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Everything posted by JonnyF

  1. A load of Woke nonsense. Men have a penis. Women have a vagina. Sue me.
  2. Yes that's why most of the post was about sexual violence towards Jews by anti-semitic Muslims. I see you ignored that part though 😆.
  3. Her views are not controversial, they are scientific facts. She is not against trans women, she just believes biological men should not be in changing rooms with biological females. Sad to see her supporting the Commies though, but nobody's perfect.
  4. Starmer will do nothing. If you want to see how well Labour cope with knife crime, look no further than ex Labour MP Sadiq Khan and the figures during his tenure as Police and Crime commissioner/London Mayor.
  5. Not sure why this is news. These are commonly held views amongst Muslim men. The only surprise is that he didn't follow up with a rant about what to do with the daughters of Jews.
  6. Hunter seems determined to keep the Biden crime family in the news. Let's see what strings Joe can pull, he has a lot of contacts. Maybe they could consider a name change the The Burdens.
  7. I was wondering why the media was being so quiet about this. And now we know. Yet another anti-semitic attack by Muslims. Probably wanted to keep it quiet until after the election. Well done to the parents for speaking out and telling the truth about this horrific attack in what seems like a campaign of abuse towards the Jewish girl. I wonder if Dianne Abbott will be along shortly to remind us that Jews don't face racism and that this could just as easily happened to a ginger kid? Now, repeat after me. "Diversity is our greatest strength".
  8. Macron loves a scare tactic. The facts are that he has failed the country and people want the common sense of the centre right.
  9. Actually, it's the unborn child that is the victim in these cases. Keep up with that feminist rhetoric though.
  10. Indeed. They know they can't fix it. But what better reason for transferring wealth from us to them via "green" taxes than "saving the world". But first, they need to terrify us.
  11. If you don't look at posted links, don't complain when you misunderstand subsequent comments about the content of said links. Seems pretty obvious to me. I was clearly referring to paying for the child, not the abortion. So your opinion is that the woman gets to choose whether to kill their unborn child or not, but the man has no say in that or whether he wishes to pay to raise their child after the woman has made her decision about whether to allow the life of their unborn child to continue? Correct? Seems a bit lop sided to me. And you're a proponent of "equality"? 😃
  12. I wasn't referring to you 😄. I was referring to the likes of Bill Gates, Joe Biden and many of the other lying, hypocritical leftist millionaires/billionaires that plague America. The turkeys (proles) who vote for Christmas by drinking their kool aid and supporting it on forums like this fall under the second part of my post, the useful idiots.
  13. In fairness, the liberal elites have a plan. Continue with their lavish lives of private jets, luxury yachts and water front mansions while taxing the rest of us to death and expecting us to give up our holidays, cars and eat bugs. Most people are seeing through it, although as this thread shows there are a minority of useful idiots still drinking the kool aid.
  14. Not sure if you're trolling or just rushing to get your post count up. I clearly meant pay for the child's upbringing. Not the abortion itself 😃.
  15. So you're fine with people refusing vaccines then? As for abortion, I'm with Dave on this one. If you want to solely decide on having it, you can solely pay for it.
  16. Let's hope they include the old Bangkok buses in this.
  17. Great news. The Americans have behaved disgracefully during this saga.
  18. So you agree with bodily autonomy when it suits. Fascinating.
  19. Seems to have been a big shift in opinions about this since Covid.
  20. 100 quid? 😄 And stupid enough to place the bet himself, he should be sacked for stupidity if nothing else. If he had any sense he would have had a word with Nancy/Paul Pelosi to see how insider information can make millions.
  21. When you import immigrants, you often import the intolerant, homophobic, misogynistic, anti-semtic attitudes that come with them and are entirely unsuitable for Western societies. Biden needs to get control of this before it spirals. Or before the likes of Dianne Abbott emerge from their hole to assure us this happens to ginger people as well.
  22. Depends what day of the week it is with him/her. First rule of working at a troll farm, never disclose personal information about yourself.
  23. Unlikely, given our current manager. But at least we won't go out with an embarrassing whimper like the Scots. Won't be chanting about the death of an old lady either.
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