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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. The type of person who overlooks the use of Burmese slave labour, rampant prostitution, poverty, huge wealth gaps, incredibly low wages, lack of social care, lack of democracy, rampant nationalism, military coups etc. in a country simply because it happens to be cheap as chips to live there. There was a thread on hear about the mental gymnastics western liberals have to do to justify living in certain Asian countries. You should read it. Now, back to pontificating about your virtue.
  2. It was you that insinuated that he wasn't by implying there would have been no riots if the perp was British. Well, he WAS British so I simply corrected you. I didn't need to be clever to do so. My nieces fiance is black British. Lovely bloke. I don't know why you feel that someone who is black cannot be British. Seems a bit racist to me. I'd love to see you tell him he isn't British by the way, he's a semi pro Rugby player and would probably correct you very quickly.
  3. Exactly the same way that the looting/violence during the BLM riots helped race relations I'd imagine.
  4. They did withhold the details as they often do when the killer is not white British. The reason being that there have been a lot of high profile crimes by immigrants (first/second generation) and they were concerned that releasing the information would go against their false narrative that all immigrants are hard working doctors/nurses who culturally enrich us and the UK could not possibly survive without them gracing us with their presence. Just as Sky News cut the feed when the Muslims appeared in the background threatening the reporter and slashing the tyres of their vehicle. Doesn't fit the narrative. Of course people shouldn't riot. Just as BLM shouldn't riot or the Free Palestine mob shouldn't riot. But when local hard working people see the 2 tier justice system in play, priority given to immigrants over indigenous people who have paid into the system their whole lives it can cause resentment. Absolute nonsense and just a throwaway comment that proves that you have no coherent argument. Being angry about young children being slaughtered is a perfectly reasonable response. Just as supporting much lower levels of immigration until the resources and services (housing/NHS/Schools etc.) are in place to support them is in place is reasonable. The only reason people like you throw around the words racist and far right/meathead etc. is because you do not have a logical reason for huge numbers of often illegal immigrants when the country already has high unemployment, a lack of housing and a massive backlog for NHS treatment. More people adds to that problem, irrespective of their race. Also, when we are importing groups who hate homosexuals, are misogynistic, intolerant of other religions and often antisemitic it can also lead to cultural problems and hate crimes within the UK. Importing people with those values does not lead to harmony.
  5. Actually cannabis is OK (for now). It's the society destroying vapes that land you in jail 😂.
  6. What type of shows do they have at these JAV expos? Asking for a friend...
  7. It's a BYD Atto 3. Send me your details and I will ask her to contact you. Car is currently in Phuket.
  8. Oh will "we" now? 😃 I'll do exactly what I want thanks... Funny how you want to stop focusing on Harris' heritage yet here you are, posting in this thread which is all about Harris' heritage. 😃 Yes, she is free to exploit it just as I am free to comment on her exploiting it. I don't believe the left have starting throwing people in jail for that just yet, although I'm sure they'd like to.
  9. Maybe check out the BLM riots. Plenty of violence there .Police took a knee. The authorities tried to hide the fact it was a son of Rwandan immigrants. They tried to be clever by hiding it and it backfired spectacularly. The killer of the 3 children in Stockport was British. Other examples are of riots following murders by British people are the death of Mark Duggan. Check it out... Yes, your ilk always overlook government atrocities when it suits them. I'm guessing it's very cheap to live where you are going?
  10. So there is no such thing as race, yet Trump is racist. Fascinating.
  11. I don't care what race she is. I wanted Kemi as UK PM. She's black in case you don't know. I just dislike people focusing on a specific part of their heritage in a cynical attempt to gain votes. Especially when the part they focus on changes as needs require. Fortunately, the vast majority of black Americans will see her for what she is. A fraud. White pearl clutching liberals will probably fall for it, they're not the smartest bunch.
  12. Your inability to read is wasting my time again. That's why I said "or in the case of mixed race people like Harris, focus on one part of their heritage in a cynical attempt to gain votes. "
  13. Meanwhile nobody can get a GP appointment and there are massive waiting lists for life saving surgery.
  14. I don't hate either. Just pointing out the lies. Of course. Nobody can change their race. They can only lie about it or in the case of mixed race people like Harris, focus on one part of their heritage in a cynical attempt to gain votes. It was amusing to see her "surprised" by reporters recently as she left a record store with a bag full of albums purchased to enhance her black credentials. So cringe, so staged, I can't believe people fall for this garbage. I thought Democrat voters were surprised to be the intellectual ones? 😃
  15. Good points. The best way to protect the environment is to keep the same car for many years, or buy second hand. The manufacturing process of these new EV's is terrible for the environment. My sister in law is trying to offload her EV due to the inconvenience of charging on long trips, but the prices she has been offered by dealers is woeful and it is only a year old.
  16. Just providing an example of another social chameleon who changes their race like others change their hairstyle. I can see why you wouldn't like the comparison though...
  17. You are fortunate to have such a liberal leader to look up to. Young Brits have Stalin, sorry I mean Starmer.
  18. Well she's not really supporting him now, is she? He is still officially (and scarily) the President, remember? When she isn't copying Trump's policies she is essentially saying Biden's policies have been inadequate and she will fix them.
  19. Maybe check the thread title. If you prefer we discussed astro physics maybe you could start a thread?
  20. I am keen on law and order as long as it is applied equallty across all demographics. Clearly not the case in Starmer's Brave New World. 2 Tier Britain.
  21. So if she is to be believed, they have clearly not been aligned politically or economically. Makes sense really, given the current state of the US.
  22. Oh she's Jamaican this week? https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2019-10-25/how-kamala-harris-indian-family-shaped-her-political-career She switches race faster than Meghan Markle. She'll be blacking up 'Trudeau style' and getting a perm next.
  23. I've heard the Brits are booking up already. They're looking forward to 2 weeks of freedom of speech and some human rights as they escape Starmer's gulag.
  24. So Joe/Kamala have not been aligned all these years? Interesting...
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