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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. I know something else that will help much more than AI, Bill. Stop pumping carbon into the atmosphere from your private jets. Hypocrite.
  2. Should be a good debate. We'll know Biden has arrived when a flourescant glow engulfs the doorway.
  3. Given their history, it's good to see Germany taking action against the rise of antisemitism in Europe.
  4. I can see a simple solution for all this. Drastically reduce the number of immigrants. We already have over a million unemployed, we don't need more unskilled people bringing with them anti-semitic, misogynistic, intolerant belief systems.
  5. I highly doubt Trump will get time for a book keeping error. I guess it's the Dems only hope though, so keep clinging to that dream.
  6. Ah avoiding the question again. It was a simple yes/no. I realize it is a bit embarrassing to hold such ridiculous views, but if you won't even admit them we can't really have a debate. Ciao.
  7. The Dems chose to fight in the gutter by removing their political rival with lawfare. Were you expecting no consequences for such underhand tactics? If you want to fight dirty, don't complain when you get a swift kick in the nads.
  8. Well BLM wanted to defund the police. The Dems were all over BLM, so they got what they wanted. Be careful what you wish for.
  9. So to clarify, you think women can have a penis? And men can have a vagina? Is that your stance?
  10. You think you have "facts" from a hard left Uni paper that women can have a penis? 😆 OK boss.
  11. They're "liberals", so effectively yes they will be Pro Palestine and anti Israel. This also reflects "their science" that another poster is trying to pass off as factual regarding how women can have a penis 😃. https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2022/7/13/faculty-survey-political-leaning/
  12. Clearly unsuitable for the job. One suspects a DEI hire. No other way someone who exhibits such behaviour could rise to such a position. Imagine having her deciding your fate. No wonder the US justice system is in such a mess.
  13. No, that'll be the TDS. Oh rly. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13505151/biden-family-drugs-business-deals-crimes.html Fascinating. This thread is about Biden though.
  14. There certainly seem to be more trans people by the year. Almost like it's becoming a fashion, encouraged in children by the left. Every actress in Hollywood seems to have at least one trans kid. Uncanny how the people who want them always seem to get them. Reminds me of the time I picked up a very striking lady in Pattaya. Cut to my hotel room a few hours later I was shocked when she said "Mister, having a small d**k isn't such a big deal". I wasn't happy but I decided to be totally honest and replied "I guess so, but I'd rather you didn't have one at all". 😃 Bad-Dum-Tuss. I'm here all week.
  15. Yes population demographics also play a part.
  16. Extremely rare exceptions that prove the rule. Dodgy Dave from Stoke cannot put on a dress and lipstick, call himself Davina and start using the women's bogs.
  17. Using your analogy, it seems like there is an initial meeting and then only one party decides whether to go ahead with the long term "business" plan. If they decide to go ahead with the plan, the other party who may not agree with the decision and had no say, pays for it for 18 years. If they decide to terminate the plan, the other party who may wish to continue but has not say, loses the business. Doesn't seem very fair to me.
  18. The son of the US President and head of the Biden crime family, Joe Biden? The entitled rich kid thinks he is above the law and is having trouble accepting he is not.
  19. Some nonsense from a Woke US University doesn't change the fact that a man has a penis and a woman has a cervix. You're free to have your fantasies and good luck to you, just don't expect normal people to play along in your game of make believe.
  20. Still avoiding the part about sexual violence against Jews by Muslims, I see. Bit awkward given you views I imagine.
  21. Just calling for equality of choice Chomps. As Mr Chapelle said, "If the woman can choose to kill the unborn child, the man can at least choose to abandon it. My money, my choice". I thought you were all for equality? Or perhaps it's equity you really want...
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