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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I said evidence. Not gossip from proven liars.
  2. Ah yes, playing soldiers while racially insulting his colleagues and dressing like a Nazi. Brilliant.
  3. Please provide links proving this.
  4. How so? Please provide links to them being racist. Here's one of Harry calling an asian Army collegaue his "Little P**i friend".
  5. His brother has quality at home. As did his father at his age. Not some washed up B list divorced actress who needs a ton of makeup to look any good.
  6. Because he should show loyalty to his family. Not stitch them up by leaking private conversations at every opportunity. He can't be trusted. Him and his wife and proven liars. He is also a proven racist. He should clean up his own behaviour before trying to bring down his brother and father.
  7. The trouble is, every time he speaks or texts his family he then leaks the exchange in a TV show, interview or documentary in exchange for 30 pieces of silver. At this point, if he was my brother I wouldn't even be answering his calls. He simply can't be trusted to keep the conversation private.
  8. I think it might well turn around. After the last couple of years of lockdowns etc. there will be a lot of Chinese looking to get out of China or at least having a plan B escape route. Now I know they've tightened up controls on moving money out of the country but the Chinese are very good at getting around such rules. Plus Thailand doesn't tend to ask too many questions about where the money came from. Also, a lot of people (myself included) getting nervous about putting too much more into the stock market given the returns over the last year or so. I'm not saying it will rocket, but compared to other options it might be a decent place to park some money until things stabilize.
  9. Be careful what you wish for. I'm not really a royalist but then I look at some of the alternatives and think things could be worse. As long as they behave and shut up about political issues, I'm happy to stick with the British Royal Family.
  10. I'm guessing it would be fine, until you get into a disagreement with one of the villagers and then they'll be calling the cops on you. Now I know it's legal, but this is Thailand so expect different "interpretations" of the law, lots of misunderstandings and a load of hassle if an opportunity to extort a foreigner opens up. I don't know how much land you have, but I'd pick a quiet corner as far away from people as possible and where nobody else goes (maybe hidden by some brush/weeds/grass) if you wish to grow it. That's what I plan to do. My Kratom is out in the open though.
  11. I guess the point would be to stop the Thai health system getting overloaded with Chinese tourists with ineffective vaccines and Thais who have caught Covid from said Chinese tourists. We all know the vaccines don't stop transmission, and I'm not even sure the Chinese vaccines lessen the symptoms. Plus, who knows what strains are currently circulating in China, it's not like the CCP would tell anyone. It is indeed ironic. On the one hand they use it as an instrument of control, and on the other hand they play down the danger in order to bring money into the coffers (for them to pilfer).
  12. What a tool. Imagine complaining about "Only" being second in line to the throne. "Only" having your 30 million pounds mothers inheritance. "Only" getting supported by your father until the age of 38. Spare? Spare me the drivel. Selling your own family down the river for some silver coins. Thank god he wasn't born first. Thank god William has 3 children. I wonder how long Harry can drag this out until he has to do something other than try to destroy the British Royal family for a living. They are quickly becoming the most ridiculed couple on earth. Now that I think about it, maybe they are already.
  13. What a terrible attack, could have been much worse. Thankfully it wasn't. It appears to be a youngster radicalized by Islam. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64146815
  14. I don't think the holidays will cause much of a spike. We random tested a few dozen employees on their return to work today and all were negative. Allowing the Chinese in untested? Yeah, that will do it.
  15. I think with traditional Songkran this would be a good idea. However, with the new version, the wasting of water, the carnage on the roads, dirty water being thrown aggressively, drunken behaviour etc. I don't think it would really work. I suspect it will mostly be banned this year again anyway. Especially if the Chinese cause another wave by releasing their infected on Thailand as expected.
  16. A good move by Canada. Hopefully other countries do the same.
  17. We're not still talking about our women winning Euro 2022 either. Or our men winning the 2022 T20 cricket world cup. It's called being humble in victory. It's a shame the losers can't be gracious in defeat, then we wouldn't still have to listen to them still whining years after the event.
  18. You’re giving yourself way too much credit, that news wasn’t very exciting at all. If you have proof of his guilt, post links.
  19. I don’t need to provide links proving his innocence. If you have links proving his guilt, post them. Yeah, didn’t think so…
  20. Lock WHO up? Provide links to my post asking for a female (whoever you are referring to, I have no idea) to be locked up based on no evidence. Links or a retraction. Chop chop. Good lad.
  21. I thought the law states innocent until proven guilty ? People on the right are guilty until proved innocent? ???? Please provide links proving his guilt.
  22. This silly old man has zero credibility. Zero. A paid stooge.
  23. I wondered how long it would be before these type of allegations were made. That's what happens when you speak truth to power. It was inevitable. Good luck Andrew. Let's hope truth prevails.
  24. Great news for advocates of diversity. Kanye embodies diversity. Viva diversity.
  25. Yes I work here for a multinational that has invested heavily in Thailand, benefitting thousands of local people. We all know the difference between simple economic cooperation between nation states and the broader aims of globalization in terms of cultural diversification and the eradication of borders and nation states.
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