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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It's not odd at all. The government has made many poor policy decisions and it's weak stance on immigration is one of the key issues that is making it very likely that they will lose the next election.
  2. Nonsense. Any major hospital would have plenty of unemployed people within a 10-15 mile radius who are fit to work. Especially those in London. But no, let's give them all benefits and then import people to do the jobs that they are too lazy to do.
  3. Not at all. Discriminating against people based on skin colour is racism. Even if they are white.
  4. Chicken and egg. Without such huge immigration numbers the strain on the NHS would be much less. I do support bringing skilled workers such as surgeons though. For unskilled work like cleaners, I'd reduce/remove unemployment benefits for those fit to work so they had no choice but to take such positions. There is no need to import unskilled workers with over a million unemployed.
  5. Racist policies like positive discrimination have no place in any state.
  6. You are gaslighting again. You're the one who said they sympathize with those who engaged in his crimes against minors, not me... Having consensual sex with a 17 year old in London is not illegal and certainly isn't rape (even if he did it, of which there is no proof).
  7. I have sympathy for the real victims, not opportunist hustlers who reject the chance of "justice" for cold hard cash. You can sympathize with those who engaged in his crimes against minors but I certainly won't. Yes accused. Not convicted. I could accuse you of the same thing, it means nothing. Andrew is innocent until proven guilty.
  8. There is nothing credible about the accusation. Maybe your sympathy should lie with the victims of Guifree, the children that she herself admitted to acquiring for Epstein. Now THAT is a credible accusation since the perpertrator admitted to the crime. But no, she isn't a British Royal Male is she? So let's just brush that under the carpet and attack Andrew...
  9. So your "evidence" is the word of a self confessed prostitute and procurer of children for sex who stood to make millions (and did) by making the claims? Excuse me if I don't join the cries to lock him up and throw away the key...
  10. Plenty of people lie under oath. Just as plenty of people choose to settle out of court. If she was that bothered she could have refused the settlement but she already got exactly what she wanted. Money. If you're angry that he was allowed to settle, blame Guiffre. She accepted it.
  11. Yes it is evidence. Not all evidence is reliable, or even true. I meant real evidence not the lies of a self confessed sex trafficking prostitute. It was his right to settle out of court. Perfectly legal.
  12. Evidence? She could have given sworn testimony that Andrew morphed into an alien and took her to Mars on an inflatable flamingo, you can call that "evidence" as well if you wish. Andrew was perfectly entitled to settle out of court. Guiffre didn't have to accept the money, she chose to. Proving once again what this was all about. Money. A cash grab. Hardly surprising given her history. If you want to blame anyone for Andrew settling out of court, blame Guiffre for accepting the cash offer instead of seeking "justice".
  13. Please provide evidence for these spurious allegations. This is nothing more than titilation for readers of tabloid rags and anti-royalists. There is no evidence Andrew slept with her while underage. None. Sworn testimony? That is essentially one side of a story and is very often a complete lie, especially when huge payouts are potentially up for grabs. You have nothing more than accusations from sex workers seeking huge payouts. The only person who has admitted to any crime is Guiffre herself.
  14. She was 17 and the age of consent in the UK is 16. No law was broken, even if he did sleep with her (which he denies and is completely unproven). You've got nothing.
  15. I wonder how many people posting on these anti-royalist threads have also had [cough] "massages" with Thai "bargirls" who were above the legal age of consent. There is zero evidence any laws were broken. Just a few ex-prostitutes seeing an opportunity to get on the Guiffre bandwagon for a large settlement.
  16. If you can't keep your emotions in check when you are discussing such issues you are ill equipped to be an MP. I've experienced the same thing working in Thailand, attractive females who think they'll get whatever they want if they stomp their feet and turn on the waterworks. Incompetent and unprofessional. You sound like the sort of simp who would fall for it.
  17. Correct. California will end up like London where most of the good people have escaped to nearby counties and it's a joyless multi cultural disaster zone rife with violent crime and ridiculous Woke/green policies that make it a horrible place to exist.
  18. But it makes them feel so virtuous at their extravagant dinner parties. Back slapping all round. You're so wonderful dear, more Champagne? Priorities...
  19. She reminds me of the female members of our Thai sales team. Attractive well spoken and well dressed. Charming but utterly incompetent. Scary that she could become an MP. In defense of Thailand at least she's attractive we had Diane Abbott as an MP who was equally stupid, had zero charm and looked like Yoda.
  20. I suspect he means that hard working, educated people who have been successful pay a "fair" amount to people who dropped out of school at 15 and cannot write coherent sentences and blame everything on Trump.
  21. Personally I am amazed that people are taking this seriously. People booking flights in advance, planning 6 month holidays in Mexico etc. To me this sounds like another dumb announcement by some dumb minister that is impossible to enforce. Worse case scenario a few thousand baht to an agent will get around this, same as it does with the 800k in the bank. It's designed to catch the big fish, political opponents. Not Dave from Rotherham and his 800 pound a month pension with 30 quid tax owed. Calm down people. It will disappear like so many stupid policies do.
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