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Posts posted by timekeeper

  1. On Sukhumvit today saw two crashes ,one involving a speeding pick up ,both cars involved in the crashes had Bangkok plates ,and the traffic was bloody awfull ,please floods go down and bangkok people go home. :(

    my cars on bangkok plates

    it does not equate

    Did you buy the car in Bangkok,or just want to be "flash" :D

    thats why locals get bkk plates according to my wife.

    ps ,i am sorry for them but will be glad when they are off home ,especially those next door ,well their dog anyway. :)

    actually i bought it in Chang Mai but i had it transferred to a condo address in BKK

    it was done to capitalize on the higher prices usually realised by Bangkok registered vehicles when it comes to selling, not to be ''flash''

    it was a financial thing not a social thing

    however after the floods that may well no longer apply and Chonburi plates may be the most treasured as they are far less likely to have been submarines ...........

  2. just back from Foodland... never seen the place so busy :blink:

    obviously people from Bkk, as they were all well dressed compared to the usual scruffs you get wandering about there....God knows what they think when they see the more common lo-so farangs sweating & panting around the place.. :blink:

    i was in there yesterday, talking to the boss

    he said its not been as busy as the previous two weeks and things seem to be settling down now in the supply chain

    i did notice a few toffee nosed Brits wearing a linen suit, brogues, a club tie and a panama hat whilst shopping, perhaps you were one of them.......?

  3. Fish is a large helping of Dory in a crumb (not a Batter).

    You cant make proper fish and chips with breadcrumbs. It has to be batter.

    Breaded fish is something quite different; nice enough, but not fish and chips.

    I much prefer batter too.

    i like a nice breaded plaice now and then but when one talks about traditional fish and chips, it almost goes without saying there has to be batter involved......

  4. shopped as usual today

    went to Foodland, it was pretty much fully stocked, even my regular brand eggs are back

    Big C had everything i wanted, and seemed to have a lot of stock of what i didn't

    Central seemed to be pretty much fully stocked although i would note Waitrose items are now fewer and there are less discount ticket items

    in my opinion, by direct comparison on a week to week basis

    i would say the quantity and availability is much better than last week

  5. heh, so around midnight they decided to announce that Sek was not going to show up and told every one that if they want to leave, they should leave.

    good stuff, Thailand, good stuff...

    sorry you were dissapointed

    you would think you could trust monks staging the show wouldn't you

    Sek would have needed a helicopter to get there i think

    good thing i left the car at home this year and went to the beach on the bike

    when i came home, traffic was backed up to the Outback at 10 pm

    took 30 minutes on the bike to get past the show!

    man it was busy there!

    i heard they are staging deep purple there next year but there's a chance they may not show.............

  6. After morning coffee at Au Bon Pain/Avenue, went for a walk to Tuk Com going along 2nd Road and turning up at South Road. I went in to check on water supplies at 6 stores along this route (a couple Family Marts and Sevens, Watsons at Tuk Com, and Boots at The Avenue) and only one store had ANY bottled water (the little plastic "cups" of water). This must be pretty disconcerting for tourists and locals living in the area and for those who don't know where Foodland, Friendship, Macro, and other places far and wide are located (and may not have transportation as well) that some people enjoy spending all day driving around to pick up basic necessities. For tourists going golfing or diving, or other sporting activities, the lack of something as basic as water must really put them off further visits.

    Villa also had NO water, except for a few bottles of expensive Italian mineral waters and a couple cases of Evian at B 38 a small bottle and B 1000 for a box of 24. Being the "hoarder" that I am, there is now one less box of the Evian so I guess by the lights of some people here, I am depriving 23 other people of a bottle of water or by my lights, ensuring that my family has the water it needs to drink when they want it!

    i thought you got your water from marine?

    oh sorry, i remember they didn't have any for you when you went but they did for me only 30 minutes later

    i agree it must be really tough out there for folks seeking water

    i filled up with fuel yesterday and they gave me two 1.5 litre bottles for free

    how are people supposed to buy it if they keep giving the dam_n stuff away!........

  7. you are absolutely correct, you do live in a very different reality to me......

    No problem. Please ignore me. Thank you very much by advance.

    please do not amend my responses to offer up a quote that does not deliver the context as i intended it to be:

    So to be clear:

    Vediovis said:

    Timekeeper, I take note of your insistence and repeated sentences, but we don't live in the same reality.

    Vediovis went on to say:

    '''The problem is really, really about the spring water. I cannot find my water packs anymore.

