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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Decent result against Spurs, considering they got schooled in the second half. Top 5 looking hard to achieve, 8 points behind that and a vastly inferior goal difference so it's more like 9. Chelsea finding form under Poch as well so it could be a tough second half to the season. A decent run in the FA Cup might be the best hope now.
  2. I don't believe it is warming in the long term. In terms of the earths existence 2 decades is like a fraction of a second within a century. It's a wonderful excuse for socialists to create a bigger state and control the people though. A wonderful excuse to tax people in the name of saving the planet. It's a political tool used by the left to justify big state interference. The fact that it's biggest proponents of climate alarmism refuse to adjust their own lifestyles tells me everything. Feel free to give up your lifestyle and your freedoms though. I won't. The doomsday cult is not for me.
  3. The topic is about UK-US co-operation. Personally I think the UK should steer clear of any more military adventures with the US. I have held this opinion ever since Blair teamed up with Bush with his illegal war following the WMD lies. I am concerned Sunak will lose more British lives by joining in America's war mongering. Leave Biden to it.
  4. Only until Biden has gone. If he wants to undermine our sovereign decisions I would advocate refusing military co-operation. My response would be simple. "Let's go Brandon".
  5. Yes you're right - the ice age never happened - it's all a conspiracy on social media. Thanks for letting me know...
  6. Oh so this is the first time the climate has changed. Who knew?
  7. The science is disputed. The climate has been changing since time began. The people telling us to watch our carbon footprint are not watching theirs. They can shove it. If you wish to doff your cap to the cult of celebrity and do everything they say while they swan around the globe in private jets then be my guest.
  8. The UK should have nothing to do with the US until Biden is removed from power. Certainly not in terms of joint military action. He has done nothing but undermine British sovereignty since he became POTUS. Maybe "Oirish Joe" can call Varadkar and get him to help seeing as he loves the Irish so much.
  9. Don't forget the Lithium and Cobalt mines for the EV's.
  10. Speaking of sporting events, that reminds me of Lewis Hamilton, the Formula 1 race driver who spends his life taking private jets around the world to race F1 cars and then preaches to the plebs about saving the planet . Gotta love 'em. Have a good time in Saint Tropez. I'm gonna follow Lewis' example and riding my Ducati Panigale to the beach to consume copious amounts of red meat and beer.
  11. Well dodged - again. I'm sure the Elites will give you a special wave to say thanks as they blast overhead in their private jets, choking you with CO2 as you pedal your bike to the Soy store.
  12. Confirmation that you are unable to counter any of my points with an intelligent argument. Poor form Chomps. Maybe when you have a private moment away from the forum, think about why these celebs and politicians don't alter their own behaviour if they know/care so much.
  13. Is that a crime? Better lock up Clinton for sharing a plane and an island with him then... You speak of his actions in the US but you have no credible evidence of such actions. You are trying to lead a witch hunt, unsuccessfully. There is nothing to ignore. It's a nothing burger. An allegation by a self confessed child procuring prostitute on a money grab. Very droll. Let me guess, you're here all week?
  14. True to form, you have missed "the point", again... When Bill Gates buys oceanside property, takes private jets everywhere and owns a fleet of cars it makes me wonder how seriously he is taking the "climate emergency". It's almost as if he knows it's all a load of <deleted>. When Harry flies a private jet to a polo game from his 16 bathroom mansion and gets picked up by a fleet of Range Rovers, it's almost as if he knows it's all a load of <deleted>. So if these people do not see the need to change their behaviour, with all their superior knowledge and virtue, it stands to reason that neither do I. But feel free to give up your 2 weeks in the sun and freeze in the winter. They won't be.
  15. Because I see no credible evidence of any crime being committed. Some prostitute makes a cash grab and we're all supposed to throw him under the bus? No, that's one bandwagon I refuse to board.
  16. I will continue to follow the example set by the politicians and the celebrities lecturing the plebs about this. In other words, I will fly as much as I want to, drive large gas gussling cars, purchase more high performance ICE motorbikes and live in the largest house I can possibly afford. When they consider the so called 'climate emergency" to be serious enough to change their behaviour, I may consider joining the Doomsday cult. Until then, let them continue writing their silly articles and preaching from the altar at the Golden Globes.
  17. Well at least you admitted that your "hardman" stance on the subject wasn't exactly in keeping with your public #bekind persona. Maybe virtue signalling isn't for you after all? As for Andrew, responsible for what actions? Sleeping with a 17 year old in the UK where the legal age of consent is 16? Even that is completely unproven, the only "evidence" if you can call it that, are the words of a self confessed child procuring prostitute with dollar signs in her greedy little eyes. Excuse me if I don't 'string him up' based on such a blatant money grab.
  18. Yes you stated that you believed in innocent until proven gulity and then immediately exposed yourself by admitting you wished the same fate as Epstein on him (i.e. a violent death). So don't pretend you are not a liberal (and I mean in the political, not the classic sense of the word). Your hypocrisy, virtue signalling and spiteful, vitriolic nature exposes you as such. If we all wished death upon someone based on the words of a gold digging, self confessed child procuring prostitute then the world would be a very nasty place to live in. I am not even a Royalist, I simply do not allow my envy of wealth and status to cloud my judgement as so many others do.
  19. So you don't actually believe in innocent until proven guilty then. You wish death on a man before he has been proven guilty of a crime. What a lovely attitude. Let me guess, you're a 'liberal' .
  20. The police do it themselves. I rode pillion on a police motorbike to go pay a fine at the police station (for riding in the middle lane on my motorbike) and he went through multiple red lights and drove the wrong way down the road towards oncoming traffic during that journey. At the station as I paid the fine he lectured me about staying in the left hand lane (I was overtaking traffic at the time).
  21. Exactly. "Hey everyone look over there at the British Royal Family". Meanwhile Clinton and Gates go under the radar. Classic diversionary tactics.
  22. In order to take responsibility away from their Woke brethren The BBC.
  23. I'm not surprised The Guardian defend it. You should read the Dame Janet Smith review. Everyone knew about him bieng a kiddy fiddler. Jonny Rotten spoke about it and was banned by the BBC. The legendary band The Smiths wrote the song Panic about it but never admitted it was about Saville as they knew they would be banned as well.
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