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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. The most biased article I can remember reading. I don't even know where to start. 😃
  2. He clearly has dementia. Not Parkinsons. Are we going to get daily announcements of the issues he doesn't have in some lame attempt to re-assure people about why he cannot string a sentence together and walks with a short, shaky gait? Thursday - The President does not have MS. Friday - The President does not have Chicken Pox Saturday - The President does not have piles. Laughable.
  3. The left's obsession with gay conversion therapy in the form of mind/body altering drugs has many negative affects. These people need help with their psychological issues, not enabling by left wing do gooders. A 14 year old boy who thinks he is a girl and thinks it is a good idea to date 29 year old gay men clearly should have been treated for behavioural and psychological issues, not encouraged. RIP Pauly, it's sad you didn't get the treatment you needed.
  4. People with a 2:1 from the 40th best University in the UK don't tend to get into Harvard. Not if they are white anyway. Harvard has already lost in court for their racist policy of "positive" discrimination. https://www.theguardian.com/law/2023/jun/29/us-supreme-court-affirmative-action-harvard-unc-ruling
  5. Tell him to get his wife's permission first, and then I still won't consider it.
  6. Great point. I can't imagine why anyone would mention global warming in a thread with this title. I don't care. He can fill his boots as long as he doesn't demand everyone else do something about it (personally I've never heard Tom Cruise talk about it).
  7. You can experience the same thing from your countrymen soon enough Bruce. The Aussies always copy our biggest mistakes, in fact you've started already if my last trip to Sydney was anything to go by. I hope you enjoy the cultural enrichment as much as we have.
  8. The gaslighting by the Dems stopped after the debate Chomps. Did they take you off the mailing list?
  9. Indeed. Unfortunately it is a common symptom of his condition. The Dems are up the creek without a paddle.
  10. The problem with Kamala Harris is not that she is "black" (actually she is mixed race but let's not let the truth get in the way of your narrative). You might remember an ex-President named Barack Obama? Was he an "old, white man"? The problem with Kamala Harris is that she is a cackling imbecile who likes to repeat inane riddles before laughing hysterically at herself like some kind of lunatic, and everyone can see it. The only time she was mildly entertaining was when she was making fun of her Jewish mother in law, and I doubt even that would be allowed now.
  11. I suggest she has a word with the celebrity/elitist climate alarmists jetting around the world in private jets. Because until the preachers practice what they preach, nobody else is going to change their behaviour (apart from maybe some useful idiots inconveniencing themselves and making zero difference). Unless of course, this is all just a ruse to terrify the proles into transferring more money to the state in the form of "green" taxes?
  12. I don't blame them. Nothing worse than a good mate getting involved with a manipulating narcissist and becoming ensnared. I'd fly half way around the world to get away from his wife, but I certainly wouldn't do the same to see Harry if the drama queen was going to be there.
  13. In that case Baldwin is indeed an idiot. Because he pointed it at the cinematographer and pulled the trigger. The cinematographer was not an actress in the movie. He wasn't practicing the scene. He literally pointed it at one of "the help" and pulled the trigger. May as well have been a cleaner or a tea boy. Or his own temple. Absolutely no need to it as part of the movie. But thanks for pointing that out.
  14. When I think about this I think if someone handed me a gun and told me it was not loaded, would I point it at my own temple and pull the trigger without checking. The answer is No. So why should it be OK to point it at someone else and pull the trigger without checking? Unless of course you are a self entitled narcissist like Baldwin...
  15. Exactly. They weren't even filming, he was just 'goofing around'. No need to point it at someone and pull the trigger. If someone handed me a grenade and told me it wasn't live, I wouldn't pull the pin out and throw it into a crowded room. If I did, and it turned out it was live and blew up 10 people, would I be innocent? There were previous safety incidents on set that led to people resigning. He was one of the producers (although the judge has already decided this is not relevant for some bizarre reason), he pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger without reason and without checking. He's guilty as the day is long. But this is the same US justice legal system that found OJ not guilty so anything could happen in their corrupt courts.
  16. Enlighten me about how great this is all going to be for France.
  17. In which case I'd say you know nothing about French politics. Expect a period of huge turmoil following these results. In the unlikely event you'd like to learn more, you can watch this decent summary of what's to come.
  18. Like most lefty expats you appear to have limited knowledge of French politics. And throwing the word Nazi around does nothing to make you look more educated. If you think the extreme left doing well in these elections is a good thing, maybe take a look at Melenchon's stance on Russia and the EU for starters. Or maybe you like anti EU, Putin sympathizers? He is an anti-semite though, so at least it's not all bad for the leftists. This election puts French politics in a complete mess. The support for Le Pen has been growing for years now and tactical voting against her will only work for so long. The sheer numbers that voted for her party is astounding. It's only a matter of time until she gets power. Until then, expect a complete mess.
  19. Polls suggest othewise. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/07/trump-presidency-viewed-more-favorably-poll-finds/74292329007/
  20. I notice how you left out the part about burning Israel and Intifada. Perhaps if Palestine didn't want "atrocities" then Hamas shouldn't have launched the terrorist attack against Israel on October 7th. Or perhaps "British" MP's should focus more on British issues affecting British people instead of conflicts in the middle east?
  21. Yes well Lammy famously declared that Brexiteers are worse than Nazis so it would be no surprise if he starts simping to the EU. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/04/15/message-david-lammy-disagreeing-brexit-does-not-allow-compare/ As for him being 'smart enough', there are many examples to show his lack of intellect. I wouldn't call someone who thinks Henry VII succeeded Henry VIII, a great mind. 😄 https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/david-lammy-gets-it-wrong-again/
  22. No surprise. Lefty anti-semites don't change their spots.
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