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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. So Harry uses the P word and dresses like a Nazi and he's NOT a racist. Lady Hussey asks someone with an African name wearing African tribal wear where she is from and she IS a racist. Got it... ???? The magical mystery world of Woke. ????
  2. I am seeing Marlene (or Ngozi as she pretends to be called) is catching a lot of heat from the Black community as well now. Given that she is from Barbados a lot of people don't like the fact she was dressed in African tribal gear. Cultural appropriation. Disowning her caribbean identity etc. It still makes me laugh she used a fake African name and 'proudly' dressed like someone from an African tribe (depsite being from the Caribbean), then got upset when someone thought she might originate from Africa ????. Still, she got what she wanted (destroying the career of a priviliged white woman) [insert golf clap].
  3. There is evidence of racism on the video I posted. You agreed and said he was a product of his environment. So please clarify which environment you were referring to. His school? The Army?
  4. Maybe you should have been more specific? Or are we talking in riddles now?
  5. So you think his environment was racist? Slandering with zero evidence again. Not good, not good at all.
  6. Unfortunately I think you are right. The palace knew she wasn't a racist but defending her would have been playing into the hands of the Wokerati. More 'evidence' about the 'racist" Royals. Meghan and Harry would have had material for a whole new Netflix series. So as sad as it is, she had to go. No doubt the #bekind lefists are rubbing their hands with glee having ended and tarnished the 60 year career of this 83 year old lady. Very sad. Hopefully there will be a thorough investigation into the alleged 163,000 pounds of largely undocumented expenses used by Marlene's charity. I sincerely hope Charles and Camila do not meet this woman. They'll be tripping over themselves not to say something that could somehow be construed as racist, sexist, ageist, cultural appropriation, patronizing etc. No matter how kind/gracious they were, she would no doubt find a way to twist it into a negative connotation. These people with an agenda always do.
  7. I'd imagine Walker will be marking Mbappe. Maguire will take Giroud (depending on who plays). Either way, should be a great game. I've also got France slight favourites but England have an excellent side and Kane is starting to hit form, Bellingham playing well, Foden, Grealish, Saka etc. Looking forward to it.
  8. So you are laughing at my assertion that there are no other racists in the family, but not claiming that there are? Yep, makes perfect sense. May i remind you of your post (below). I repeat, there is zero evidence of racism in the royal family for any member other than Harry himself. The same Harry that makes all the accusations of racism against the family. And people wonder why he is not taken seriously. He's a joke. A disgrace.
  9. Him and his wife were treated fantastically until they started acting like spoilt brats. Multi million pound wedding surrounded by adoring fans. Yeah, what terrible treatment. Everyone knew about Meghan's race that day, they didn't know her true character. Once the couple's behaviour deteriorated, the adoration of the public stopped. Nobody to blame but themselves.
  10. Any evidence to the contrary? Or are you just trying to slander people without a shred of evidence?
  11. Well he is certainly a racist sinner, as my video proves. Any evidence against any other members of the Royal Family? No, didn't think so. Just another fabrication from the only racist in the family and his deluded D-list actress wife. Dirty game? It certainly is, but not by the Royal Family. Destroying your family's reputation for a few tainted coins and a bit of attention to feed the wife's narcissism. Harry is a disgrace. The Royal family is far better off without this bitter, spiteful racist.
  12. England played well. France will be a tougher test though... Mbappe vs Maguire. Not really looking forward to that match up should it be allowed to occur.
  13. Do you think dressing as a Nazi for fancy dress is honourable, as a member of the British Royal family? How about calling his Asian army colleague his "little P**i friend"? (using the first 4 letters of the country Pakistan). Publicly trashing your Father and Grandmother with fabricated stories? He's a disgrace. The only Royal where there is a shred of evidence of Racism is Harry himself. He needs to be stripped of his titles ASAP.
  14. Good news for the oppressed Chinese people. Let's hope they don't open the borders too soon though.
  15. Poor little rich kid. Daddy cut off his pocket money at the age of 38 and now he only has the millions he received from the death of his mother. He can't possible live on that, so now he resorts to trashing his own family for millions of dollars. What a piece of work. I have one episode of Stranger Things to watch and then I'm cancelling Netflix the day the first episode airs. I refuse to contribute to someone profiting from lies and half truths. Hopefully many others do the same. I won't even get started on his wife. It's time King Charles stripped these charlatans of their titles.
  16. So if I say you look great today and you find it offensive, then I was being offensive? Get a grip of yourself. Seriously, have a sit down for 5 minutes. I'm starting to think this is a troll account.
  17. Ok. I'm going to dress in a full England Rugby kit, call myself Dave Smith and drink pints of English ale while representing a charity for British soldiers in Bangkok. If an 83 year old Thai lady assumes I have British heritage and asks where I am from originally I will call them a racist and demand they resign their position immediately. God help her if she calls me a farang. Seriously, you must twist yourself in knots living here as a Caucasian. ????
  18. He is a nationalist. Not a racist. Please educate yourself on the difference. Plenty of Scottish nationalists on the forum you can check with.
  19. Wrong. She is British. But she was dressed in African garb, using an African name and representing a charity for African women. It is perfectly legitimate to ask about her heritage. It was a setup. Hence wearing the wire and the previous posts about the Royal Family. I understand that Lefty Americans don't like our royal family but this campaign is bordering on the ridiculous.
  20. Well I am REALLY British so that's what I would tell them. If my ancestors were REALLY from Africa, Asia or whatever I would tell them. Honest question. Honest answer. Nothing to be ashamed of. No need to start race baiting with an OAP who is trying to start a conversation while mingling at an event. It was clearly a setup, hence the hidden wire. She might regret it if the rumours surrounding the charity are true (not saying they are, just rumours at this stage).
  21. I have Irish blood on my fathers side. If I turned up in London at a charity event for Irish soldiers, dressed like a leprechaun and claiming my name was Paddy Mcmurphy I would totally expect a resignation from anyone who assumed I had Irish heritage. And I'd wear a mic, just in case.
  22. Real name Marlene Headley. So she adopts an Aftican name, wears African clothing incorporating the flag then screams RACIST when someone presumes she might have African heritage. Rumours on social media that investigations into her charity finances might not end well. Let's wait and see on that one. Either way she has royally screwed the OAP. Excuse the pun.
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