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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Actually it's a massive surprise given the Met's political leanings. I'm sure Sadiq is applying pressure behind the scenes but he may be outgunned on this one. Not while the senile Anti Brit "Oirish Joe" is in power, that's for sure. Who can blame him? He'd probably face more lawsuits than Trump.
  2. It only matters if the offender is at odds with your political beliefs? Fascinating, although not the least bit surprising given your own political affiliations.
  3. No she didn't, she was asked the question different ways numerous times and maintained the same position. Her position in perfectly aligned with her political stance on other issues. She is a disgrace. He already stated he was unaware of Hitler's statement. The way he used the 2 words (poison and blood) in the sentence was completely different to the way Hitler used it. I'm sure you have also used the same 2 words in a sentence as Hitler used. It doesn't make the meaning of the sentence the same. It's a weak attempt to draw a false comparison between the 2 individuals by political opponents (who ironically share Hitler's anti-semitic views), another example of the depths they will sink to.
  4. And in 2023 there is a huge left wing anti-semitic movement which will not end well. Tin foil hat stuff.
  5. OK allow me to answer the question directly. An accusation by a political opponent is not enough to stop Trump running. Much as you wish it was.
  6. You are trying to deflect from what this awful woman said. Your usual tactics. Allow me to remind you. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67662871 Trying to dig dirt on the person who asked the question is pathetic.
  7. I assume that was a poor attempt at humour? Either way, there are 2 big clues. 1. The date on the article which is in the link. 2. In 2023, the anti-semitism comes firmly from the left. As demonstrated recently by Claudine Gay. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67662871 Ah, "context". A way to justify calls for genocide of Jews. A term often used by a certain prolific poster on this forum to excuse hate speech. Gotta love 'em.
  8. Could you provide a link to where Trump has been convicted of insurrection in a court of law? Thanks in advance...
  9. They love inclusivity. Unless of course it is white people being excluded from positions due to "positive discrimination". They're fine with that.. You see they abhor racism except when it is directed at whites and Jews. Just as they love diversity - except of course diversity of opinion. Anyone who disagrees with them is scum, flith, spewing "hate speech".
  10. You mean agreeing with their definition of racial inequality. Which basically says all white people are racist and non whites cannot be racist. Oh, and Jew bashing, let's not forget the Jew bashing. Of course most Wokies believe discriminating against Jews is not racism. Some even refuse to condemn it. Like Claudine Gay and Liz Magill.
  11. Maybe your boys, the "Democrats" can use this allegation to try and get him banned from democratically standing for POTUS via the courts. Oh wait, you're already doing that...
  12. I wonder how long before Biden attempts to gaslight the electorate by claiming he has actually reduced the debt. You know, like he did a few months ago. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/06/politics/fact-check-biden-cut-debt-surplus-corporate-tax-unemployment/index.html
  13. As was your boy Clinton. https://www.wionews.com/world/bill-clinton-to-be-named-among-200-linked-to-jeffrey-epstein-sex-trafficking-conspiracy-report-675770 Of course, a good progressive, liberal, democrat would never lie about his sexual misconduct. After all, they are the "good people". #hypocrites
  14. Thailand doing it's best to jump aboard the Doomsday cult's bandwagon, and looking just as ridiculous as their Western counterparts. Even if technologically possible (which it isn't), this would cost an absolute fortune. And who would pay for it? The ordinary working man in the form of extortionate ticket prices that he can no longer afford. Meanwhile the elites will take their private jets and motorcades to their exclusive conferences/resorts to lecture the masses on being responsible and giving up their 2 weeks in the sun and their cheap transport/food/heating in the name of net zero.
  15. An excellent article on why the right is on the rise, not only in the US but throughout Europe. No wonder Trump is leading the polls. https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/01/04/why-the-right-is-eating-the-lefts-lunch/ Bad news for Biden and his Progressive, Woke agenda.
  16. You think the perpertrators of the October 7 attacks could be described as freedom fighters? I suggest you read the following article. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html Some really sick people in this world....
  17. Exactly. A dwarf throwing contest without dwarves surely discriminates against dwarves. I mean they are perfectly suited to the role, it's got their name all over it. Plus it's much harder to throw large people.
  18. Tindall is a legend. A world cup winner for England. It was a dwarf throwing show, he didn't take part. Not very PC by Woke snowflake standards but it was a rugby tour, if that's the best you have to put him down then it kind of proves my point. No I didn't. Andrew never betrayed his family like Ginge did. A few rumours from the mouth of a self confessed prostitute and procurer of girls for sex to blackmail him for cash. Hardly a reliable source. I'd believe a Thai bargirl before I believed the prostitute Guiffre.
  19. Very few, thanks to Denmark's excellent education system and high average IQ.
  20. Great news. With Claudine Gay also toppled it's been a bad start to 2024 for the anti-semites.
  21. Yeah that's why I said potentially. They need to make sure they get the right man, if not they may as well stick with ETH. Personally I think Zidane would be a good fit, he'd get the respect of the players and the fans but the main issue lies with 5 or 6 bad characters in the dressing room IMO. Ancelotti would be a good choice as well but just signed a new deal. I don't think they have a choice but to replace ETH after this season, I think he's made so many questionable decisions that it's a long way back for him, especially if he continues to fall out with players and they finish around 8th which is quite possible now. I actually think he wants to go now, he's just waiting for the chop so he can get the 20 million or whatever and move on to an easier job at a less dysfunctional club rather than trying to fix United.
  22. If they are sensible they will leave it to the end of the season. This season is pretty much over already (out of Europe and they won't make top 4) so INEOS may as well spend the rest of the season learning what the issues are (the players IMO) and extracting information from Ten Hag about which ones need to go. Then in the summer they can clear out the bad eggs (Martial, Sancho et al.) and potentially bring in a manager that can handle a job of this size. If they play their cards right, they could be challenging for titles again by 2027.
  23. You weren't the brains behind Hilary's deplorables speech and the Brexit Remain campaign by any chance were you? Because insulting those with a different opinion to yours always seems to end so well .
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