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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. If they were worried about that there wouldn't be any movies made. Reminds me of Ricky Gervais last sentence of his Oscars speech when he told the audience of famous actors to "get drunk, do your drugs, F off". What a legend that bloke is ????
  2. Same offence. Johnson was fined. Sturgeon was not. Political bias. No big deal though. All the pearl clutchers can vote for Labour next time. Led by Starmer. Also caught maskless and drinking during lockdown. Same same.
  3. I certainly wouldn't want to work with her now. I'd be concerned I'd be left alone in a room with her and the next thing is she's claiming I attacked her. Given the public reaction that I've seen on social media, I think any future movies she got would be boycotted by many people anyway. It sounds like Johnny Depp got her the Aquaman role and now there's a petition of over 4 million to edit her out of it. Can't imagine too many producers wanting to take the risk given her limited acting skills and all that baggage.
  4. Yes there is some truth in that. Echo chambers are a strange thing as we saw in 2016. We'll see what happens in 2025 or maybe sooner. BTW Junta generally refers to taking power by force. The conservatives won by a landslide at the polls.
  5. That's the way it should be. Hopefully the votes are respected, we wouldn't want a repeat of Labour and the Lib Dems behaviour after the Brexit vote where they tried their best to over-turn the result. Let's see what happens at the next general election. A week is a long time in politics. I believe the deadline for the next GE is 2025. I'm sure that time will just fly by.
  6. Actually many people I talk to think it's a storm in a teacup and are more concerned about real issues like the cost of living crisis. But if they are that angry they can always vote for Starmer, Rayner, Abbott, Lammy, Nandy etc. at the next election ????.
  7. Also those who continue to support Heard despite her obvious lies and the verdict of the court.
  8. Yet Sturgeon wasn't. Starmer managed to worm his way out of it (so far). Politically biased. Let the voters decide how serious this was.
  9. No. The actions were completely different. Comparing leading a military coup to having a few glasses of wine after work during lockdown doesn't make sense.
  10. Yet Rutte survived wrongly accusing thousands of child welfare fraud. A few glasses of wine. A minor infraction. Let the electorate decide how serious they think it was.
  11. Extreme? It was a few drinks in the office. Against the rules? Sure. But hardly "extreme".
  12. Similar? Stealing power from a democratically elected government via an illegal military coup is not really the same as having drinks at the end of a working day during Lockdown ????.
  13. She should certainly be charged with perjury for the UK trial where she stated under oath that she had donated 7 million to charity, yet when forced into a corner during this trial eventually had to admit (again under oath) that she had only pledged it and never actually donated it. I am in no doubt she committed perjury during this trial as well. But I doubt she will be charged.
  14. Totally agree. What they fail to realize is that Amber Heard's lies are a terrible thing for women who are genuinely domestically/sexually abused by their partner. Because now, people are going to think "Are the accusations true or is she doing an Amber". Real victims will now have to fight harder to be believed, yet some people are championing her. "Believe all women" was always a ridiculous slogan. Being a certain gender/race/religion does not preclude you from lying, as this trial has shown all too clearly. Identity politics raising it's ugly head again. Some of The Guardian's coverage and opinions have been truly shameful. A new low for that rag.
  15. He made mistakes attending these work gatherings where drinks were served, no doubt. But after delivering Brexit, he has a lot of leeway with a lot of voters. Also, when the alternative (Labour) can't even define what a woman is (Starmer), call the opposition "Scum" (Rayner), threaten people with Acid attacks (Webbe) and contain comedy figures like Dianne Abbott, he could probably dance naked at Creamfields with a Covid mask as a loincloth and still get re-elected. Time for the opposition to up their game. If you can't beat Johnson after all of this carry on, you don't deserve to be in power.
  16. Yeah she's gorgeous. Just don't spend too much on the bed linen ????. He's put on a lot of weight during the trial. Must have been a stressful period.
  17. No I'm saying it's no more important than yours or mine. Which makes me wonder why you posted it in the first place - since what some Guardian hack thinks proves nothing.
  18. Actual quotes from named sources pertain to what was happening before this trial. Only The Guardian's hack and a conveniently unnamed 'insider' offered an opinion on what happens now. It's the hack's personal opinion i.e. irrelevant.
  19. The Guardian? ???? Their opinion was also that Amber Heard was an 'imperfect victim'. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/may/22/metoo-is-over-if-we-dont-listen-to-imperfect-victims-like-amber-heard That's an interesting way to describe someone who fabricated a sexual assault to destroy the reputation of an innocent man. Forgive me if I dismiss their ridiculous editorial pieces. Their opinion on Depp's future career and Heard's career as an 'activist' are irrelevant. She'll be lucky to escape perjury charges after lying about donating her divorce settlement to charity.
  20. I would disagree. Prior to this 2022 case Johnny Depp had been labelled a domestic violence abuser. Now, even though his drug and alcohol issues have been exposed during the trial, he has been cleared of the accusation of domestic and sexual violence. I'd rather be known as someone who drinks too much and takes drugs than a wife beater and perpetrator of sexual assault. Depp has experienced huge public support during the trial. Countless friends and ex partners spoke glowingly under oath about his decency as a human being. He had won his reputation back in the court of public opinion long before yesterday's verdict. I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him landing major roles going forward.
  21. Yes I am well aware we are not in the US. This thread is about Thailand and it may have escaped your attention that there are a lot of guns here and people get shot here for very minor reasons. I recall two in the last week. One because some guys turned up in a noisy cement truck and another because a stranger asked someone for a beer. Again, not in the US. In Thailand. You may also be aware that loss of face is no joke here. Forcibly cutting the hair of someone's child in front of their classmates would fall into that bracket so my point is maybe it would be prudent to stop this humiliating practice before a parent having a bad day turns up at the schoolgates and fixes the problem themselves, Thai style.
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