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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Like most things "MEghan", it is a combination of lies, manipulation and narcissism. Unfortunately Harry is too stupid to see it. Not unlike the Harry Enfield character "Nice but dim Tim". Charles needs to step up and do something or the country will lose respect for him.
  2. Well done Brittney. Through your stupidity and entitled behaviour you have led to a notorious arms dealer being released. As for the US, maybe they need some new negotiators. They've just traded in their brand new Ferrari for an old Ford Granada. The Russians must be laughing their arzez off.
  3. They can feel guilty if they like. Sometimes even the victims of crime can feel guilt. Presumably if you met someone like that you'd tell them that if they feel guilty, they must BE guilty? I'm sure they'd appreciate that... It's still off topic though.
  4. Sub par performance for starters. Ethically, supporting the CCP is sub par behaviour as well.
  5. Performance wise they are sub par. Tesla Model 3 0-60 3.1 seconds. Good Cat Ora around 9 seconds.
  6. Ah, glad to see we are back on topic. Well done... Diana got in a car with her drunk driver and didn't even wear a seatbelt. Harry blaming the Paparazzi is I guess understandable (he's not too bright and loves a pity play), but entirely incorrect. She could have told the driver to slow down, or put her seat belt on, or both. There was no need for her driver to risk a crash by speeding at twice the legal speed limit (while drunk) to avoid having her picture taken.
  7. My post was about Harry blaming others for Diana's death instead of Diana herself. Nothing about the guilt the Paparazzi may or may not feel. Like I said, stay on topic please.
  8. Who cares? The thread is about Harry and Meghan. Stay on topic please.
  9. I sometimes enjoy an early morning beer. Normally on Sundays when the boxing from the US is on, the Saturday night show in the US tends to start about 8am here in Thailand so I might go to the pub early and have a few beers and some food. Then, when people like the OP are out drinking in the evening I'll be sobered up and doing something else, waking up fresh the next day without a hangover. I suggest the OP minds his own business and leaves people to live their lives as they see fit.
  10. When you have 2 sides to a story, I prefer to look at the evidence. There is no evidence of toxicity towards the couple and plenty of evidence of good will. The fact that Meghan is a PROVEN liar (look at the provable lies like getting married 2 days before the real wedding that she spouted in her Oprah interview) makes me very skeptical of her claims. She has a history of lying and falling out with her family. I believe the toxicity that she claims she experienced was simply people reacting to her terrible behaviour, bullying staff, making unreasonable demands etc. The institution is not perfect, but I do not believe it is structurally racist. That's just Meghan playing the race card when she couldn't get her own way 100% of the time. Good riddance to the pair of them. It is they who are toxic.
  11. Frankly, I am skeptical about the level of detail in the story. How do we know he attacked him as he tried to crawl away? It's unlikely the homeowner claimed this, so was it the victim or the victim's family? The victim would be claiming he didn't deserve the beating and the family clearly want justice (or more likely money) so I would be skeptical of both of their stories. If true, yes I believe that level of violence is not necessary and OTT. However it is unproven. What we do know is that the "victim" was on the guy's property, stealing his possessions and possibly not for the first time. If you do that, you have to accept a certain level of risk of being caught. He would have known the risk and still chose to do it, then refused medical treatment afterwards. It's certainly regrettable that he died, but in this case it seems to be an example of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes". He could just as easily have been shot, stabbed or killed by a pack of dogs during the theft. Had he stayed in hospital, no doubt he would still be with us today, planning his next theft.
  12. So where do you see the toxicity? I didn't see any ill feeling towards them until they started acting like entitled brats.
  13. Medical teams were on the scene within minutes. If untrained, the paparazzi trying to apply medical assistance could have made things worse. Taking pictures after the crash while extremely distasteful, did not lead to her death. Diana and her driver's own poor decisions caused her death.
  14. You predicted Spain would await them in the Semis. I see you really know your stuff. ????
  15. "There's a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in Millets". Half Man Half Biscuit. National Shi1te day. 2008.
  16. Thought he was only staying for 6 months? What happened to that? He wasn't telling porkies, was he?
  17. Won't get past Spain eh? I see your predictions are really worth listening to. Got any more insights for us?
  18. Loads already on the streets of Bangkok. They are the latest fashion it seems. I suspect they will be overpriced by huge import taxes, to allow sub par Chinese models to sell. Got to look after the new bosses.
  19. Diana was killed by a drunk driver, and the fact that she chose not to wear a seat belt while being driven at high speed by said drunk driver. Her own poor decisions lead to her death. As for a toxic environment, does this look toxic to you?
  20. Because he was on his property, stealing his stuff. Here's an idea if you don't want to get beaten up. Don't steal from others. If it's not yours, don't take it. He only died weeks later because he refused medical treatment. So not only was he a thief, but he was also incredibly stupid. Hopefully Thailand doesn't go the way of the west where the thief gets off scott free and the guy defending his property goes to jail.
  21. I'm sure if you had a heart attack and there were no nurses on the ward to treat you, you'd be far more concerned about the suppression of worker's rights than your own right to medical care that you had paid for via compulsory taxation.
  22. Jealousy is a terrible affliction. May I suggest focusing on improving yourself and those you love instead of trying to bring down those which you don't know but envy?
  23. So essentially, it's racist if you say it is. The facts don't matter, even if they come in the form of documented audio and video. Thanks for confirming. You'll have to excuse me when I ignore all future accusations of racism from you.
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