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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It's got a blue tank and a white lower fairing. One pic is from the top (with the bike facing left) and one from the bottom (with the bike facing right). It would have looked like this before it cartwheeled down the road.
  2. I don't believe he is. My gf always used to shoo me away when she was browsing clothes at the Phuket night market for the same reason. Once she'd agreed the price she'd give me the nod and I'd come back to give my opinion on the piece of clothing she'd chosen before buying it. Same reason, if she was 'mia farang' the price went up. And she was paying so she didn't want me there while negotiating.
  3. Hero to Zero? He got Brexit done, negotiated the country's way through Covid and has just won a no confidence vote meaning he is immune to a leadership challenge for 12 more months. Best of all, the cherry on the icing on the cake is that the main opposition is the Labour Party, consisting of the likes of Dianne Abbot, David Lammy, Angela Rayner and led by Keir Starmer ????. So no matter how bad he looks (and he has looked pretty bad at times), the clowns opposite him always make him look mildly competent by comparison. Hardly Zero. Sitting pretty would be a more accurate description.
  4. Never in doubt. Immune from a leadership challenge for 12 months. The BBC and the haters must be disappointed ????.
  5. Maybe that's because the bars and clubs have already been open for months, using a restaurant licence.
  6. Same here. I used to go out of my way to support the local Mom and Pop style businesses, or the market vendors, street food sellers etc. even when it was less convenient for me. Until they inevitably started trying to rip me off and then I switched to the likes of Tesco where we all customers pay the same price irrespective of race. Same as I used to go to the parks and spend cash there when they used to accept a drivers licence to pay the local rate. Haven't been in years now. They really do shoot themselves in the foot sometimes.
  7. Maybe they could extend the practice. 2 prices for everything at the 711. A can of beer, 40 Baht for Thai and 200 Baht for foreigners. Think of it as a discount for the poor downtrodden locals, even those who arrive in a 7 million Baht Benz. They could even have separate menus/prices at the restaurants with Thai prices in Thai script to hide the scam from tourists. Oh wait a minute they already do that, bless 'em ????.
  8. Looks like a 2006 GSXR 1000 with badly worn tyres. Bikes that age don't tend to have electronic rider aids like ABS or traction control to bail you out of trouble. In this case, most likely a tourist on a poorly maintained rental. Hopefully he's got insurance and isn't too badly injured.
  9. So how come the 'discounted' price always stays the same, but the 'normal' price constantly changes based on government policy, the mood of the cashier etc? It's clearly an arbitrary increase for foreigners, not a discount for locals. You are twisting it to make it sound like the well thought out, fair rules that apply elsewhere instead of the racist, constantly fluctuating, shady practice that it is. In other places, it's based on residency, not ethnicity or nationality. PS aren't you a Scottish Farang?
  10. I didn't know we were still allowed to be exclusively attracted to 'people with wombs' as they are now fondly, and so eloquently referred to. I've never really got the "Gay Pride" thing to be honest. Why would someone be proud of an immutable characteristic? It's like proud of being tall, or having blonde hair, or being White/Asian or whatever. The sooner we think of being gay/bi/straight as a morally neutral fact that is deserving of neither pride nor shame the quicker we can move on to more important issues.
  11. I'd respectfully disagree. 1. They hate foreigners looking down on them. They might seem like they don't care, but actually they just don't know. My ex was horrified when I told her about the reputation of Thai women abroad. She thought they were revered. 2. If this starts turning up on potential tourists Facebook/Twitter feed, it WILL cost them money. I'd argue it already is if you look at the state of tourism (obviously Covid is the main cause it's fallen off the cliff, but Thailand's deteriorating reputation for these things won't be helping matters).
  12. All you can do is boycott places that do it, and very clearly object to it on forums, and social media platforms like FaceBook and Twitter. You know how much Thais hate their bad practices to be publicly exposed for the world to see. Maybe one day they'll be shamed into doing the right thing. Surely that's got to be better than trying to justify it, or pretending it's OK?
  13. Not if you keep up with the mask wearing, the vaping bans, the dual pricing, the ruination of nightlife, the war on fun.
  14. Not at all. I've paid millions of Baht in income tax here for 14 years. I don't expect anything in return from the government (and that's exactly what I get) and I certainly don't expect a red carpet. But it's a little rich to be ripped off for life saving medical treatment because of my race. Or to pay 10x that of a Thai for a national park that my income tax goes towards funding when many of those Thais pay no income tax at all or a fraction of what I pay. Why? Because I am Caucasian. It's wrong. People like you would call it out if our own countries did it to Blacks or Asians. But here you excuse it. That's pretty much the definition of an apologist. The "if you don't like it then go home" argument is weak. Especially when the TAT actively encourage tourists to come here with TV advertising in our home countries, and then rip them off at every opportunity. The "All Thais are poor" argument is also weak. They pay 20 Baht if they drive a Honda Wave or a Bentley. A foreign tourist might have saved all year to bring his family here here, then have to pay 5 or 10 times that of a millionaire local. The fact they hide the prices with Thai script shows they know it's wrong, and so they use underhand tricks to try and disguise it. Defending people who rip you off is a sign of a lack of self respect IMO.
  15. Presumably you'd be fine with the same logic being applied if you needed treatment for cancer? Normal treatment for Thai is 500,000 Baht. But you are charged 2,500,000 Baht because "him farang, him rich". Ludicrous logic. Anyone supporting this is an apologist and an enabler. Simple as...
  16. And disallow them from purchasing land. Fair's fair.
  17. I have a Thai drivers licence, paid income tax here for 14 years. Still pay 5x the rate of a Thai. Why? Because I am Caucasian. Same at a temple in Chiang Mai. Charged 40 Baht while the Thai gf entered free. Why? I am Caucasian. It's a racist policy. Don't be an apologist/enabler for racist policies. Even worse is the hospital treatment. The foreigner gouged for (I believe it was) cancer treatment and the Thai court upheld it. Thailand must be one of the most openly racist coutries in Asia, if not the world. Shame on them, and those who make excuses for them.
  18. Understood . The laughing face you added at the end of the sentence on the original post made me think you were being sarcastic.
  19. Simply pointing out that many party leaders broke the rules. Yet the only one you are concerned with is Johnson. Political bias once again.
  20. That was due to being labeled a domestic and sexual abuser by Amber Heard. Hence the court case. It wasn't for being a drunk. It's been known he drinks and takes drugs for decades.
  21. Of course not. Why would Johnson invite either of those 2 clowns to a party at Downing Street? Can you imagine Sturgeon walking into any party, it would immediately kill the vibe ????. It doesn't need to be the same event to be the same offense.
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