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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Headline is misleading. It is not EU law it is uk law now. It should be changed and we should also leave the ECHR ASAP. England just beat Fiji as well. Marvellous. Cider I up landlord. Hic.
  2. Well done England, flying the flag for the northern hemisphere. Bad luck Fiji, played well but like Ireland, no ceegar.
  3. I wonder if the malls could start offering EV Free parking areas for a premium? Like a fire free zone for 50 baht extra. I would certainly be prepared to pay extra not be next to these lithium filled time bombs. I guess the problem with that proposal is that once they start, they take out the whole building anyway. Just putting ideas out there..,
  4. Ireland have a great team, but not exactly known for holding their nerve on the big occasion. Hopefully England and France win to set up a diverse semi final stage.
  5. It was a vanity project to display his Woke credentials. He should go the same way as Ardern, and Sturgeon (ideally without the luxury motorhome).
  6. So presumably all blacks and Asians should leave Europe and go back to Africa and Asia? After all, whites have been there thousands of years. Or are you proposing a one sided racial repatriation ?
  7. It was a rejection of racism. This body would have allowed aboriginals only. No whites no Asians. The definition of racism. Now it’s one vote one person. Irrespective of race. The way it should be. Well done Aussies. Good on ya!
  8. I’m sure the Africans would love a load of white entitled woke idiots turning up, clutching their pearls and claiming to be natives.
  9. It would appear the Australian people are not going down the ridiculous route of identity politics, reparations, woke idiocy etc. Well done Aussies. A great day for Democracy.
  10. It’s comedy gold like this that keeps me coming back to AN. Some mothers do have ‘em. ????
  11. You do realize that diesels can be hybrids? And that this model in question is a hybrid diesel that has its battery under the passenger seat? How many diesel car fires glow bright orange with small amounts of blue smoke before taking out an entire building? I will put your obsession with the platform YouTube down to your increasing eccentricity.
  12. How do you know what Biden said in private? I do know that he has publicly spoken of and shown his inappropriate behaviour with underage children.
  13. A leftist sympathizing with Palestine. What a surprise. Do you consider Hamas a friend like Corbyn does?
  14. I’m not sure what your issue is with YouTube but do try to stay on topic dear. The trolling is becoming tiresome. edit for typo.
  15. Labor wouldn’t be Labor unless they were wasting other people’s hard earned money on virtue signaling nonsense like this vote. Thankfully the electorate slapped it into next week. Big respect to our Antipodean friends.
  16. Great to see this nonsense proposal roundly rejected. Well done Australia for dismissing this identitarian woke racist agenda. Great news from New Zealand elections today as well. Our Antipodean friends leading the way.
  17. Exactly. Anyone with a basic knowledge of fire (excluding our self proclaimed expert with a brand new username on this thread) can see that is not diesel burning. Diesel emits large plumes of thick black smoke. Anyone who has driven behind an old diesel truck knows that. The Range Rover hybrid has its batteries on the left hand side under the passenger seat. The bright orange glow with a tinge of blue smoke is typical of lithium. This was an EV fire. Expect many more. What could be better for the environment than using children to mine lithium and cobalt, then charging the battery with coal generated electricity and burning 1500 cars in a multi storey car park? #juststopoil
  18. Indeed. The rise of antisemitism has shades of the 1930s about it. The fact that large sections of the west are trying to justify it is shocking. Dangerous times for sure. Let’s hope common sense prevails.
  19. Maybe check out her behavior during Covid and get back to me. My words are accurate.
  20. Good to see another country move away from far left wing authoritarian power freaks. Ardern saw this coming and took the cowards way out. Much like Sturgeon, albeit for different reasons. Hopefully Canada will be next.
  21. Mr Trump is correct. Telling it how it is. The antisemitic left typically align with Palestine. Many examples on this forum.
  22. Seems like it was a hybrid. Range Rover Sport Diesel Hybrid to be exact. When diesel burns it creates thick clouds of black smoke. Electric car fires look more like this. Here is the Range Rover that caused the fire. Almost certainly a hybrid given the location of the fire on the car and the bright flames and greyish blueish smoke. Diesel doesn't burn very easily, it's one of the reasons they use it in tanks.
  23. Given that EV fires can be around 1000 degrees hotter than ICE, the answer is obviously Yes. https://core.verisk.com/Insights/Emerging-Issues/Articles/2023/August/Week-4/Electric-Vehicle-Fire-Risk
  24. Not to mention the release of chemicals. https://theconversation.com/what-causes-lithium-ion-battery-fires-why-are-they-so-intense-and-how-should-they-be-fought-an-expert-explains-214470 A small price to pay for pontificating about your virtue at an Islington cafe.
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