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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I am happy to discuss his actual behaviour. Show me some evidence of what he's actually done and we can discuss it. Or do you mean you want to discuss the unproven allegations? Don't get me wrong, I dislike Brand. However, my position is that everyone should be innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, even people who I think are a complete nob.
  2. Ummm, no. What I am saying is that if Jordan Peterson punched me in the face it would be a bigger story than if you punched me in the face. Why? Because Peterson is a well know individual with controversial views so his opponents would be all over it. Whereas you are ummm, let's be polite and say less well known.
  3. Pointing out that Pakistani grooming gangs are Pakistani is not racist. It's factual. The last thing we need is the police allowing young girls to be abused because they don't want to upset minorities. Again. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2526896/Revealed-Catalogue-police-failures-let-Rochdale-sex-grooming-gangs-flourish-claims-damning-police-report.html
  4. The "leading" economy? What does that mean? The biggest? Because even if we had become the biggest, the EU is a Franco German led organization which would never let the British be a dominant force. They very much wanted to put the British "in their place". Clearly their massive over-reach has backfired as the Eurozone looks set to sink into recession without us. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jun/08/eurozone-sinks-into-recession-as-cost-of-living-crisis-takes-toll Nah, we're better off out. Next up, adios to the ECHR. See ya... ????
  5. Oh it was you was it? Strange that you would ask for evidence then play the "that's off topic" card when I provide it. Here's a pro tip, if you don't want something, don't request it. Back on to Brand, I would disagree that this has nothing to do with left and right. I believe that the way some people have gone after him is due to his views and his politics. That's why it's such big news. I mean nobody is even mentioning the ex-BBC guy who recently admitted to raping and killing 40 dogs, let alone multiple threads on it. Brand is a big name because of his views.
  6. No. I am well aware of UK Asians being racist. Labour MP Rupa Huq demonstrated it very well. https://news.sky.com/story/labour-mp-rupa-huq-accused-of-making-racist-comments-about-chancellor-kwasi-kwarteng-12706333 I am just curious how Suella Braverman is being racist. It is illegal immigration she is against, I've never heard her mention the race of the immigrants being a factor. If you have, feel free to share.
  7. A previous poster requested evidence of Biden groping kids. Besides, it is interesting to see how different posters react differently when it's "their guy" doing it.
  8. I've get that and I have never done more than 10 days, but I think it depends on your setup. If you're stuck in the middle of the village, surrounded by locals and dogs etc. then I would agree. But if you have your own land, some hobbies etc. I think it is different. When I'm walking the dog around my track listening to a podcast on YouTube, I could really be anywhere. Plus there are a few restaurants with air con, selling foreign style food like steak and chips, ice cream etc. within 15 minutes drive so I never really feel too "Thaied" up.
  9. I don't think the woman behind the child is the mother, but she clearly recognizes that Biden is being extremely inappropriate, it's written all over her face. The poor girl looks like she wants the ground to open up and swallow her. Chilling...
  10. Exactly. And such extreme right wing governments where what I was referring to when I spoke of a backlash (and when I say extreme right wing I mean EXTREME right wing, not just slightly to the right of centre that the left often like to label "far right" and "fascist").
  11. Un-necessary from Vivek (but quite possibly true). I mean if a black guy came to me and swore blind he was ethnic Chinese, I would probably think he wasn't quite right in the head. Or a 50 year old bloke who said he is actually a cat or a 10 year old girl or whatever, it seems perfectly logical to presume they have some kind of mental health issue. That's not to say I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who think they are the opposite sex and I would never criticize them for it, any more than I would criticize someone with bi-polar or autism. It must be a nightmare for them. I just happen to believe it is rooted in mental health. In fact, I genuinely cannot think of another explanation other than some kind of re-incarnation gone wrong, but I'm not 100% convinced of re-incarnation either. The fact that sometimes they transition and then later decide they were wrong to transition and they are actually their biological sex leads me further to believe it's a mental health issue. If it wasn't how could they ever regret the transition?
