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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Exactly. If they spent half as much time trying to improve their own party/leadership instead of throwing stones at Trump then American politics would be in a much better place. It's amusing watching them Dems try to convince themselves that Trump is the opponent that Biden wants. Biden is a puppet who doesn't even know what day it is until he's juiced up for a debate.
  2. Islam is a religion not a race/ethnicity. There are plenty of Caucasian Muslims, plenty of Black Christians, plenty of non-Asian Buddhists. You really should learn the difference between religion and race. It's not complicated. Yes I make fun of Joe Biden pretending to be Irish. Biden is Caucasian, as am I, and as are the vast majority of Irish people . So what's that got to do with race? A white guy making fun of another white guy for telling porkies is racist now? Who knew? I dislike the EU, not Europe. The EU is a political union. Most member nation states are predominantly white, as are most of the politicians in the EU. Once again, absolutely nothing to do with race. You've just proved my point. Again. Whenever someone holds an opinion different to yours you try to turn it into a race issue so you can label that person Racist. It's really low behaviour. You should address it ASAP.
  3. Yes because if you consistently use that word it is reasonable to conclude you are a racist. Same as if the BBC admits to bais 25 times it is reasonable to conclude they are biased. The fact I used racism as an example is because I was talking to Race Baiter Ray. If I was talking to you I may have used gaslighting or labeling everyone who disagrees with you as right wing extremists instead. Horses for courses. Yes I am honest. I am not consistently disingenuous like you are.
  4. No you don't. You're a serial race baiter. Never miss an opportunity to label someone a racist.
  5. It's an opinion piece by the leftist propaganda outlet, The Guardian in an attempt to downplay Trump's brilliant performance in the primaries. I suspect they are trying to calm themselves down. It must be very uncomfortable viewing for them.
  6. I have no vitriol towards him. In fact I support some of policies like funding Israel's defense against the Palestinians. I'm very grateful that he is using US taxpayers money to fund that. But when he's wrong, or tells lies, I call him out on it.
  7. Trump could be half as popular as he thinks he is and still win by a mile. Irrelevant. Fact is, GOP voters like him. That's good news for the GOP. Don't attack the messenger - I don't have a dog in this fight, just stating the obvious.
  8. Not only me Chomps. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/tv/0/bbcs-bias-brexit-has-proven-beyond-doubt-move-tim-davie/
  9. Where did I use my own race (Causcasian) to try to gain an advantage or to excuse my poor behaviour? Oh that's right - I didn't. Therefore I didn't play the race card. A white man condemning the use of the N word is not 'playing the race card'. But you already knew that. Hence sinking to gaslighting again... Tsk tsk.
  10. It doesn't follow the government narrative, at least it doesn't under a Tory government. For example, it was blatantly anti-Brexit. Generally speaking it has a left wing, Woke, climate alarmist, pro EU agenda.
  11. Of course I did not play the race card. I was not trying to gain special treatment because of my race. I was giving an example of unacceptable racist behaviour (in this case using the N word to describe black people). That is not even close to "playing the race card". But you already knew that.
  12. It would appear that Trump is very popular amongst Republican voters. This reduces the chance of Republicans voting for another party because they don't like the GOP candidate. Bad news for lefties and Democrats, I'm not surprised The Guardian is trying to play it down. It's going to be a bitter pill to swallow when he's back in the white house. Looking forward to the meltdown.
  13. It's not false equivalence. If someone repeatedly does something it can be said to be a pattern of behaviour. Like you gaslighting. As for the race card, I chose that specifically because I was talking to RayC (he loves playing it so I chose something he could understand).
  14. The complaints were upheld by the BBC themselves.. 25 is a low number? If I called someone the N word 25 times would you consider that a low number? Or a pattern of behaviour?
  15. No surprise. Anti-semitism is the world's oldest hatred and is going nowhere. Biden will continue funding it with American taxpayers money.
  16. https://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/1777730/25-complaints-of-bias-upheld-by-BBC-in-five-years Is 25 enough?
  17. Couldn't? Or didn't? If I announce that water is wet I am not going to turn up soaked just to prove it to be the case. Even when the BBC police themselves they upheld 25 cases of bias. https://www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/1777730/25-complaints-of-bias-upheld-by-BBC-in-five-years Everyones knows it, even the BBC themselves. But keep up that gaslighting, it's all you have at this point.
  18. Rubbish, just like project fear turned out to be. I got my sovereignty, I got my blue passport and the UK is outperforming many countries that remained in the EU, including Germany. I know it still hurts, but try to stick to the facts. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/09/29/uk-economy-growth-france-germany-sunak-inflation/#:~:text=The UK economy has performed,a boost to Rishi Sunak. "Oirish" Joe can say what he wants, nobody listens to the silly old fool. A lame duck president with an electorate simply waiting for Trump to return. The only good thing he is done is fund Israel's defensive strikes against the Palestinians. In a way I guess you also funded that operation through your tax payments so thanks for that.
  19. Seriously? You left Thailand for 6 months before you even knew if it would be implemented, and how? Seems like a massive over-reaction given the tendency of the government to make stupid announcements that they cannot implement and then flip flop or simply pretend they never said it.
  20. Accusing the BBC of bias is a bit like accusing Epstein of being a sex pest. It's so obvious that claiming otherwise can only be described as gaslighting. They consistently have to apolgize for the bias. And each time, the bias is in the same direction (left wing, anti Israel etc.). https://www.politico.eu/article/bbc-says-sorry-to-israel-after-reporting-it-targeted-medical-staff/
  21. And your point is? Biden isn't British, never was. He can pretend to be Irish as much as he likes but he cannot vote so maybe he should stop running his lying mouth about Britain, Brexit, Ireland etc. and get back to starting wars around the globe in an attempt to secure another term?
  22. Boris is a highly intelligent man. The fact that you disagree with his politics does not make him stupid. One look at his educational and career achievements should tell you that. Even if he were stupid, at least he would still have charisma. Biden has neither.
  23. Biden's determination to put the needs of illegal immigrants ahead of the needs of the American people will come back to bit him at the ballot box. So let him bask in his own sanctimony for a few months. They will be his last in power.
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