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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I didn't say you did. Logged in as the wrong username today Jing? 😆
  2. Strange that Harris didn't mention honesty. For example honesty about the fact she is mostly of Indian heritage. If she thinks that black people cannot see the fact she is playing them then she is in for a big shock.
  3. The black community will spot that Harris is an opportunist. An imposter. They are not as stupid as you think.
  4. Nothing wrong with highlighting Harris's racial fluidity which changes direction like a flag in a tornado depending on her political needs. The Dems continual attempts to downplay her Indian heritage? Now that's real racism.
  5. Interesting that you support male rapists rights to be called she/her and reside in female prisons yet do not respect Mr Robinson's right to be called Mr Robinson. Which suggests you identify more with the former than the latter.
  6. Not when he started the grooming. Not surprised you support him though 🤢
  7. A particularly weak attempt at deflection. The BBC's culture is deeply flawed and runs through several decades. It has a long history of paedophiles and covering up for paedophiles. Edwards is simply the latest sorry episode to disgrace the BBC. It needs to be defunded immediately.
  8. Indeed. I'm surprised they haven't gone and got Philip Schofield to replace him. He is available and has already proved he is in line with the BBC's values regarding covering up inappropriate behaviour with children. He'd be a perfect fit.
  9. What better way to fund mass immigration than letting British pensioners (who have paid into the system for decades) freeze to death? Bravo Sir Keir.
  10. I do hope the kind hearted socialist Macron enjoyed this lavish banquet with royalty.
  11. More Paedos at the BBC. Why break the tradition of a lifetime? I'm sure there are many more yet to be exposed. Saville, Harris, Edwards et al are just the tip of the iceberg. All paid for by money extorted from the British public. The state funded left wing paedo propaganda machine.
  12. She is just copying Trump's policies in an attempt to get elected. If she gets elected her extreme leftist views will return.
  13. Harris is still enjoying the honeymoon period. She hasn't had to speak yet. Once she does the chances of the first DEI hire as president will plummet. America might need to wait a bit for it's first female Indian President.
  14. Calling for jihad and the elimination of Israel is a crime. Indecent exposure is a crime. Getting a short back and sides and waving your national flag is not a crime.
  15. It was obvious what demographic it was by the fact they didn't release any details about the attacker for so long. If it had been Scott Gallagher the England fan from Rochdale they'd have released it and been screaming about the far right within an hour. But no. Hush hush. Let's not let everyone know the latest atrocity caused by the cultural enrichers. Let it seep out slowly once the story has died down. I only wish the liberals had been there to witness the reality. The consequences of their stupid #bekind virtue signalling. Libs, if you need to feel good about yourselves how about volunteering at the dog shelter instead of ruining Britain with your violent intolerant immigrants.
  16. You really need a large beard and a Palestinian flag if you wish to protest on British streets unbothered by the police. Bondage gear with the pride flag also works. A white man with an English/union flag will be arrested very quickly, especially if he has short hair. This case is just another in a long list of examples. The British police are pathetic.
  17. Good to see the victim survived, he must have been in very good condition and very determined to survive such an attack. Hope he recovers fully.
  18. Good to see there are still some countries applying the rule of law to these leftist Antifa type extremists.
  19. Not much sympathy for Israel on this thread. But wait until Israel retaliates, the bleeding hearts will be out in force to castigate the Jews for the temerity.
  20. Yes he did. He made it clear he had specific requirements in terms of race/gender. https://edition.cnn.com/2019/08/28/politics/joe-biden-potential-vp-pick/index.html Harris ticked the boxes.
  21. The West is tying one arm behind its back and the citizens will be the ones suffering.
  22. Biden admitted he picked Harris based on race and gender. No getting away on this one.
  23. DEI loves DEI. What a shock. Politics devolved to supporting people based on race instead of ability. Obama can see Harris is clueless but he stays quiet. Why? MLK would be turning in his grave.
  24. The only reason crooked Joe is staying on is to pardon his crackhead son. The Biden crime family loves Democracy as long as it let's them walk away from their law breaking. Let's hope the burdens are gone soon.
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