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Posts posted by Yahooka

  1. Have nothing but contempt for the captain of the Sea Shepherd who puts his crew into harms way without conscience. The man is a disgrace to his profession.

    Bizarre reply....

    The ambition of Sea Shepherd is to intervene in these illegal actions, and the crew are all volunteers who knowing accept some risk.

    Paul Watson is a legend, and has earned his reputation as a fearless conservationalist. Go Sea Shepherd. Go Paul!!!

    As far as having no conscience, I would point to the illegal fishing outfits who are stealing from future generations by driving mass extinction and plundering the seas!!!

    As I have been going to sea for 40 years, I know the responsibilities of a captain.

    It's rather obvious that you don't.

    Some of the things that the vessel does under the control of the captain, not only puts the lives of the Sea Shephard at risk, but also, the lives of the crew on board the target vessel.

    He may be a legend amongst "Green at any Cost" activists, but, he is a complete joke amongst professional seafarers. I have not come across a single captain that doesn't think that the man is an unprofessional, egotistical idiot.

    I certainly value their opinions as qualified captains over yours.

    Are you a certified large vessel sea captain? Have you sailed with Paul or his senior officers? How can you judge his actions unless you have first hand knowledge? In any case, he hasn't been at the helm of a boat since 2013. The Sea Shepherd boats do not take risks without considering the consequences, and all crews volunteer for the activity. The crews are well briefed and screened before they set out. The activities the Sea Shepherd and her sister ships undertake while risky are no more dangerous than when coast guard vessels intercept foreign vessels.

    The fact of the matter is that the Sea Shepherd society has assumed the financial burden and risks of preventing thugs, thieves and savages from destroying what's left of our ocean resources. Of course Norwegian and Japanese seafarers hate the Sea Shepherd. These two primitive nations insist on kiillng off the world's remaining whales. Even the Chinese and Indians don't do that.

    Norway and Japan are primitive nations because of whaling, I wonder what superior nation you belong to ??

    And FYI the minke whale population that Norway hunts in the North Atlantic is estimated to be more than 100.000 individuals,so it's far from being extinct >_>.

  2. Have nothing but contempt for the captain of the Sea Shepherd who puts his crew into harms way without conscience. The man is a disgrace to his profession.

    Bizarre reply....

    The ambition of Sea Shepherd is to intervene in these illegal actions, and the crew are all volunteers who knowing accept some risk.

    Paul Watson is a legend, and has earned his reputation as a fearless conservationalist. Go Sea Shepherd. Go Paul!!!

    As far as having no conscience, I would point to the illegal fishing outfits who are stealing from future generations by driving mass extinction and plundering the seas!!!

    He`s a legend in his own mind............................and a crazed narcissistic terrorist IMO !!

    • Like 1
  3. I know of 2 guys(offshore workers) that was told that they had too many visa excempts when going through Phuket immigration and was told to get a proper visa the next time.In Suvarnabhumi there doesn`t seem to be any problems at all for the most of us.


  4. To all of the selfish cowards and sissies insisting that one should walk away, you are the reason this is a crooked, violent, corrupt place, and you need to put on your big girl panties, get out your own video recording devices, and do something about it. But you won't.

    There are some of us here who are not interested in being beaten to a pulp, killed or to end up in the tragic situation like this Aussie expat. Instead we (wisely) walk away in certain situations...... This is not the West where the rule of law is on your side.

    And also many BM says that he will certainly walk free because this is a clear case of self defense. Does thai law have any possibilities for an outcome where you walk free or do people just imagine that the law in the West should magically imply for foreigners here?

  5. "They did not want to let him leave because if he comes back, he might be caught by the Israelis and tell them what he had seen. So they wanted to get rid of him," the father said. "I know my son.

    I raised him well. I am sure he's not working for the Mossad."

    Well done for raising your want-to-be terrorist son well. You must be so pleased that he did not work for Mossad but merely joined these evil devils for such an altruistic motive as the promises of women, money and cars.

    Mossad are the world's biggest terrorist organization in most people's eyes.

