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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. She probably needs the cash after all the Woke movie flops they've been churning out.
  2. Clearly. The act of allowing such people into the country is done in the name of diversity (and my personal favourite, "cultural enrichment"). The victims of this vicious homophobic attack really need to get with the program and repeat the mantra "Diversity is our greatest strength".
  3. Snoozing on Air Force One followed by a week at camp david. Must have been exhausting. How can you expect him to speak coherently for an hour after all that? 😃
  4. Another cultural enricher, gracing Europe with his presence. Can't wait for some more imported homophobia, antisemitism, misogyny and religious extremism.
  5. Good news for Trump. Biden is a shell of a man with a failed record. How anyone could vote for 4 more years of this is astounding.
  6. Tax on cigarettes only affects smokers. Tax on alcohol only affects drinkers. Let's Tax people who breathe air.
  7. I tend to agree. The way the left wing media all turned on him at the same time. Perfectly co-ordinated. How many signs have there been in the last 2 years and yet they denied all of them. Gaslit everyone. Then just one debate (which wasn't really much worse than all the other gaffs) and they all denounce him in synchronized fashion. I think it was decided that he had to go, but they needed an event that could allow them to do a 180 while ostensibly saving face. A "watershed" moment that they could point at, which in reality was just one more example in a long series of embarrassing moments that the whole world could see. Trouble is, Joe is a stubborn old man with a wife who loves the lifestyle and a son who needs a pardon. He might not play ball, in which case the Dems are toast since his media backers on the left (CNN, NYT etc.) have already declared him unfit to stand and will be unable to do a 180 back to pretending he's OK again should he remain. I think he will be gone within 2 weeks.
  8. Possibly. But they are both doing it so who cares? The point is that it's a co-ordinated campaign by left wing media to let the followers know that they don't have to gaslight any more. That it's OK to admit that Joe is not fit to run. And sure as clockwork the lefties like sheep are now immediately on board, admitting what everyone else knew all along. They have finally admitted that the emperor has no clothes. Done a complete 180. About 2 years too late. It must be a relief for them to stop having to defend the indefensible.
  9. I would argue that most do not wish to assimilate into British culture, which does have a negative affect. I doubt Jews appreciate them driving through London shouting for their daughters to be raped either. Then we get the brutal attacks on homosexuals like this one in Canada. All in the name of diversity.
  10. CNN also had a panel of leftists lined up to inform the liberal masses that it's OK to admit it now.
  11. The blonde one isn't too bad. The other two look like transwomen and before I read the article I thought that's what Navratilova was complaining about (not using real women for the ad campaign). They do manage to make the underwear look terrible though. At least they didn't use Megan Rapinoe, that would have left mental scars.
  12. Surely the head of the crime family can get him off this given his powerful position? It's only a few guns, some crack cocaine and prostitutes. Jill must be so proud seeing him in the dock. "Well done Hunter, you answered ALL the questions".
  13. Amazing how you lefties immiediately throw Biden under the bus as soon as the likes of CNN tell you it's OK to do so. The left wing media really has you guys on a string.
  14. Fortunately all these cultural enrichers are doctors and nurses who are actually doing us a favour by gracing our countries with their presence, so they will have been able to administer first aid immediately after their homophobic assault. Gay bashing, in the name of diversity. Like I have said many times, the liberal West is importing all the values that liberals claim to despise. Intolerance, homophobia, misogyny, antisemitism. But if you complain, you're a bigot.😃
  15. I am honest enough to admit when I am wrong. Joe is doing himself proud. He answered all the questions great just like Jill told him. I wasn't sure until then, I thought he looked crusty and senile and decrepid but Jill sure knows better than me. And what did Trump do? LIE !!!!!!!!!!!!! I fully support Joe standing until November. Or maybe sitting. Crawling? Whatever...
  16. If this comes to trial while his daddy is president he will win. After the election he will lose. No better than Thai rich kids acting entitled as they wreak havoc in their politician father's Ferrari. The US has become a Banana Republic under Biden. But Jill loves the big white house and Hunter fears jail for his debauchery so we will see the end game. The downfall of the Biden crime family.
  17. I would disagree. Better to compare with economies of similar size. The closest two EU economies are France and Germany and the UK has been outperforming both of those. Of course, if RN are elected France might be gone in a few years in which case the EU would probably collapse.
  18. Not quite what I meant, but if it makes you feel better I'm happy for you 😊.
  19. You seem angry. Maybe you could channel some of that anger into something positive?
  20. I don't consider using an asset management company a brag. It's like saying I have a bank account or a mobile phone, it's just a statement of fact and I assume most people would have these things. If you think it is something to brag about it says more about you than it does about me.
  21. Yes, that's why I used the word possibly as opposed to "by definition" as you used.
  22. Nothing irrational about having concerns about the strain on housing, education, the NHS, the social welfare system etc. Nothing irrational when they are turning up illegally in dinghy's, undocumented, unskilled, possibly with anti-social intolerant attitudes to women, homosexuals etc. We don't all have a martyr complex that requires constant validation via irresponsible policies that put the indigenous population at risk.
  23. Another one of Biden's screw ups. Followed by more Biden lies. Not wholly unexpected though, given the US tendency to grow bored/give up on military operations when it all gets a bit too difficult.
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