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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It's a genuine concern. People need to be aware of the damage they are doing, even if like you they couldn't care less.
  2. Don't be silly. It's about comparing like with like. An electric truck would weigh much more than the ICE versions you showed. We can all compare apples to oranges to attempt to prove a point. How about we compare an ICE Suzuki Celerio to a Tesla Model X? 820 kg vs 2771 kg. Fair? Fact is, when comparing apples to apples, electric vehicles are a lot heavier and therefore have increased tyre wear and damage roads more. Not exactly green, but then neither is mining lithium and cobalt. They can also do more damage in a collision. But hey, if it makes you feel like you're saving the world who cares about little Timmy getting mowed down by 3 tonnes of batteries?
  3. Yes, let's compare a sedan to a massive truck. Great idea.
  4. Oh really? https://www.energylivenews.com/2023/06/27/evs-cause-twice-the-road-damage-of-petrol-vehicles-study-reveals/ It would appear I am not the one who needs to inform myself.
  5. I do. I love rap. In particular I love 80's and 90's gangster rap. What I don't love is entitled idiots like the Brit in this case. What was he expecting? Everyone take the knee and apologize for their whiteness? A free meal as an act of reparation? Ask him to sign their copy of White Fragility? You're not in Islington now pal. If you don't like menus in Russian and Russian music maybe it's best to avoid Russian restaurants... Just a thought...
  6. I doubt the fatal shooting of the Chinese lady in Siam Paragon is going to help...
  7. That's true. All that extra weight and torque damages road surfaces as well.
  8. Of course. There is nothing wrong with controlled, legal immigration.
  9. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hurricane-idalia-electric-car-caught-fire-tesla/
  10. He was probably expecting everyone to bend over backwards for him and throw a party in the name of diversity and inclusion - for fear of being called a Racist, as he is used to in Britain. It's black history month after all. How dare they turn off his music for a larger group. Send in Dr Shola immediately.
  11. Wait for a few more incidents like this and premiums will inevitably rise as they have in the UK. Or a bad raining season. Fortunately, the batteries are stored at the bottom of the car.????
  12. A good healthy wet season. Great news. Although I'm sure the climate alarmists will be along shortly to tell us they saw Noah's ark on their way to Nana ????.
  13. A bit unfortunate against Palace I thought. Could have got a draw with a bit of luck. On the plus side, still top half and above Chelsea.
  14. Good to see Poland protecting it's borders (and thus, it's citizens). Let's hope this becomes a trend.
  15. Yeah I saw that as well. On top of all the other hassles owning an EV, you now have to pay 5,000 GBP (240,000 THB) for annual insurance. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2023/sep/30/the-quotes-were-5000-or-more-electric-vehicle-owners-face-soaring-insurance-costs There's your fuel savings gone. Lucky electricity is dirt cheap.... oh wait a minute... EDIT ; I actually raised the possibility of insurance hikes when they starting burning out in shopping malls here in Thailand but was laughed at. Hmmmm.....
  16. Sounds fair to me. Just a couple of rules. Rubber bullets, and you can't shoot at the head. Apart from that, carry on...
  17. Cannabis is illegal in the UK. So the suggestion that of the populace still stunk of it (slight exaggeration I think), kind of highlights how stupid it would be to make it illegal in Thailand again. I've never slept so well as I have the past few months...
  18. I'm trying to understand what you are writing. What is a casual link? Do you mean causal? It's tough to intrepret what you mean from what you write. Back to reality for a moment. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/sep/29/uk-economy-makes-stronger-recovery-from-pandemic-than-first-thought-germany-france We only left 3 years ago. We are going from strength to strength. Even the most optimistic Brexiteer was acknowledging it could take 5-10 years to see the benefits yet here we are 3 years later already out-performing Germany and France. It's gone better than we could have imagined. Vive La Brexit.
  19. It is quite clear that German exports to the UK have dropped since Brexit. To suggest there is no causal link is laughable. https://www.ft.com/content/913c7e84-fd2d-4cb5-be0c-8cd865f37462 We warned this would happen. And now it has. The fact that you are trying to deflect with your whole "why are you celebrating it" spiel is just an attempt to ignore the facts. The EU took the UK for granted and then tried to punish us when we exercised our democratic right to leave. The EU has nobody to blame but itself.
  20. https://www.export.org.uk/news/604569/UK-Germany-trade-falls-sharply-since-Brexit-vote-official-German-data-shows.htm I take no pleasure in Germany's decline but facts are facts. The anti Britain/anti Brexit mob on here certainly love pointing out any UK issues so it seems a bit hypocritical to suggest the Brits should keep quiet about the current issues in the EU. It's not just Germany BTW. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/euro-zone-economy-likely-contracted-this-quarter-pmi-2023-09-22/
  21. Why don't you ask a Trump supporter? You could do it on one of the Trump threads. Because this thread is about Biden's shady dealings...
  22. Yes I know what the thread is about. And due to some of the very concerning incidents that I have already mentioned I believe it is a good idea to monitor what is being taught in schools. Teachers are not above the law, and if they choose to put their opinions in the public domain by posting on social media that is up to them. Nobody is asking 007 to secretly install cameras in their homes, they are putting it out their themselves for the world to see. Not very bright, but hey, neither are the ideologies many of them espouse so it shouldn't come as any great shock.
  23. If the Wokies want to bang on about trans ideology they can do it to their hearts content for all I care. Just leave young, vulnerable, impressionable children out of it. Teachers need to be teaching science and maths in the classroom, not promoting the latest fashion of pretending things are what they are not.
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