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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. It does seem that Tourists are somewhat exempt from the stupid rule. Maybe I need to get my hair braided and slip on a pair of elephant pants next time I'm out and about in BKK. Seriously though, clearly someone with connections has an interest in manufacturing/selling these useless things. LOS has turned into LOM. Very sad that the decline of Thailand continues unabated.
  2. I'm getting the impression they really haven't thought this through properly.
  3. These are simply toys for the Generals and a mechanism to take some brown envelopes as part of the deal. Hence, weapons are not required. I see them flying over our farm near Korat. Probably got one of their gigs along for the ride. Unfortunately and somewhat predictably, they cannot fly them properly so I am always a bit nervous when they are over the top of our property in case it comes down and explodes into a ball of flames, like this one did in March.
  4. Maybe it's nothing to you. But to other people, the widening wealth gap under your administration has very tangible effects. Real impact on their lives. As for what you were reading on the plane, I would have expected a comic tbh. But maybe anything more complicated than a blank piece of paper would have overloaded your simple mind. In fairness, maybe the photo was taken before he was handed the crayons.
  5. An announcement about a possible announcement. Riveting. Let us know when it's ACTUALLY declared Endemic. Thanks...
  6. How inconvenient. They'll have to continue to be driven to Thong Lor for a drink and a bunk up now. I can just imagine the reaction to this news. "Offices? What do we need offices for?".
  7. Yeah I regret getting the third. It made me really ill. It was much worse than Covid in fact, which I still caught despite having 3 jabs and being compliant on the mask wearing charade.
  8. Untrue. They warned her. They would not warn her if they did not believe she had committed a crime. They would have simply ignored it. Much easier for them. By the way, H is right next to G on that dusty old keyboard of yours. ????
  9. Let's say we're going to act in good faith, then try to annex one part of the UK from the rest of the UK by abusing an agreement that we pretended was there to maintain peace on the island of Ireland. Makes for great future relations.
  10. Sturgeon made the laws in Scotland re Covid rules. She made stricter laws than Johnson in an act of "oneupmanship". She then broke the laws multiple times (maskless at a pub, at the barbers etc.). Your hatred of Johnson is clouding your judgement.
  11. Yeah, because the police in London are super right wing and ultra conservative ????. Taking the knee to marxists and painting police cars with LGBT colours is a well known trait of right wing police forces around the world ????,
  12. There is photographic evidence of it, she admitted to it and apologized, then was formally warned by the police. Not every crime results in a fine you know. Sometimes it's jail time, sometimes community service, sometimes a fine, sometimes police choose to warn instead. Doesn't mean the crime didn't take place. They wouldn't have warned her for a crime if it didn't take place. In this case the police chose to warn instead of fine in this case, so you claim the crime didn't happen ????. That's what called 'lack of logic derived from extreme political bias'.
  13. Agreed. But no doubt you'd be calling for Boris' resignation for the same offence. Or would a fine be sufficient for him as well? As for Sturgeon, she admitted it, apologized, the police 'spoke to her' but she escaped a fine for some reason. Nothing to do with her political leanings I'm sure, we all know how impartial the UK police are ????.
  14. I don't want to excuse Johnson, he was wrong. But I am saying that Sturgeon and Starmer are just as bad. Actually Sturgeon is worse since she always tried to "one up" Johnson with even tighter measures. Starmer was calling for Johnson's resignation while doing the same thing (nobody intelligent buys his silly excuse). The MSM and the left using it to go after Johnson while ignoring the others is laughable.
  15. Deflecting. I see you are also ignoring Sturgeon. Why would she apologise if she didn't break the rules? https://news.stv.tv/politics/first-minister-nicola-sturgeon-apologises-for-not-wearing-face-mask-after-police-remind-her-to-follow-the-law
  16. But it wasn't just 'somebody' was it? It was the people who made the rules, the people who supported those making the rules, the people who pushed for even tighter rules. The same people who made/supported the rules and had access to the real data (not SAGE's ridiculous predictions) chose not to follow those same rules when they thought the cameras were off. Why? Because they knew it wasn't as bad as they were pretending it was. Virtue signalling when it was time for a photo shoot. Maskless, having a cheeky beer or having a laugh at a barbers shop when they thought they could get away with it. Shameful stuff.
  17. He broke the rules. Whether he manages to squirm out of it on a technicality remains to be seen. I notice you don't mention Sturgeon, is she too far to the left to attract your ire? Why did she break the rules? Why would they break the rules if they thought they were necessary? Were they self harmers? On a self destruct mission? Suicidal? No, they knew that having to have a pork pie in order to have a pint in a pub was ridiculous. They knew that arresting people for having a cup of coffee on a park bench was ridiculous. They knew that SAGE's predictions were consistently wrong and their doomsday scenarios would never happen. So as soon as they thought the cameras were off, they dropped the pretense.
  18. If they don't want a trade war, the EU can start acting reasonably. There are a disproportionate number of checks being done on goods going to Northern Ireland as 'punishment' for Brexit. Over 20% of all EU checks are done on goods going to NI from GB. They are deliberately focusing as much energy as possible on this area and trying as hard as possible to detach NI from the UK. Disgraceful behaviour from our 'friends and partners' in the EU. Personally I would scrap the whole agreement, but I will setlle for over-riding key parts of the agreement for now. If that means a trade war, so be it.
  19. It wasn't just Johnson though was it? Starmer, Sturgeon all broke the rules. The focus on Johnson by the likes of the BBC and the hardcore lefties is political. Why would they all risk breaking these life saving, essential rules (when they thought the cameras were off) when they'd seen the data and knew how "lethal" this thing was? Are they simply pre-disposed to taking unnecessary high risk? Suicidal? Or were the risks exaggerated and the lock down measures unnecessarily harsh?
  20. I guess they got tired of being seen entering and leaving the Hiso ThongLor "gentleman's clubs". Now they can appear to be going to work as they drink, sing and hang out with massage girls.
  21. Exactly. They had all the data and decided the rules didn't need to be followed (when they thought the cameras were off). It does indeed make you wonder if the pandemic was as serious as we were told and whether lockdowns actually did more harm than good.
  22. Yes but if the workers are locked down, there is nobody in the factories to manufacture the goods, nobody to operate/maintain the machines, no drivers to deliver them to distributors, ports etc. Shortage of parts from China is a very real thing right now, and not just Auto parts. IT hardware also.
  23. I'm well aware what you are saying. I am saying there is no point for you to keep stating the obvious, since nobody has ever suggested that you won't be allowed to wear one. The topic is about being forced to wear one.
  24. Any teacher caught doing this should have their head shaved in public, then be sacked and banned from teaching for life. The shameful practice would end pretty quickly.
  25. Nobody said you couldn't wear one. Wear a full Hazmat suit with WW2 style gas mask if you like. Just don't impose your personal choice on others. Personally I am over it. I've complied for over 2 years now and I'm sick of the things.
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