  12. Since you asked. Take a look at her face as he touches her and tries to kiss her.
  13. Oh yeah, they're doing great ???? https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/euro-zone-economy-likely-contracted-this-quarter-pmi-2023-09-22/
  14. Maybe re-read my post, it seems you got the wrong end of the stick. I was talking about people in our home countries who are seeing their kids denied opportunities to go to University because of "positive" discrimination, seeing their ex-servicemen living on the streets while illegal immigrants are put up in 4 star hotels etc. I have no issue with the way farangs are treated in LOS. Actually, I wish we treated foreigners in our home countries the same way i.e. no visa go straight to the IDC and then get deported - but unfortunately the #bekind lefties would be up in arms about it.
  15. I have land in Issan and plan to spend more time there when I retire from my job in BKK. But it's not in my girlfriend's town of birth, I didn't want to be near her family. Reasons? I like having seasons. It gets pretty cold there in December/January. You can do what you want pretty much. No police hassles etc. No complaints from people when I ride my motorcross bikes on my track. No ripoffs from people thinking you're a tourist. I love Issan food. It's very cheap to hire workers, gardeners etc. I enjoy mucking around on the land, driving the tractor, planting trees etc. Very easy to grow stuff. We have mango, bananas, guava, coconuts, lemon, lime, jack fruit etc. It's generally pretty quiet, the odd dog barking or truck or Dek Waan or whatever but mainly just hear birds, wildlife etc. No traffic jams. No creepy weirdo farangs like I have to avoid in BKK. I like to be in the countryside, especially after commuting to work in BKK all week. It's not perfect, but where is?
  16. I guess you mean the sixth commandment. Either way, I never had you down as a fervent Christian ???? But since you are, I am sure you are aware of Matthew 5:38.
  17. If there is no doubt about guilt and sanity, I have no reason to disagree with this. I'd also have it for killers of children.
  18. Come on Chomper. Suspended. That is not cancelled. Even if they sacked him, that is not being cancelled. Being cancelled is when you are prevented from making a living elsewhere. For example if GBNews started a co-ordinated campaign to remove him from YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter etc. If GBNews called for any shows he was in to be boycotted. If GBNews demanded events he was working in to be shut down by protestors. Stop gaslighting. Suspending an employee for inappropriate conduct is not being cancelled. But you knew that already...
  19. Why are you repeating this falsehood? They condemned his comments. They haven't "cancelled" him. Stop with this disinformation.
  20. Did you get that from one of your fridge magnets? ???? It has been noted that once again you don't have any salient points to counter my own...
  21. Disingenuous. Again. GBNews didn't "cancel" Fox. They simply condemned his comments. Correctly so, they were stupid. That is not cancellation. If they contacted other media companies like YouTube, Twitter etc. and demanded they ban Fox in order to prevent him earning a living, that would be cancellation. If they sent a GB News mob to his next public appearance to stop him getting on stage and demanding the show was stopped, that would be cancellation. But you already knew that...
  22. Indeed. GB News does promote free speech. Somehow I'm not surprised at your pearl clutching at Fox's immature, unfunny joke. Maybe you could start a campaign to cancel him? Or better still, get GB News off the air? https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/09/27/the-real-reason-they-hate-gb-news/
  23. More doomsday predictions for the UK.???? Be prepared for a small, largely unreported follow up article in a year or so where growth exceeded expectations and forecasts have been revised. But not until the bitter Rejoiners have regurgitated all the old lies and cliches for pages and pages, such as the UK not returning to pre pandemic levels (another doomsday story later proved to be a lie). https://www.standard.co.uk/business/uk-economy-gdp-covid-pandemic-rebound-ons-figures-statistics-growth-recession-decline-b1104209.html Back in reality, it is the Eurozone that is struggling. https://www.ft.com/content/148adc6b-98f3-4655-a92b-913a232c9eef https://www.cnbc.com/2023/09/19/recession-hit-germany-is-facing-a-flurry-of-global-headwinds-goldman-sachs.html
  24. There is nothing racist, isolationist or insular about controlling/protecting your borders and respecting your own culture. I would support all countries doing it, not just the UK. Given her parents are of Indian descent who immigrated from Kenya and Mauritius, which race do you think she's against specifically?
  25. Indeed. Can you imagine if the hospital charged more for treatment based on the race/nationality of the patient and when sued, they were backed up by the courts and the government as happened in Thailand. It's deeply ironic that western countries are the most diverse, fair and accepting countries in the world while also being labelled as the most racist and xenophobic. We even "positively" discriminate against our own people for things like jobs and university places but it's never enough. I fear a massive backlash if this overreach is allowed to continue.
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