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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. No, I said it has more credibility than if Biden said it. There's a huge chasm between having more credibility than Biden, and having valid credibility.
  2. Calling people out for using the race card isn't "wedging race into the discussion". But you already knew that...
  3. Well, referring to Republicans as "MAGA bitches" appears to be OK, you're not calling that out... You probably left it next to your race card, check there... Anyway, good to see Pelosi getting the send off she deserves...
  4. Correct. It is a sign of being a complete dolt. His dementia is better displayed in his inability to walk up stairs, step over objects, balance a bicycle, remember names etc.
  5. Gross. But not surprising given his behaviour around young girls. This one looks around 12 as well.
  6. Doesn't prove Guiliani is guilty. I have friends that went to prison. Doesn't make me guilty of anything. It would appear this isn't as easy as you thought ????
  7. Prosecuters often make allegations against the accused. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff.????
  8. Yeah, I guess the fact Reagan said it adds a lot more credibility than if a habitual liar like Biden said it. Fair point...
  9. I don't need to read minds when you post your drivel at such a rate.
  10. Trump is off topic. There are plenty of Trump threads available to satiate your hatred of the man.
  11. The quote I used was relevant to the thread. Who said it, less so... Amnesty - a diversion.
  12. Because Joe never lies. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/09/11/politics/fact-check-biden-ground-zero-next-day/index.html
  13. Biden has told so many lies it's really difficult to keep up with them all. However, lying about someone and claiming they are a "Russian pawn" is a dangerous game, unless he has evidence to back it up. I wonder if we'll get another hardcore liberal adjudicating on this one? Joe better hope so...
  14. You can have an amnesty in the US for all I care. Knock yourselves out, your immigration policy is working great so far, a wonderful harmonious, peaceful society enjoyed by all ????. For the UK, I don't support Amnesty. Why would I? As for your silly diversionary tactics on 40, you think that agreeing with one of Reagan's quotes means I agree with every policy he ever implemented? That's quite a stretch in logic. In fact, it's a quite ridiculous notion even by your standards. Amnesty's just encourage future law breaking under the assumption that another amnesty will be provided further down the line. Besides, if you control your borders in the first place (as is the topic of the thread), there is no need for Amnesty (your weak attempt at diversion) at a later date.
  15. Pelosi is not really in a position to object to people being petty and vindictive - given her history. What goes around, comes around. Hopefully she doesn't let the door hit her on the way out.
  16. It's never too late to learn. I know it can be tough to admit you've been suckered in and bought a dud but I'm told buyers remorse fades over time. The first step is to admit the mistake.
  17. Nice attempt at deflection.???? There are plenty of Trump threads available for your obsession, so let's keep this one on topic.
  18. So you are saying that anyone who has purchased a "proper" EV is an expert, and anyone who hasn't purchased one knows nothing about them? That's some logic right there, I'm starting to see why you like them so much ???? I don't own a "proper" EV because I have researched the environmental impact of building them and decided that it is not only damaging to the environment, but expensive and inconvenient to use. I rarely use my electric mountain bike because it's so much easier to use one of my ICE bikes. Plus I don't want to end up stranded staring at a bonfire if the roads flood while riding it.
  19. A silly attempt at deflection. Made worse by the fact it is inaccurate. https://northeastpost.co.uk/article/Europes-Worst-Countries-To-Drive-In
  20. I own an electric mountain bike and drive a Camry Hybrid. Next...
  21. Good to see Pelosi removed. https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2023/10/03/congress/mchenry-pelosi-hideaway-office-house-remove-00119803
  22. I've posted many times on the folly of EV's. If people want to waste their money and inconvenience themselves that's up to them but when they start bursting into flames in the car park and/or destroying the roads then it starts to affect me so of course it is a genuine concern. You should be caring about how much it weighs compared to an ICE saloon. Comparing apples to oranges is silly, I explained that to you already and I would have expected you to understand it. If/when electric pickup trucks are released, we'll have a whole new level of weight to be concerned about. If you really cared about the planet you'd keep your existing vehicle for another 10 years. I'm sure you are aware of the environmental impact of manufacturing these things.
  23. Højlund looked good last night. Looks like a good signing. Onana is having a 'mare though. United's one saving grace last season was their defence (mainly due to DDG) and now they look like they need to score at least 4 to have a chance of winning. Could be tough to qualify from here...
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