    Yes, I could go to more usual water, reversed osmosis dead water, or half contaminated water from the street blue distributors, but I would prefer to have Crystal and Aura water packs.

    And I cannot find them anymore, anywhere.''

    Timekeeper said:

    ''so its not that you can't get water, its simply that you can't get your favorite brand of water

    my! what a disaster!

    you are absolutely correct, you do live in a very different reality to me......''

    lets hope that clears it up .......

  8. If there is no problem as some suggest why did I have to go hunting for ciggies this morning as the local 7-11 had none of my brand? They have had no tinned milk for weeks or sugar, cakes, peanuts, water and a lot of other products.

    Eggs seem plentiful now, thankfully :)

    It is no great hardship to hunt about as it gets me out and about a bit more it is simply a bit more hassle.

    its been no problem for me and i would not have noticed a shortage of these items as:

    i don't smoke

    i don't consume tinned milk

    i don't use sugar

    i don't eat peanuts

    i get water in 20 litre containers

    small fairy cakes are plentiful at S & P shops........

    anymore ''essentials '' you can't get......?

  9. Just back from shopping. It's a disaster everywhere. Baby milk first step, Aura water and Coke can are almost impossible to find in Carrefour (ex), Tesco... Most of the 7/11s don't have Coke or Spring water at all now.

    With the flooding not going better in Bangkok, I start to worry a bit.

    If someboy knows where to buy Aura water packs, please tell me as we start to be short.... Thanks !!!!


    that's a bit of an exaggeration

    on Saturday on my regular shopping trip to Foodland, Big C, Tops and Central Tops

    i failed to get 4 items, i wanted

    i called in Friendship yesterday and got them there

    the 7-11's on siam country club road have bottled water, eggs and rice

    wheres the disaster?

    whats Aura water?

    It's very inconvenient having to shop around all over the place to find essential items. Could be considered a disaster by some.

    essential items are everywhere

    even back in 7-11's now

    you folks should open your eyes more

    shopping in pattaya has always been inconvienient

    i cannot get everything i want in one store so i have always had to visit 3-4 stores on shopping day

    been doing the same thing for 10 years

    all over the place is normal for me

    its hardly a disaster.........

  10. I advise again to stock up if you still can as things can still get allot worse. Bangkok is slowly being strangled by the flood waters. It Is about to get cut-off from the south of thailand as well so more foodstuffs, water, and seafood/meats will have to be diverted from the Eastern Seaboard to keep Bangkok feed. There is also a good probability that Swampy will flood and therefore no supplies could be brought in to there to supply the city. If central Bangkok floods, as appears likely, there will be a second wave of refugees in Pattaya putting a further strain on already short supplies of essentials.

    I stocked for 3 or 4 weeks, and after 2 weeks, I have today more or less the same understanding as you. More, the government appears to be engulfed and I'm not sure they will really be able to provide supplies before quite a long time.

    You must be wrong.Ask Watchkeeper and Lenny as there are clearly no shortages,according to them.Only thing you have to do is start shopping as soon as the shops open and by 4 pm,and after having spend 500 Baht on gasoline, you will have found everything you will need to feed your baby that day.

    not very original gingerbreem, either as a creative writer or as a shopper.

    i shopped as usual on saturday, started out at the same time from the Lake (about 9-30) , went to 3 main shops as usual, slotted in a nice relaxed lunch and was home by 3-30

    less only 4 items that i wanted to buy

    so i called in friendship on Sunday as i was passing about 1pm and got them there

    it was not difficult, not even 100 baht in gas, and not rocket science for well organized, non panicky type folks like Lenny, Rab C etc

    maybe we don't stay up all night pissing it up in cheap charlie bars with similarly priced whores so we are able to make a reasonable start to the day........

  11. according to the lady at the builders supply shop, a car travelling at high speed hit the post at about 3-30 am

    the post was badly damaged but stayed upright for a while then slowly collapsed across the road taking the cables with it on its own side and dragging down the cables on the other side

    that was when the power failed around 4am

    my wife was there at 7 am on the school run

    after talking with the obviously upset woman owner of the shop, she managed to get around the impact site

    at that time no one was in attendance, apparently the woman said were waiting until all agencies could attend at the same time now the sun was up

    when she returned by the same route at 8am there was some action and a few trucks but again she managed to get around the mess

    anyway i went out about 9-30am and went the other way around the lake

    i came home an hour ago and saw all the trucks and was diverted through the school football field

    what happened to the vehicle or its occupants, i do not know, my mare of a wife forgot to ask.........

