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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Scottish_independence_referendum
  2. Oh dear oh dear. Nicola won't be happy. ???? The correct ruling though. They already voted to stay. No need to re-run it every 5 minutes until she gets the result she wants.
  3. Great performance by England. A very entertaining game (after the long delay for the goalkeeper's injury). Great goals. If they drop Maguire before they face any decent opposition with pace up front then they could do well in the tournament.
  4. This is just the start. Expect the excuses and justifications to change multiple times as more and more of this sordid tale becomes public. What a family...
  5. The problem is that The Left define hate speech as any opinion that they disagree with. Then try to ban it on that basis (while simultaneously hating on the likes of Donald Trump, Elon Musk etc.). ????
  6. Why didn't they nab him during his 90 day report? Oh, wait a minute...
  7. Nothing sneaky about it. It's a rumour. I presented it as a rumour, not a fact. I even posted the source of the rumour. People can make their own minds up. They don't need you to censor what they can and cannot read.
  8. Please stay on topic. This thread is not about Trump. I never claimed her bad behaviour disqualifies her from office. You just made that up.
  9. Qatar were awful. Would have been 3-0 had VAR not ruled out a perfectly good goal after 3 minutes that would have been the fastest opener in World Cup history. Ecuador look a decent side though.
  10. It's all over Twitter. Yes it is only a rumour at this stage. I am not presenting it as fact. Are we not allowed to say what we've heard? I'm not saying I know it to be 100% true. I am sure forum members are capable of deciding that for themselves, we'll know for sure within a few weeks. The forum is full of rumours and speculation, as long as it is made clear that it is a rumour and not presented as a fact then I do not see any issue. if the forum was restricted to provable facts it would not be a forum, it would be an Encyclopedia. If this is true (and I repeat - it may or may not be) then Pelosi may in hindsight consider her timing of standing down to be politically expedient.
  11. Who is the world's biggest political baby? And when did I give them a pass? Links or a retraction please.
  12. I was thinking 15 years would have been more appropriate. She was a nasty bully, conning millions of dollars from well meaning investors and putting patients lives at risk with inaccurate diagnosis. Her strategic pregnancies were also distasteful. One before the trial, one before sentencing. Now her strategy for clemency has failed so those children will spend the first 10 years of their lives talking to their mother in a prison meeting room. What a character. Bill Clinton couldn't have been more wrong with his assessment of her. "Don't worry about the future. We're in safe hands" he said of her.
  13. Good move Elon. Freedom of speech must prevail above the silencing and cancel culture of the left.
  14. Pelosi was an awful leader of the house. Her childish behaviour was an embarrassment for US politics, dramatically ripping up Trump's speech like a spoilt teenager was a good example of her poor judgement. Extremely unprofessional. Hopefully her replacement conducts themselves with more grace. Having said that, I wish her a happy retirement. I'm hearing the camera footage of the attack on her husband may be released shortly, so stepping back from the limelight now might just be great timing if the rumours are true about it not matching the official narrative.
  15. Your boy Prayut set the tone. Why should the people solve problems with peaceful conversation when the likes of P steals the country with tanks and guns? What an example to set. Shameful. As is your support.
  16. His surname is quite appropriate. His monologue was quite a stretch. I wonder if rants like this will become the new justification for abuses around the world. "Don't criticize us for having slaves because the West had them a few centuries ago". They seem to conveniently forget the contribution the West made to ending slavery, to advancing technology, medicine etc. Still, all these mental gymnastics are quite amusing. Champagne socialists Neville and Lineker justifying earning huge salaries for going there and covering the tournament, Southgate continuing to virtue signal meaninglessly. It's quite the show.
  17. Should have fought on "Thai Fight". Channel 3? Didn't watch for a while. Thai TV, Thai audience, Thai matchmakers, Thai judge. Thai always win. Thai so strong. Let's see how they do at the Olympics.
  18. Biden and Harris????? If this is the best the US has to offer, with Von Der Leyen leading the European federalist project, the West has huge problems. The East shall rise.
  19. As long as your phone is charged up and has a 4g/5g sim card, why would a power cut affect it? But I'm with you on preferring cash, especially given that some of my spending wouldn't look too good on my monthly credit card statement.
  20. I believe so. That's why it's fun to speculate. Aren't forums great!
  21. Actually, the topic is Trump running in the 2024 election. Therefore, the 2024 election is also part of the thread. Trump is not the only one running in that. I know you'd like every post on this forum to be restricted to "Orange Man bad" and removed if it does not conform to that rule, but unfortunately that's not the way things work. Hope that clears things up...
  22. I guess he could be the lesser of two evils now that he's been neutered. I just wish he'd stop embarrassing himself (and the country) on the national stage. Maybe he could just stop talking, that seems like a fair compromise.
  23. I wasn't talking about Trump. I know you can't get him out of your head, but do try to at least read the posts before posting. Good lad.
  24. No doubt Biden will be out soon to rebadge this result as a tremendous victory for the Dems. ???? On a more serious note, anything that can put the reigns on Biden's disastrous stint as President must be a good thing for the country. Hopefully he will do the decent thing now and step down.
  25. It's also a pity humility cannot be bottled for those who cannot accept when they are wrong.
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