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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. and btw, its totally stupid to work on it in HIGH tide... you fix things when its low tide and wait for the tide to rise...sounds logic? it is!!!

    in Italy they made the COSTA CONCORDIA swim again...and here in an area where they live from watersports on the beach wich hosts the Kings Cup since many years

    they are unable to help some sailors...

    Boats doesn`t swim................they float thumbsup.gif .

  2. Wat dee

    I am European.I will say it again........If you for one second believe the hate against jews is because of Israel you`re dillusional.It was deep rooted in most European for centuries.I come from a country that sent almost all of the small jewish population to the concentration camps and at that time most people couldn`t care less. The new resentment against jews is mostly because of the great "enrichment" of our Western societies in the last 3 decades by believers of the holy book of Quaran,which has clear anti-semitism statements.And this book has been around much longer than the state of Israel and compared to Christians and the Bible the followers of Islam unfortunately seems to follow the script dead serious wink.png .

  3. I have a hunch that the attacks are coming from a certain demographic all aligned with a certain view of the world.

    Radical Islamists and their far-left enablers.

    Those groups may be the most violent and militant, but anti-Israeli sentiments are far more widespread.. It's not just anti-Semitism. It's provoked by the atrocities commited by the State of Israel in the name of self-defence, while really persuing the Zionist goal of Eretz Israel.

    Among peaceful people, opposition to Israeli aggression will - hopefully - manifest itself in boycotts and economic sanctions by civilized governments.

    The anti-semitism that still exist in Europe has NOTHING to do with Israel.It`s unfortunately been deep rooted both long before,during and it`s still continuing long after the atrocities in WW 2.

  4. Sweden, Norway - what's the difference...;-)

    Where Holland comes in? Part of the "Coalition of the Paranoide" - and the anti-Russia hysteria that's consumed the West in recent years.

    Good that Norway has the courage to admit this mistake.

    Waiting now for Holland to admit that there is not enough evidence to claim that Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down by the rebels, and there is a probability that it was actually shot down by the Ukraine Army.

    Where does Norway come into this?

    And why should it effect the report of the Netherlands' government the shooting down of the Malaysian passenger plane?

    I know who I'd believe between Netherlands and Russia - and it ain't Vlad and his mates.

    Sweden and Norway,whats the difference? Both are independent countries and Norway is a NATO member,Sweden is not wink.png .

  5. Mother nature seem to have some issues with me. I was at Saphan Hin, when the heavy rain started. When I got back home, I asked one villager, did we have a good rain at Ao Por. He said, nope, just a bit of rain.

    I did not manage to collect any rain water and now my tanks are empty (Orbotor did not deliver water).

    The rain only lasted 20 minutes, hardly enough time to wet the roofs. Forget collecting rain water. For that we need hours of rain. My water truck delivered at 08.30, not free, I pay.

    The rain in Saphan Hin, would have been few hundreds of litres. Enough for couple of days.

    At This point I would be happy to pay, even quite a lot of overprice. But there are no source available, unless the Paklok municipality can get a truck up here. I'll have to go there to ask tomorrow again.

    Sapan Hin looked like this, just before the rain started.


    Saphan Hin, Phuket


    Incoming rain at Saphan Hin

    Great pics thumbsup.gif

  6. Tolley and jamesjohnsonthird, let's forget for a moment what started this and focus on the fact that your drunken, Nancyboy Brit mate was full of vinegar when initially confronted by the Thais - having already shown the Finn what a big man he was - he seemingly lost interest after a single slap from one of the Thais but then went back to being Mr Mouth when they started to walk away. Do you really think he would have made it to the door of the convenience store if they'd laid into him from the outset ? If you go back and look at the video, he went down very quickly after the assault - clearly not the streetfighter he thought he was earlier. If the Thais had wanted a piece of him, they could clearly have decked him well before he tried to run and hide behind the skirts of whoever he could find in the convenience store.

    Is 3-on-1 cowardly ? To our collective way of thinking, absolutely, but he bought that on himself. The fact that he wasn't willing to live with the consequences of his actions, however you two view said actions, tells me we are dealing with more than one coward here. This isnt a guy who staggered out of a bar only to be set upon by 3 Thais without warning - its an idiot who went out of his way to dig himself in deeper with each passing second. If the vast majority of the Pattaya regulars here can go into central Pattaya and come home without a scratch on them, then we must be doing something your mate isnt : even 3 sheets to the wind, I dont go around laying my hands on other people. Would I like to see the katoeys locked up for assault ? Yes I would, but who in their right mind would try to lay charges on them when its clear the BiB cant even be bothered enforcing the law in most parts of Pattaya at night ? I can avoid katoeys - I cant avoid random, belligerent drunks or young Thai guys with a problem : what your mate has done is reinforce the notion that Farang visitors to Pattaya are absolute dicks with no understanding of the speed with which things can go south here.

    The Thais and the Brit should all be charged for their part in this and its my understanding that's what has happened - let's move on, shall we ?

    +1 thumbsup.gif

  7. I have to disagree with Dean, the worst thing America did with Cambodia, was siding with the Khmer Rouge when Vietnam liberated Cambodia in 1979.

    America and its puppy dog Britain trained and armed the Khmer Rough in camps along the Thai border, the Brits took KR cadres to Malaysia for training.

    Margaret Thatcher in a rare attack of conscience ended Britain's aid to the KR

    And so did the UN and most other democratic nations also.

  8. USA destabilized Libya and the whole region. The selfish reason was to keep those nations fighting interior and exterior forces while leaving USA alone. That worked. However, just like every other place the USA has touched (S. America, etc.) and destabilized, the actual ongoing results are a horror for the ordinary people, constant upset and fighting, and broken national economies. This is how USA has ruled for over sixty years, often with the addition of repressive strong-man leaders like Saddam and Noriega that USA inserts, props up, and then takes out. It is how USA has ruled Thailand, too.

    Ask Libya people which situation they want........ now or ten yrs ago? And ten years ago they had Gaddafi but also stability and oil was steadily coming out to USA. Now a real mess there, but likely not sending any bombers to the USA for now.

    NATO destabilized Libya,not the US in what was the biggest f..k up in that organizations history !!

  9. I agree about Toothfish boat

    crew, but Whalers from Japan, Faraeos, etc are not poor or deprived people. They are just murders with no conscience or soul....

    What a ridiculous statement !!
    Now that is a valuable contribution to this discussion. :rolleyes:
    For sure it is....... That particular member claims that whalers are murderers without conscience or soul IS indeed ridiculous ;)
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