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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Good question. Which raises the question, if a gay man goes with a Tomboy, does that make him hetero? Or if a straight man goes with a Tomboy, does that make him gay? So many questions, so little time...
  2. But they contribute more than they cost. They are an asset to the country (as long as they behave themselves). IMO the sensible thing would be to keep them, but to strip any that misbehave of their titles. Starting with Harry and after that, possibly Andrew.
  3. But you are only seeing one side of the coin. You are ignoring the money they bring into the country, estimated by Brand finance to be as high as 1.7 Billion pounds. https://brandfinance.com/press-releases/valued-at-67-billion-the-monarchy-is-britains-greatest-treasure Plus the soft power. When people think of Britain they think of the late Queen, the King, Buckingham Palace, the mall, the pomp and ceremony etc. I'd much rather they thought of that than Tony Blair.
  4. It's just how I see it. They are doing their duty to the country and on the whole doing it well. I certainly wouldn't want to lead such a life, cutting ribbons and opening hospitals. I see no reason to attack them other than envy of their wealth. The only personal attacks I can see is on the Royal Family themselves. I honestly don't think most people believe they are actually racist, it's just a convenient stick to beat them with. Why? Well I have given my theory and the reasons behind it, feel free to disagree with it.
  5. Agree. The Thais have a very sensible approach to all of this. They know that trans women are not really women, that's why they have a name for them (Katoey) and refer to them as the third sex. They do not scream from the rooftops about being gay, they simply get on with their lives and are generally accepted. That's how it should be. A lot of the problems in the west appear to be coming from individuals who do not wish to just be accepted, they want to stand out, they want to be seen as special. That's why we see such attention seeking behaviour at the Pride marches. Purple hair, overly flamboyant behaviour, indecent exposure etc. It all just screams "look at meeeeee". I disagree with banning the movement though. Just cordon off the parades, keep it away from the general public, keep children out etc.
  6. You really are obsessed. If you are not responding directly to me you are lecturing other posters about me. I really don't need to live rent free Bro. Try to move on...
  7. The Royal family play a role and they play it very well. It seems to me that the only people who object to it are those who are envious of their wealth and maybe unhappy with their own lot in life. There is no reason to change a system that has been working well for centuries so that we can end up with someone like Macron, or even worse the war criminal Blair.
  8. Exactly. Biden is only staying because of Trump, and many people are only voting for Biden because he isn't Trump. US politics is near an all time low. The various factions bickering amongst themselves while the country continues to decline. China must be laughing their butts off.
  9. I am not sure what you mean. I have never mentioned Putin. Perhaps you have confused me with someone else, or perhaps you should think before you post and try to come up with something more intelligent.
  10. Yes well Thailand has a much lower cost of living. 10k won't get you far in the UK, to be fair it should probably be higher in Thailand.
  11. The Queen was always apolitical. King Charles will get there in the end he just needs to drop the climate alarmism. Not a good look when you live in a palace and take private jets. I agree it won't happen any time soon. Thankfully.
  12. Maybe the lack of housing, the lack of available school places, the strain on the NHS and the 1.4 million people already unemployed would be a good place to start.
  13. So essentially you agree it is unsubstantiated rumour and that even if it were true, it wouldn't really be racist. Poor form from Harry and his wife. But when you have no talent and no job I guess you have to sell out your own family to pay for the mansion and the private jets. Pretty pathetic when you think about it. The fact they are being rightfully ridiculed is Karma in action.
  14. Sounds like it is the person bringing the foreign spouse into the country that needs to earn that amount. Basically, you have to prove that you can support the partner coming into the country. Otherwise, the UK taxpayer has to. Seems fair to me.
  15. Yes Trump is also deluded on some issues. They are both unsatisfactory candidates IMO - as I have said many times. Time for some new blood. However, despite your strawman I maintain my original statement that the main reason Trump has a very good chance to win is because the woeful Joe Biden is the opposition. I believe the Democrats will come to regret supporting such an incompetent and dishonest candidate. In the likely event they lose, they will blame the "stupid MAGA rednecks" instead of admitting their own role in the loss.
  16. No issues with this. Very similar to the Thai system in fact, where people on a marriage visa have to satisfy certain financial requirements.
  17. Unfortunately not a joke. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11667/13023026/erik-ten-hag-has-lost-elements-of-man-utd-dressing-room-as-his-style-and-treatment-of-jadon-sancho-questioned
  18. Have you got the official release from the Palace that says the King is looking for the source? Or is that a rumour as well?
  19. Charles does not interfere with the running of the country. He offered his clumsy, ill informed opinions on the climate from time to time when he was Prince but he will need to learn to stop that now he is HoS. The House of Lords should be elected, I would agree on that. The Head of State? Given the fact that the role is essentially ceremonial in the UK, there is no need to vote on it.
  20. You have not disproven a single point I have made. When you get owned by actual facts (and associated links that I have provided) you resort to posting more pictures of your fridge magnets, make a couple of childish insults then run away .
  21. Awful against Newcastle, could have been 5-0. Interesting to see how they do against Chowsea. They seem to be improving under The Pochmeister. Ten Hag is getting a bit eggy banning critics from the press conference. Leaks from players about not liking to run during training etc. Not looking good.
  22. Markle is a proven liar. As is Scobie. It is an unsubstantiated allegation. The only racism that can be proven is Harry's in the video I already posted. Which is somewhat ironic. Harry himself said the family are not racist and blamed the allegation on the press. https://news.sky.com/story/prince-harry-may-have-rowed-back-on-his-racism-claim-but-the-damage-is-done-and-race-now-affects-the-lens-through-which-the-royal-family-are-viewed-12783236 Funny how you always try to leave the debate when you get owned.
  23. Not ironic at all - if you understand the vastly different roles that the British Royal Family and the EU play. If I was stating that the UK government should not be elected, you might have a decent point. But I am not.
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