    Meaning the gullible Western PC brigade and all the (brainwashed) Muslims of the world ?? Hardly represantable for "most people`s eyes" coffee1.gif ............................

    Who are the gullible ? the ones who fall for the zionist press reporting on zionist issues, or those that study history and facts? you really fell for those fake beheadings?

    "zionist press and zionist issues".......................you just proved my point rolleyes.gif .

  6. "They did not want to let him leave because if he comes back, he might be caught by the Israelis and tell them what he had seen. So they wanted to get rid of him," the father said. "I know my son.

    I raised him well. I am sure he's not working for the Mossad."

    Well done for raising your want-to-be terrorist son well. You must be so pleased that he did not work for Mossad but merely joined these evil devils for such an altruistic motive as the promises of women, money and cars.

    Mossad are the world's biggest terrorist organization in most people's eyes.

    Meaning the gullible Western PC brigade and all the (brainwashed) Muslims of the world ?? Hardly represantable for "most people`s eyes" coffee1.gif ............................

  7. need more info before we hang him.

    All sailors carry knives.

    Easily could have been in fear of getting kicked to death.

    Certainly bouncers in this country have killed a few, as they have done in most countries.

    "All sailors carry knives" ? Im a sailor and don`t and neither does my colleagues... Maybe in the Age of sail they did,but certainly not nowadays.

  8. No surprise there the air force alone can wipe out an entire city so all that is requred is a few ground force equipped with broom mop shovel and plastic bags.

    Yupp............and that was the words of Rumsfeld and his top brass just after the 2003 invasion of Iraq,"this is the last time we`ll see a big invasion force on the ground........the future of warfare is airplanes,missiles and a few SF on the ground".

    History has since shown that in the aftermath of an invasion/military campaign you`ll still need a substancial number of boots on the ground.

  9. the christians in my country england behaved in the same way.

    second commandment:-

    thou shalt have no graven images before me.


    Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image

    most of the stone circles built by the celts (we think) were destroyed.

    St Columba in Iona and Lindisfarne.

    it is christianity that needs to be examined.

    muslims are no worse than christians and in many cases better.

    it is religion itself that must take the blame.

    But we managed to climb out of the pits of apathy and enlighten ourselves centuries ago compared to the retarted muslim extremists..............they will NEVER do it,nor will they have any interest to do so !!!

    • Like 1
  10. They can sometimes be basically pleasant, but I think the per capita illegal activities are pretty telling. I worked with several in Phuket, and while they were not exactly thugs, they were the laziest and whiniest staff we had. Funny, I don't mind Russians when I am in Russia, but the ones who travel, seem to be the worse. Perhaps because the majority who have the money to travel did not come by it honestly, consider what how poor the average Russian still is?

    My experience is the opposite.The(very few) russians that are able to travel a lot are usually polite and well behaved.The ones who are not are those who can`t afford to travel every year and they are the ones you experience here in Thailand......And despite the old rumours,most russians aren`t millionaires !

  11. If you haven't been to the west for twenty-five years then don't comment.

    And don't believe everything your read on the Internet.

    And who made you daddy?

    There are no-go zones for non-muslims in the west. It's just not PC to say so.

    The libtards scream racism and Islamophobia.

    See the next quote for proof

    This "no go zone" thing is just another example of how Muslim demonizers spread hatred and intolerance.

    Right, right!

    Of course it's got nothing to do with the constant atrocities committed by Muslims following that most hateful and intolerant of religions?

    Garbage - the vast majority of Muslims in the UK are peace loving family people.

    It's comical that you use a Crusader as your avatar - those "Christians," that went on a murderous rampage are heroes to you, eh?

    The vast majority of Muslims in the UK are family people,that we can agree on wink.png .

  12. Coming from a country with very strict and silly restrictions on the sale of alcohol I`m happy to be visiting countries which threats alcohol just like an other commodity.When I see the rules the Thai goverment tries to make I`m sure they where helped by those soul less bureaucrats and consultants from my home country bah.gif !!

    The world is indeed getting smaller,especially the aspect of personal freedom and responsibilities !!

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