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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It's a very relevant article which addresses the anti-semitism and despisal of Israel by Western Woke leftists. It is very much evident on this thread and others on the forum. Sorry if you didn't like the content, but the truth hurts sometimes. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/10/08/cheerleaders-for-hamas/
  2. We all see it. https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/10/08/cheerleaders-for-hamas/
  3. Anyone who has been paying attention knows that these doom and gloom predictions for the UK are quietly revised upwards once the real figures come out. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/09/30/uk-economy-better-germany-france-brexit-remainers/ I'd save those Remainer tears for France and Germany.
  4. Yep, a lot of these lefties supporting Palestine from their favourite Islington cafes would be strung up if they ever went there ????.
  5. Yes, I meant the country he is the leader of was attacked. I didn't mean he was ambushed in a dark alley by 5 heavies with baseball bats. I thought that was obvious.
  6. Indeed. Well said Srettha. Disgraceful attacks.
  7. Yes it's all Netanyahu's fault. Damn him being attacked and promising to defend his country.???? What is it with the extreme leftists and supporting Palestine? I really don't get it. Is it really as simple as more Anti-Semitism from the left?
  8. It's your conscience, not mine. If you're ok with it, continue defending it. Anyone with common sense and basic social skills can see it.
  9. I'm frequently dodging these idiots as they weave through traffic, one hand and both eyes on their smartphone as they try to find their destination. Obviously nothing will be done about it, apart from a few platitudes and maybe a conference at a nice beachside resort for the government employees.
  10. He probably forgot reading that from an autocue. He's getting on a bit. Bless....
  11. The evidence is in the videos. There are plenty of them. Pretending not to see what is happening is what's known as enabling.
  12. Yep. The girl, the husband and the wife. Their faces tell you everything you need to know. Abuse of power. Pure and simple. No wonder his kids are so messed up.
  13. I don't need to mindread when it's been recorded on video multiple times. Anyway, I'd rather not continue to engage with someone who thinks it's OK. Byeee.
  14. Poor girl, you've only got to look at the expression on her face. Pretty low to try and justify that, no matter what your politics .
  15. Nice try Bro. Unfortunately for you it was recorded on video. Keep defending it though .
  16. Normalizing creepy old men groping kids is pretty disgusting IMO.
  17. It WAS big media news. Are you suggesting this is some kind of deep fake? ???? The level of delusion is incredible with the Bidens. https://nypost.com/2022/09/23/biden-leaves-viewers-stunned-in-teachers-speech-she-was-12-i-was-30/
  18. Yeah I still have no idea what you are babbling on about. Not really that interested either, so no need to try and explain again.
  19. OK, could you translate your post into English then?
  20. I don't see how a bit of applause and laughter from the sycophants in attendance changes what he said. It's no surprise really. He was reportedly showering with his own daughter. https://www.wtrf.com/top-stories/alleged-showers-with-my-dad-president-joe-bidens-daughter-reportedly-writes-of-abuse-in-diary/ Plus lots of videos of him acting inappropriately with children and women. Makes you wonder, if he does that in public, what is he doing in private... Creepy old man...
  21. Amazing. Knife crime rampant, street violence rampant, sexual violence rampant. But the police turn out in numbers to arrest Fox for saying hurty words on TV ????. Haven't they got autistic teenagers to harrass? https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/police-arrest-autistic-teenager-lesbian-b2391381.html Or dogs to shoot? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-65523821 The UK police have become a joke. In particular the Met Police.
  22. Yes, it's wonderful to see Pelosi's ignominious exit. Not a moment too soon.
  23. I was referring to your M.O on nearly every thread on the forum. But you already knew that...
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