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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. Get a car , air con comfort to where i am going . you wouldnt get me on a bike if you gave it to me for free ,although i did like my lambretta when i was a teenager.

    Yeah. Use a car in Pattaya and sit at traffic lights and junctions forever and watch all those savvy people whiz past you on their bikes. They will have been to their destination and on their way back home while you are still sat at the lights.

    not if you are a Fortuner driver, we just push everyone out the way and drive at 100kph every where we go.............

    • Like 1
  2. theres a good stables that does beach hacks on Sukhumvit Road on the right about a kilometre before the Ambassador hotel, going towards Ban Amphur from Pattaya

    its a kind of ranch type place its called rancho grande or something

    they have western and engish saddles and other kit for rent

    if you can ride well yourself then ask for a horse thats not been out for a while

    it can be quite an experience on the beach......

    i remember another stables on route 36 near the Bira International Circuit.

    The Pattaya Horse-Riding Training Center , at Km. 11 on Highway No. 36, has horses for hire.

    Tel: (038) 225149 or 081 302 0814 ask for Willi

    have fun and take care.......

    • Like 1
  3. Used to like the Yakisoba and Pad Thai in there, also a second vote for the Mackerel steak. Tried the Butchers 5 sausages once and although the 5 sausages all looked different, they tasted the same.

    Always found the one at Sukhumvit Soi 5 tastier.

    Totally agree. The same menu but different flavours. Have not been for a while but it is a bargain. Took Lae DEE Bangkok is better.

    Yes agree.......biggrin.png

    ok , i am convinced, i will drive to Bangkok for the 51 baht breakfast........

  4. i will never go to King Sea Food again

    Neither the 300 Baht per bottle corkage charge, nor the prancing transvetite, high-pitched singer were palatable.

    You forgot the 20 baht for the cold towel to wipe your hands, that was 5 years ago so may well be 50 baht now

    went to the Hilton seafood buffet on Friday

    absolutley superb.....

    cold towels were free too.........

  5. The deal has fell through last minute. I'm really cheesed off about it as we really liked the place, was due to pay deposit tomorrow but the owner has said the house is no longer available without giving a reason.

    Anyone know of any others here or nearby for around 25k?

    what a shame

    i am sorry to hear that

    i hope you get fixed up soon

  6. You can take it to the post office and mail it to Bangkok without taking it apart.

    I find that very hard to believe? And why would I want to do that? Then I would have to go and buy a box or something

    its true

    i sent a motorcycle to Surin for less than 2000 baht insured

    they just made me empty the tank and tagged it

    it arrived 5 days later and was picked up at the recipients local post office on production of ID

    you can send all sorts of things, fridge, washing machines etc etc

  7. .

    I recommend "Siam Next Fashion" in the Jomtien Complex -- in the front on Thappraya Rd. (now Jomtien 2nd Road) - Diagonally across from View-Talay entrance, next to the north-most east-west Soi. I've always had good work from them.

    Sign outside says something like "Once Tried, Always Trusted" -- Phones 038-251-841 / 086-158-5009


    me too, they are the main branch of the small Next outlet thats in the Kiss arcade at the back of Mikes shopping on Second road

    i have all my shirts made there and had four suits without a problem

    many of my friends do too.....

  8. The best seafood restaaurants are not in Pattaya.

    Go to Ban Amphur or Bang Sare, and they're not airconditioned.

    Yes I agree. Sorry no Air Con but the rickerty old pier seafood restaurant at Ban Sere is a delight. To sit there and watch the sun go down and all of the fishing boats is a joy. The food is great. If you wish you can select live and have them cook it for for you. How fresh can you get. Plus if my memory serves me well no corkage charge for a bottle of wobbly-pop.

    i have been there many times

    its a great place, with excellent service and fresh seafood still swimming around in tanks,

    i took a party of 12 there a couple of years ago

    as stated, there was no corkage on the bubbly

    the table groaned with food, everyone left stuffed to the gills

    the bill was a little over 8000

    highly recommended

  9. I don't think the fish are biting on this one

    i took the bait, played three times, won three times and have over 500 points in the bank

    thats enough for some free food at Ali Baba or some decent fahitas at Hard Rock or free cinema for the wife and i and two friends (if i had any)

    it all helps...........

    played again today and had another big win

    it helps to be psychic........

    • Like 1
  10. Typical TV post - someone wants quality food but does not want to spend money. Think what you can make fpr 50-100 baht and that is the quality of food you should be expecting. Nothing wrong with eationg cheap but dont expect Gordon Ramsay to be doing the cooking.

    Typical snobbish TV post, only comprehending what he expects to read.

    I'm just looking for the best items on the menu, not looking for perfection for under 100 baht

    the food can't be all bad, i often see the Mayor eating there and paying his bill

    i expect he could eat for free in many other places..........

    • Like 2
  11. Chicken cashew nuts, sweet and sour pork, the full breakfast at 3am, the lemonade with crushed ice , banana fritters (not on menu)

    if you want something cooking especially then buy it in foodland and they will cook it and serve for you

    stir fried shrimps for instance, with a stir fry you can get yourself from the salad bar

    all the foods from the shelves of foodland so its always fresh

    its a great place, i have eaten there frequently over the last ten years or so

    it should be noted that the owner of the foodland group eats there too when he is around

    that ought to tell you something.............

    • Like 1
  12. Try Holiday Rent-a-Car on Pattaya 3rd Road.- 8/151 Moo 6. ( The "top" end of the road,close to Tesco/Lotus ).

    Falang owned - speak to Grahame,the owner or look at pattayacar-rent.com.

    Fair prices, full insurance

    I'm another who can recommend these folk. Take your passport the first time, they copy it and keep it on file, saves time and bother in the future.

