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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It sets a precedent and discourages future attempts. It may even save lives by discouraging others to take such a risk at such expense if they think there is a likelihood of being returned. What would you prefer? A free council house in Islington and a knighthood for Yvette Cooper ? That's sure to deter any future attempts...
  2. Good to see you still have a sense of humour. There's hope yet! ????
  3. You're right. He isn't really sorry at all, nor should he be. When you have the audactity to mock the traditions of another country that you clearly don't understand, your ignorance and bigotry deserves to be ridiculed - so no sympathy for Markle on this one. Nice one Jezza. ????
  4. Yes I realize it is an exchange scheme. No problem with that - Illegal immigration should be stopped no matter where it occurs. It is a scourge on society, causing problems and hardship for nearly everyone involved, including the illegal immigrants themselves. Ignoring it just encourages people smuggling gangs to profit from the misery and desperation of others.
  5. Terrible news. Let's hope they rescue as many of the missing people as possible. PS some very tasteless comments on this thread. Laughing at something so tragic - shameful.
  6. Great news. It's a shame that the Labour party wasted so much taxpayers money by opposing something that was so obviously lawful, I can only breathe a sigh of relief that they are incapable of winning elections. Let's hope the deportations are swift. There has been enough money wasted on this nonsense already.
  7. Good. I hopefully this sadistic abuser never sees the light of day again. A truly vile creature.
  8. I thought his comments were pretty funny. Obviously said in jest for a bit of a laugh. Certainly made me chuckle. It's no surprise that the pearl clutchers have come out in force to wring their hands at the horror of it all. ????
  9. These gangs are certainly quite creative in their money laundering schemes. Certainly more original than buying a gogo bar in Pattaya. I hope Chuwit has some good protection.
  10. Of course not ????. It's possible to separate someone's success in business and their other attributes. However, we were discussing his business acumen, not his altruism, loyalty, warmth or humour. I would have thought that was pretty obvious but I guess it needs spelling out to those with a certain level of intellect or indeed those intent on creating a false narrative ????. Nice try though. 8/10.
  11. To get people onto his platform. Clicks make money. Obvious isn't it?
  12. Well, I voted in the Twitter poll, but I'd really call that offering my opinion rather than advising. It's really great over on Twitter now that it's no longer a ultra censorious Left Wing echo chamber. Obviously that doesn't please everyone, as this thread proves.
  13. Continue to talk down his achievements if it makes you feel happier. His record in business is there for all to see.
  14. No, I don't think he does everything right all the time, that is a straw man. But if you look at his record of building businesses and making money, even the haters would have to accept he has been very successful. Of course people make mistakes, even very successful businessmen - but if you look at his track record over mutliple decades he gets more right than he gets wrong. Hence, I don't believe Aseannow members have a lot to offer him in terms of business advice. Personally I think he is a narcissist and possibly has some other mental health issues. I'd hate to work for him. But his success is undeniable.
  15. After building the company up from pretty much nothing and selling the shares for 175 Million a couple of years later. Not a bad little venture.
  16. A contentious viewpoint. He's certainly not one for pearl clutching and hand wringing.
  17. He doesn't strike me as the type to lose too much sleep over that.
  18. The suitcases of cash that were found are in the future? Fascinating. As for the EU crumbling, it's called a prediction. Predictions involve future events.
  19. An amusing PR stunt to attract all his haters onto the platform to vote, and it seems they fell for it ????. No flies on Elon.
  20. What a brilliant game. Really happy to see Messi get the win his career deserved, and it was double sweet having seen Macron in the stands cheering on France ????.
  21. Suitcases full of cash lol. ???? Anyone with any knowledge of the undemocratic cabal that is the EU knows about the corruption, it's been designed that way. But even a Eurosceptic like me thought they might be a bit more sophisticated than suitcases of cash and a murky figure known as The Giant. ???? https://www.smh.com.au/world/europe/suitcases-of-cash-mps-arrested-and-the-giant-the-bribery-scandal-that-has-shaken-the-eu-20221215-p5c6ha.html The whole thing is hilarious. Thank goodness we got out before the house of cards crumbles (and make no mistake, the house of cards is assembled from a trick deck).
  22. Define "these dogs". That's the problem. The dog in the OP is clearly a cross breed. A test would be required to confirm the precise heritage but as i said before it looks like a Mastiff Bulldog cross. Certainly not an American Pitbull Terrier (and I know, I have owned them as well as Staffordshire Bull Terriers and have studied the breeds in some depth). Banning the breed is ridiculous. It's like banning black people due proportionally higher crime rates and then finding yourself in a conversation with Thomas Sowell and trying to explain why "his type" should be banned.
  23. Well done European law enforcement (which includes UK law enforcement since the UK is also in Europe).
  24. I certainly hope so. The less fortunate, remaining countries that are still members of the EU certainly deserve better than this. Fortunately, it seems people are starting to confess now. The house of cards is starting to fall. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eva-kailis-partner-confesses-role-european-parliament-corruption-case-sources-2022-12-15/
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