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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. Lots of jobs have negative long term effects. RSI. Lung problems. CTE, Arthritis. PTSD. Some jobs are dangerous, deep sea diving, steel workers, scaffolders, soldiers etc. Your life would be totally different if people were not allowed to do dangerous jobs. Giving a 'special' massage in an air con room on soi 6 is hardly top of the list.
  2. People have been jailed for FB posts, for asking who is Allah (I wasn't aware we now had blasphemy laws in the UK but there you go). The old lady arrested for offering lollipops to police officers while immigrant rioters wrecked her street? Anti immigrant rioters jailed within a week while Pro Palestine rioters not even arrested. BLM rioters seeing police take 'the knee'. There is no reason to respect the police at this point. Or the government.
  3. Maybe, maybe not. You think the guy cleaning the toilets loves his job? The Bangkok bus driver fighting through traffic with no air con breathing in fumes? Of course not, they do it for money same as 99% of working people. Welcome to the real world. It's actually not bad work. Sit around talking with colleagues, work a couple of hours a day and earn 2-3 times the national average wage. Often free accomodation thrown in. The Mary Whitehouse's of the world can complain all they want, it's a job like any other.
  4. Totally agree. They are ignoring/refusing to discuss the underlying problems and simply going after the people who speak out about it. This is not a long term solution. It's not the first time someone like Starmer has taken this approach to freedom to speech.
  5. A particularly weak straw man, even by your standards. 😃
  6. Given Biden's rapidly declining health and the bias in the US legal system, it does seem a bit of a waste of time.
  7. Funny. You were blind to cognitive decline 2 months ago and now you're seeing it where it doesn't exist.😂
  8. In fairness, most of them wear knee length rainbow socks.
  9. Censorship is increasing globally unfortunately. It looks like X/Twitter will be banned by the EU if they don't submit to left wing ideology pronto. Fortunately Russia has far less people being arrested for social media posts than the UK so the Russians can at least be thankful they don't have Starmer in charge.
  10. It's a bit unrealistic to expect Liberals with no sense of humour to understand satire.
  11. Give her a break. Her handlers have told her to keep her asinine opinions to herself.
  12. What does she expect when the police enforce laws differently depending on the race, class and political opinions of the individual? They don't deserve our respect. Far from it.
  13. Trump haters always know what other people "really" think 😃.
  14. Don't worry, middle class liberals are fine. It's working class, conservative, partiotic white men that are public enemy number 1. Which is ironic considering the people Labour used to represent.
  15. I would agree. But that does not mean that disliking women is a form of extremism. Only a fool like Cooper could make such a ridiculous statement.
  16. Indeed. Lots of people laughing at the UK right now. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/joe-rogan-blasts-uk-free-speech-crackdown-by-drawing-comparison-with-soviet-russia-elon-musk-and-british-govt-react-101723221703751.html Labour really is embarrassing the nation on a global scale. No matter what you may think of Rogan (I am sure that will be the line of attack to my post), he has massive reach and his scathing comments on the UK are not only valid, but seen around the world. Labour took a month to be more disliked than the Tories were in 14 years. Worse than even I could have imagined. I hope the American voters are taking note. You could be next under Harris.
  17. Not surprising, given that voicing disapproval gets you 3 years in the gulag.
  18. Wait until they make hating white conservative men a form of extremism. The gulag awaits...
  19. Yes you are god's gift to women I am sure. Let me guess, Thai wife? Issan?
  20. So why mention them specifically? You must find them especially disgusting...
  21. More than a bit racist... What have you got against Indians and Arabs?
  22. Oh dear. So you're a celebrity and more sought after than the likes of Hugh Grant. 😃 And I'm the fantasist. 😂 Good stuff....
  23. Of course they do. You seem to think you are god's gift to women and the only man who can get it for free. Some men can, but can't be bothered. Or maybe they already get it for free and fancy a change? Let them carry on with it. Their lives.
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