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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. The truth is just one of those things that once you've seen it, you just can't unsee it. Gaslighting from the left is no longer working.
  2. Yes, in your socialist utopia only the extreme leftists are allowed to indoctrinate other people's children with their woke, lgbtq+++, trans nonsense. Christians must stay away from "your" children. Sick puppies that's for sure.
  3. You'd be fine with it if he was preaching extreme leftist Woke ideology in his maths class.
  4. Good to see the police doing their job for once instead of running away to the nearest Pride parade.
  5. Strong men don't need strong women. They provide the strength themselves. Just as strong women don't need strong men. Kamala is weak. So is Joe. Kamala was defeated at the first stage when she relied on votes instead of social climbing via the bedroom. Trump took a bullet and rose his fist before he even got in the car. While the DEI hires cowered behind him. That is strength. That is leadership. Everyone sees it.
  6. By fascist, we must assume you mean not drinking the left wing koolaid?
  7. When stuff flings across the room and hits the wall it tends to stick. I'm sure both Kamala and Willie are aware of this.
  8. Not really. Look what Kamala did with Big Willie Miller. That was consensual. Sometimes women are open to sexual relations with old, powerful men that are not necessarily physically attractive, if it benefits them long term of course. Big Willie was happy to put Kamala in a number of interesting positions, pardon the pun. Maybe Kamala inherited this trait from the ancestors (on her fathers side)?
  9. Yes he has little influence now. At the time that Harris was getting to work with him he was very influential. He admitted to getting her into several positions (excuse the pun).
  10. I never said slaves were not forced to be there. I said you do not know the exact circumstances in which Harris became the descendant of slave owners. You are speculating wildly. All we know for certain is that Harris is the mixed race (mainly Indian) descendant of slave owners.
  11. You have no evidence that Harris's ancestors were raped. It's pure conjecture. It is quite possible that she had a penchant for sexual relationships with older men in a position of power, like Kamala herself many generations later.
  12. Just hire decent security without chubby little DEI hires. Simple.
  13. That's a fascinating insight, thanks. 😃 However, nothing to do with this thread which is about the EU and Hungary. Ciao.
  14. Do you have any links to be back up this rape claim? Or is it another figment of your imagination?
  15. Mother Indian, Father Irish/Jamaican. It's true. Factual. Documented. Ah - the old "put my fingers in my ears and scream" routine. How mature. No wonder you admire Harris. 😃
  16. So the people who claim Trump is going to destroy Democracy don't actually care about Democratic process at all. What a total shock. 😃
  17. Mixed race, mostly Indian. Slept her way into positions/promotions until making it to VP as a DEI pick.
  18. My issue is more with the Democrats than her per se. It's always "first black woman" this and that. Never "First Indian woman" despite the fact she has more Indian heritage than she does black. It's cynical, and dishonest. Actually I'd rather they focus on her abilities and character than her race but I don't think that would end well for Kamala. She's a DEI pick and therefore has to focus on her immutable characteristics to stand a chance. If they focused on character and ability she'd be toast, and they know it. But hey it's the Dems so it's par for the course. Dishonesty? Check. Focus on race? Check. Focus on gender? Check. Call everyone who criticizes her racist/sexist? Check. Pick the best candidate irrespective of immutable characteristics? Not a chance.
  19. An interesting watch. So basically they will drop all their Democratic principles and processes if they think Harris can beat Trump. Just as I thought.
  20. That she had an affair with the married Big Willie Brown who later admitted helping her get political positions is a matter of fact.
  21. It's certainly not very democractic to have someone in his condition pretending to run the country. It makes you wonder who is. Exactly. It would be a perfect opportunity for her to showcase her skills, if she had any. Actually I take that back, I'm sure she has skills. Willie Brown would attest to that. But not the type required for President.
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