.
  7. Not odd at all if you look at the post I was replying to. Try harder.
  8. So typical of the far left BBC. Focusing on those nasty Jews while ignoring the atrocities committed by the Palestinians who started this latest round of violence with the horrific attacks on October 7. Have they actually recognized Hamas as terrorists yet? Or are they still calling them freedom fighters? It's tough to watch the BBC these days. Personally I don't.
  9. Niall does great work, a truly kind human being. Well done sir.
  10. America has a habit of funding foreign conflicts and then leaving when their attention is diverted elsewhere, get a political change or simply get bored (or start getting their butts kicked). I don't know why Ukraine would be any different. Just a matter of time.
  11. Misandrist and ageist. I'm surprised she didn't mention they are white as well. Fortunately for her she's a woman so she'll get a free pass on these bigoted comments.
  12. Strange comment from Trump. I suspect he's just trolling the Libs. Seems to have worked.
  13. If she stayed out of politics she'd garner much less attention of this nature. But no, she wants to try to influence elections when it suits her but then flip the switch to off when it doesn't. Light the tinder box then walk away. It doesn't really work like that, if she wants to be political she must accept there will be some blowback.
  14. He can normally form coherent sentences for an hour or so when he's juiced up so he might well debate. The trouble for Biden is that Trump is far more charismatic and quick witted. So even if they wind him up and wheel him on stage he won't do well.
  15. The world has a Kamala Harris problem. Her and Biden. Like Laurel and Hardy... What a mess for the Dems...
  16. I wonder how many people commenting actually watched the interview in full. Putin spoke some rubbish and also made some valid points. Either way, it's good to learn more about the man even if it confirms what many suspect about him. Carlson's viewing figures are off the charts either way. Journalism and free speech might just still be alive and kicking. I'm sure the left will want to cancel him which is further evidence that he is doing something right. Personally, after all the propaganda I got from western governments lately (climate emergency, 76 genders, covid alarmism, identity politics, white privilege etc) it was much more interesting to hear propaganda from the east for a change. He could run rings around Biden. Man vs boy.
  17. So the president isn't charged because he is too senile to remember anything. You couldn't make this up. What a joke US politics has become under joe biden. They'd be better off with Hunter at this point.
  18. More evidence as if it was needed that Biden is in no fit state to run a country. If he was my grandfather I wouldn't let him run a bath.
  19. Hey Rhick. Good to see you finally come out of hiding following a couple of United wins, top red (when you're winning ). A bit lucky against Wolves but a good performance against West Ham. It was good to see Hojlund get a goal I think he could turn out to be worth the 35 million that United paid for him. Ohh, wait a minute...
  20. Couldn't agree more. That's what I meant by bait and switch. Bait the voters into thinking they're tough on immigration, then the day after the election make the switch. Classis underhand Lib/Dem tactics. The GOP saw it a mile off and put Biden in the corner with his dunce hat on.
  21. As a neutral observer I see this as a smart move by the GOP. The Dems are trying to lay the ground work for their election campaign after taking no action for years. No reason to allow them to attempt to dupe the public into believing they are taking a tough stance on this. It's a classic bait and switch from the Libs.
  22. The British cannot stand her. Nothing to do with her black mother. Deciding not to visit Charles, the man who walked her down the aisle after she sacked off her own sick father is one of a multitude of reasons the British have seen through this vile grifter.
  23. Ah the racist card. which Harry later retracted. The only royal who has openly been racist is Harry himself. How ironic. Fight back against being a Millionaire Prince with a 30 million pound wedding paid by the taxpayer? Well we all have our cross to bear I suppose. Normalizing such idiotic anti-semitic behaviour is never a good look.
  24. Of course it's on topic given that Harry has just flown back to see his sick father. Every time you can't counter something you claim it is off topic.
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