    The owner Grahame is a pom and speaks understandable English biggrin.png as does his staff, they also remember their customers even after a couple of years. They have delivered a car to me on the darkside (no cost), one staff member with a bike to take the other back, they already had my details so it was painless. A copy of the class1 insurance is in the glove-box along with all the phone number you will need, but we all hope we don't.

    pom = Pomeranian dog = Pomegranate fruit???



    google is your friend


    The term pommy, pom or pomme,[1] in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, commonly denotes a person of British (usually of English heritage) origin. A derogatory term, it was controversially ruled no longer offensive in 2006 by the Australian Advertising Standards Board and in 2010 by the New Zealand Broadcasting Standards Authority.[2] Despite these changing views, many British people or those of British origin consider the expression offensive or racist when used by people not of British origin to describe English or British people, yet acceptable when used within that community: for example, the community group British People Against Racial Discrimination was among those who complained to the Advertising Standards Board about five advertisements poking fun at "Poms", prompting the 2006 decision.[3]

    • Like 1
  13. I don't think the fish are biting on this one

    i took the bait, played three times, won three times and have over 500 points in the bank

    thats enough for some free food at Ali Baba or some decent fahitas at Hard Rock or free cinema for the wife and i and two friends (if i had any)

    it all helps...........

    • Like 2
  14. Not exactly in Pattaya but Rimpa Lapin in Ban Amphur is a very nice setting on a cliff overlooking the ocean and is great at sunset for the views. It's owned by a Thai movie star so the Thais roll up there in the hope of getting a glimpse of him or his movie star mates.

    Food is only so-so though.

    +1 for rimpa lapin

  15. Yes, take it and let us know how it went.

    Timekeeper must be way off with his 2 hours as even the schedule says 4 hours and from memory it used to take a lot longer than that.

    But if you're not in a hurry, what the heck!

    Enjoy and report back.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    from memory its 2-45pm at pattaya station and hulapong at 6.05pm

    the two hours duration i mentioned is to the suburbs where i advised he get off the train and ride the bike to avoid it stopping every five minutes to pick up schoolkids and workers heading into the city

    do try to keep up Mobi.......

    Well I'm not going to start www3 over this as the OP has advised he will be staying on to the end so we will find out how long it really takes.

    But I still find it difficult to believe that the train would even reach the Bangkok suburbs in 2 hours - I would be quite surprised if it did.

    And as for getting off and riding his bike - well I ask you? You can't really be serious - a farang riding a bike in Bangkok from somewhere way out in the boon docks?? Rather you than me Gunga Din.

    And that other ideas of yours? get a cab? The whole purpose of the train trip is to avoid dismantling the bike, so what is he supposed to do with the bike? Prop it up on top of the gas cylinder in the boot?

    Anyway, keep going with the amusing advice....All good for a Sunday night chuckle.

    i am pleased you enjoy my scribblings Mobi

    i always enjoy your ramblings

    they too are are always good for a chuckle especially the reports about your daily encounters with errant Fortuner drivers around the lake

    however i need to gently remind you that it is actually Saturday night not Sunday night as you said in your last post

    like i said before , try to keep up Mobi...........

    I'll still be chuckling come Sunday....

    maybe one of these guys is you?

    The Chuckle Brothers


  16. Yes, take it and let us know how it went.

    Timekeeper must be way off with his 2 hours as even the schedule says 4 hours and from memory it used to take a lot longer than that.

    But if you're not in a hurry, what the heck!

    Enjoy and report back.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    from memory its 2-45pm at pattaya station and hulapong at 6.05pm

    the two hours duration i mentioned is to the suburbs where i advised he get off the train and ride the bike to avoid it stopping every five minutes to pick up schoolkids and workers heading into the city

    do try to keep up Mobi.......

    Well I'm not going to start www3 over this as the OP has advised he will be staying on to the end so we will find out how long it really takes.

    But I still find it difficult to believe that the train would even reach the Bangkok suburbs in 2 hours - I would be quite surprised if it did.

    And as for getting off and riding his bike - well I ask you? You can't really be serious - a farang riding a bike in Bangkok from somewhere way out in the boon docks?? Rather you than me Gunga Din.

    And that other ideas of yours? get a cab? The whole purpose of the train trip is to avoid dismantling the bike, so what is he supposed to do with the bike? Prop it up on top of the gas cylinder in the boot?

    Anyway, keep going with the amusing advice....All good for a Sunday night chuckle.

    i am pleased you enjoy my scribblings Mobi

    i always enjoy your ramblings

    they too are are always good for a chuckle especially the reports about your daily encounters with errant Fortuner drivers around the lake

    however i need to gently remind you that it is actually Saturday night not Sunday night as you said in your last post

    like i said before , try to keep up Mobi...........

  17. Yes, take it and let us know how it went.

    Timekeeper must be way off with his 2 hours as even the schedule says 4 hours and from memory it used to take a lot longer than that.

    But if you're not in a hurry, what the heck!

    Enjoy and report back.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    from memory its 2-45pm at pattaya station and hulapong at 6.05pm

    the two hours duration i mentioned is to the suburbs where i advised he get off the train and ride the bike to avoid it stopping every five minutes to pick up schoolkids and workers heading into the city

    do try to keep up Mobi.......

    • Like 1
  18. the responses so far are no where near the truth

    its a delightful service, reminiscent of a Michael Palin around the world trip with authentic,wooden slatted seats, brass fans and eccentric porters

    i would however say this, when it gets near Bangkok, get off and use the bike or get a cab into the city

    i say this because it stops almost every five minutes to pick up workers and schoolkids in the suburbs

    so when the frequent stops start, stay on as long as you can tolerate it, then get off......

    its an adventure that every one should take and takes around 2 hours to the favoured debarkation point

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