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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I already provided the dictionary definition of "juice up". If you believe something more sinister is taking place before the debates, I'd prefer you didn't project that thought onto me.
  2. As you know, I've long been a supporter of Israel defending itself against brutal attacks on it's citizens. I've long been a vocal critic of anti-semitism. Just as you know I have long been a supporter of countries controlling their borders and stopping illegal immigration. Therfore I'd go as far as to say you are talking absolute codswallop.
  3. It's reasonable to assume that his team liven him up before the debates. Some motivational words, encouragement, pep talk - that type of thing. What did you think I was referring to?
  4. Well they say a broken clock is right twice a day. First we have Biden funding Israel's defense against Palestinian terrorists, and now he's securing the borders. Like the clock, correct twice. What could be happening one might ask? It's almost like there's an election on the horizon or something...
  5. There are a myriad of potential dangers of AI, so it is curious that the one the white house chooses to focus on is [drumroll].... Taylor Swift pics. Although in many ways this neatly epitomizes the current regimes ability to miss the important issues. The cynic in me wonders if they're just doing the groundwork for a denial next time Hunter and his hooker gets caught smoking crack at 200mph?
  6. If Biden wins she will be the next POTUS. No doubt. No way Biden can go on that long. I just hope she keeps funding Israel's military defense against Palestinian terrorists with as much of American taxpayers cash as Biden has. Keep spending Joe!
  7. Reminds me of Apocalypse Now " I love the smell of napalm in the morning". Lefties love it when the courts cripple their political rivals. Screw the ballot box, we can take care of this via the legal system. Eliminate the opposition via a kangaroo court. Democracy. Lib style.
  8. Another reason the wokeists are trying to break down the concept of the nuclear family. It's much easier to manipulate people raised in a dysfunction environment.
  9. Hatred and jealousy is a terrible thing to carry with you. Maybe better to just accept that the British have contributed massively to many of the colonies. Of course to make an omelette you have to break a few eggs but the good far outweighed the bad.
  10. I'd be more concerned about the battery fires "demolishing" parking lots, shopping malls, charging stations etc. Not to mention the roads being smashed by the weight. Oh, and the natural environment being destroyed by the lithium and cobalt mines. Not to mention the child labour used in said mines. The battery disposal could be interesting in certain countries that are not too concerned about the environment as well. Apart from that they're sure to save the planet. Which is obviously Musk's main motivation.
  11. This is an excellent opportunity for Biden's handlers to escalate a foreign conflict right before an election. I'm sure they will ensure this opportunity is not missed. I just hope they inform him of his policy before they juice him up and wheel him out for the live debates.
  12. Maybe some students are still able to utilize critical thinking. Or maybe its a recent phenomenon that hasn't manifested itself in mature generations yet. I was actually quite left wing as a uni student in the 90s but if any of them had started pushing right or left wing ideology on me I would have told them to get back to teaching the subject I was paying them to teach me. Fortunately universities were much more open spaces back then, where alternative views were tolerated and snowflakes weren't "triggered" by people with diverse opinions. We all happily hung out together, blacks, whites, asians, left and right wing, rich and poor, stoners and drinkers. Great times before the Wokeists tried to lock everything down and control speech/opinion and the scourge of identity politics sought to focus on our differences rather than what we had in common.
  13. No surprise. The education system in the US is notoriously left wing. One of many reasons that so many of the US populace are foolish enough to vote Democrat. An excellent, brief explanation by the legendary Thomas Sowell below.
  14. You can disagree with his assessment, that is fine. However, to label him an "Uncle Tom" because of his political beliefs is a very nasty and uneducated thing to do. Moreover, it is extremely offensive to many black people as shown in the link below. You may believe you have the right to decide which box black people belong in, what political beliefs they should hold, but they have as much right to suppport Trump as anyone else and should not be subject to insults based on their race as a result. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/dear-white-people-stop-using-the-term-uncle-tom/2018/11/15/8a68e9c0-e84e-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html
  15. The lefties will hate this. "How dare a black man support Trump, that isn't what they are supposed to do. How impertinent, don't they know their place in society?" Cue lots of Uncle Tom insults and "superficially black" descriptions. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-63050482 Maybe Biden can have a word with Tim and put him straight? After all, he knows what it means to be a black man. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/may/22/joe-biden-charlamagne-you-aint-black-trump-video
  16. Because the UK has been infested with Woke politics and liberal virtue signalling. Like a cancer, it is growing and destroying the host. As a result we have to battle through the courts to do very simple common sense things like you suggested. The Rwanda issue is a great example. The UN are simply piling trash on the top of the fire.
  17. It is not up to me to search for links to backup your claims. Please refer to the forum rules.
  18. Please provide links for all those claims. I am sure you are aware of forum rules which are always enforced impartially irrespective of political position, much like the laws in Thailand.
  19. I'm guessing Trump will be indicted for this next week. He's been indicted for pretty much everything else after all. They could even claim it's insurrection. Threatening Democracy. Maybe even an attempted coup. I mean he's polling pretty well. Assuming the Dem DA isn't too busy banging the married help she hired of course.
  20. The call was obviously fake. The voice from the robocall was far too coherent to have come from Biden. No slurring. No made up words. A very poor impersonation. AI has a long way to go...
  21. Not sure I understood much of that but to be fair I have to give Biden credit where it's due. His funding of the Israeli Army's defensive operations against the brutal Palestinian terrorists using vast sums of American taxpayers money is indeed commendable. But then, even a broken clock is correct twice a day...
  22. It's not false equivalence. It is an analogy. Strange that you of all people would object to Racism being introduced into a conversation. Once again, you are proving that the demand for racism far outstrips the supply.
  23. Come on Chomps, you're being ridiculous. I said if people use the N word then I would assume they are racist. You are trying to twist that perfectly reasonable statement to sound like "I" used the N word (the actual word, not the euphenism) and therefore "I" am racist. Deeply disingenuous, even by your questionable standards. We used to have some good debates on here. It's sad to see you resorting to low brow tactics like this. You're getting as bad as Ray. Desperate stuff from you two.
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