  12. i saw doctor Racharut in ENT at BPH on Thursday with a throat infection

    i spent about 20 minutes with her

    it cost 500 baht to see her, at the cashier/pharmacy, i asked them to print the bill, then refused the medications, told them to re-print the bill without meds and final bill was 760 baht

    i got the meds elsewhere using the bill as a script

  13. Just back from shopping. It's a disaster everywhere. Baby milk first step, Aura water and Coke can are almost impossible to find in Carrefour (ex), Tesco... Most of the 7/11s don't have Coke or Spring water at all now.

    With the flooding not going better in Bangkok, I start to worry a bit.

    If someboy knows where to buy Aura water packs, please tell me as we start to be short.... Thanks !!!!


    that's a bit of an exaggeration

    on Saturday on my regular shopping trip to Foodland, Big C, Tops and Central Tops

    i failed to get 4 items, i wanted

    i called in Friendship yesterday and got them there

    the 7-11's on siam country club road have bottled water, eggs and rice

    wheres the disaster?

    whats Aura water?

  14. its not a rumour

    some members on here have admitted to becoming hoarders when the rumour of shortages first started

    some even used the hoard they amassed to become gougers

    this in turn helped fuel the problem locally

    however it turned out to be far less serious than the hoarders had anticipated and now things are pretty much normal

    so som non na to them

    most things are out there if you look for them

    you might just have to shop around a bit to get everything you want but that's commonplace for me anyway

    i can't find a single shop in Pattaya that has everything i want in one place

    having said that Friendship has proved to be the least troubled by shortages in my opinion

    if i was looking for a one stop shop i would start there, followed by Foodland ...........

  15. I think vacationing Arabs are the worse ones on their rented powerbikes - watch out. By the way, so we ever see how many motorcycle accidents /deaths there are ...aren't they reported.?

    me too

    they need a big bike though to compensate for small equipment................allegedly

  16. back on topic

    i went to the annual manufacturers market at Lam Chabang airport yesterday

    on the way back i called in at the shopping mall at Lam Chabang opposite the port on Sukhumvit road

    its been refurbished about 2 years now, it was always a very quiet, very run down place before

    i have never been in since it was done out

    however, i digress, inside was a new Tesco Lotus, moreover an almost fully stocked Tesco Lotus

    few empty shelves, even fewer customers.

    one wonders who decides where to site these places

    anyway plenty of ''shortage'' items there for the picking........

  17. I wonder why they're importing water into Pattaya from these far flung countries when there's a perfectly good local supplier in Rayong?

    Becareful what you wish for.

    One local supplier has been filling up the small 600ml bottles with chlorinated tap water. I'll address the issue tonight when I revisit my local Thai restaurant where they charged me 30 baht for 2 bottles of this vile "drinking water".

    Delboy & Rodders, Peckham Spring Water leaps immediately to mind..........


  18. theres a barbers shop on the left when approaching the beach using pattaya klang

    its near to the junction with second road

    he does wet shaves

    not been for a while but it was pretty good as i recall

    i remember having one in Disney Paris

    i came out looking like i had been in a duel ........

  19. It is 10th November and whilst the Lake is full (the sluice gates are rusted shut and cannot be raised) the roads are currently not flooded. There is some concern that if they can't let some water out to relieve the pressure the weight of water might burst the dam should we get any more serious rain. With regards to events I have not seen anything advertised yet but I would expect the usual bars to be open but bear in mind that the Lake area is full of displaced people from BKK the mood maybe a little more muted this year.

    the lake at Mabrachan is not as full as its ever been

    theres lots of room for more water, at least a metre all round

    its not even close to the lapping the road

    the stage and sound system has already been set up and all the chairs and tables are in place

    its still sited on the land directly opposite the temple

    its nearer the lake this year by at least 100 metres rather than further away !

    first show is tonight and events are from 3-10 november

    the headliner is Kater

    with many well known support bands and singers

    theres masses of poster publicity all around the event

    the reason you have not seen anything advertised is because you have not been there before posting this nonsense.................

  20. I have encountered some of our 'visitors' from Bangkok in the shops and round town, my experience is they are very polite, friendly, well dressed and always have a smile if you make eye contact with them.

    Given their terrible circumstances I don't find them up tight at all just ordinary people doing the best they can in difficult circumstances.

    I am sure we all wish them a speedy relief from their suffering and a quick return to their normal lives.

    me too

    i agree with you 100%

    nicely put......

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