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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I don't think you understand how promotional companies make their money.
  2. Wouldn't work. They'd claim she was too drunk/high and shouldn't have been asked to sign it.
  3. Agreed. The problem is when people's careers are ruined before it even goes to court. Then they are often found not guilty but they are forever tarnished with the reputation of being a sex pest despite there being no evidence and a not guilty verdict. It's a bit like what Amber Heard tried to do to Depp. In that case it backfired eventually (incredibly she actually won the UK case) but that's an exception to the rule. Generally, there are very little consequences for the accuser even if the claims are proved to be false so it's like a free bet for them.
  4. Come on, whose diary ISN'T booked up for the next 20 years? Generally they tend to wait for someone else to come forward with an accusation and then make a similar accusation. I'd expect a few more to come out of the woodwork in coming days. Following the scent of money like a bear to honey. Often it's ex partners who claim that even though they slept with X,Y or Z for 6 months, they later felt violated and hence it was non consensual. Same with Spacey, they all wanted a piece of the pie. He was later found not guilty. Some of them don't even bother going to the police, they go to journalists instead. Cutting out the middle man, so to speak. It's a mad world to think that someone you slept with 20 years ago could turn up today and accuse you of rape. But that's the world we live in.
  5. From your link. Luke Pollard, a Plymouth MP, had suggested that the show should be cancelled. He posted on X (formerly Twitter): “On Russell Brand’s gig in #Plymouth on Friday: in any other job after serious allegations of rape and sexual assault where the alleged perpetrator still has access to women, they would be suspended pending investigation. This is the equivalent of cancelling or postponing shows.” He's a Labour MP, obviously.
  6. Oh dear. Someone has upset Antifa. Let the cancellation begin. ???? #believeallwomen
  7. Why? Because the left love a bit of cancel culture when it takes out someone they disagree with. I would have thought that was obvious ????. You glee is seeping through your posts. I think I'm going to have to wipe my screen down.
  8. You think he's guilty huh? Like Spacey was? Oh wait a minute...
  9. I see. Cancellation has begun and he hasn't even had a chance to defend himself yet. You must be delighted.
  10. Nothing will come of this. It will be a case of "he said she said" since I believe in these cases Brand was in a relationship with the women so any physical evidence that remains after a decade or two can be explained away as consensual. It will certainly keep him busy though. And maybe he will re-consider whether he wishes to keep unearthing the issues he has been unearthing. Isn't that the whole point?
  11. Yes I am starting to think this might be aimed at powerful figures who have been sending ill gotten gains overseas since 2014 and now wish to start bringing it back now their time at the trough has been limited.
  12. 2003. Only 20 years ago then. Presumably the alleged victim has a busy diary.
  13. The accusations against Brand stem from as long as 18 years ago. A few women have come out of the woodwork at the same time after all these years. A co-ordinated attack which he has strongly denied and stood tall, much like Dan Wooton did. I am not too sure of Brand's politics in terms of being left or right (seems like a lovey lefty to me) but I know he talks a lot about controversial issues like vaccines. I have seen absolutely no evidence to support the accusations. Edwards accusations were far more recent and as soon as they surfaced he played the mental health card, made no denial and swiftly disappeared to a mental health facility. The BBC confirmed it had seen the messages between the two. There has still been no denial fro, him and his wife basically admitted it. To me, that implies there is truth to them. I am not too sure of his politics, but as a BBC presenter I'd assume he's a lefty Remainer who pretends to be impartial but I never really looked into it. We should wait for the evidence to emerge for both, but the nature of the attack on Brand appears well co-ordinated, random and viscous whereas with Edwards it seems like a concerned relative of the alleged victim. The time it took for Brand's victims to come forward (all at the same time) is also HIGHLY suspicious to me. Seems like a way to stain his character and shut him up as he has clearly gone after some powerful entities. Nobody needs to shut up Edwards, because he is basically a puppet who reads from a teleprompter provided by his mainstream, establishment masters in exchange for cash extorted from the general public. Hope that clears things up.
  14. I don't agree with everything he says, but I'd say he's right about 90% of the time. A very intelligent individual. I loved the way he owned Cathy Newman here.. Hilarious. Seriously - watch it.
  15. "Liberal" Americans hate Britain. They loved seeing the EU lording over us. They can't stand the fact we ditched the technocrats, became independent again and are doing fine without them. It boils their blood. ????
  16. Of course not.???? The CPTPP is essentially a trade agreement, not a corrupt federalist project. Had the EU not massively over-reached politically and instead remained a common market we'd still be in it.
  17. Every country that sells to the EU follows their standards. We have to follow China's standards when we sell to China. Doesn't mean I want to be ruled by Xi.
  18. The UK bans more than a few carcinogens and poisons from food. They now decide for themselves instead of being dictated to by EU technocrats.
  19. The EU allows carcinogens in food. Every country decides which carcinogens they allow and which ones they ban. Well, except EU countries of course.
  20. Germany is not relevant during a Brexit topic? You do realize Germany is the largest EU economy? You do realize Brexit has hugely impacted German exports to the UK?
  21. All countries have carcinogens in their food. Including EU countries. It's an inane point. Barely worthy of a response.
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