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Everything posted by RubbaJohnny

  1. I hope an urgent reminder sent that the rain is falling DOWNWARDS today , it will then unlike snipers generally seek the lower ground and like Red Bull Boy RUN OFF as fast as possible leaving a trail of woe, wetness and devastation. Moist dash check if any water flowing uphill in this country where rain is as scarce as HUBS!
  2. Any of these sleuths set to get after boyo, Int arrest warrant, some so stressed depsite teh 6 baht hike they must go for a fag, before a bust day collecting from underlings who fine butt droppers.
  3. Gravity , entrpy , catastrophe. Having lived here since the last centruy it never ceases to amaze . 1 Rain usualy descends 2 Rivers flow to the sea or lowest lake/dam 3 Blocked drains culverts or capture and sudden release may cause issues 4 Folks sitting on teh roof, flooded electrics teh norm 5 Few days of chaos , boost to wet weather gear and boot/boat sales 6 Great photo ops as saviours distribute 7 Dare I say RINSE and repeat 8 All lessons forgotten until next season 9 Continue to concrete over flood plain 10 Continue building huge high rises on Krung Thep "sponge" floodplain
  4. I iused to work for HSBC 1 determine the mid market rate which is constant flux Inter alia xe.com https://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=2519.77&From=CHF&To=THB These are updated constantly when markets open While many UK banks claim a low or fixed fee this masks a large " spread" the difference between buy and sell. I have used a number of banks inc Bangkok Bank London, SBS , NAB etc and Wise is a far superior service rate and transparency, you know what you will get before you send, which may be important to ths eon a tight budget or being sure you meet visa thresholds of 65k or 40k per month. As to exporting baht 1 Dee Money https://www.deemoney.com/ 2 No problem buying clean US $ anywhere 19Exchange in Pratunam consistly superior to VASU or SuperRich which are all far better than all Thai Banks often by percentage points If you do need to use a Thai bank try avoid Airprot branches with worse rates. 3 At Swampy range of smaller money changers in the basement tucked away near the Airport Link railway. 4 Do check on taking more than about 33,000 bahts $10,000/Gold out as many countries have import regulations
  5. Unless you are a Rohingya be towed out to sea to die of dehydration https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-asia-migrants-boat-idUKKBN0O106020150516
  6. Plus many of the long term expates I know were regular visitors earlier for work or pleasure.Then long breaks wnters etc and finally retirement to the then land of smiles where , relaxed border bounces made everything possible and up to you. Once fished from the pool by ladies needing housing they settled down happily . Spent millions houses, cars, golf, yachts , entertainment jolly trips to IMmi keeping the fotocopy and rubber stamp industry vibrant.Dining out , paying prodigous tax on alcohol and similar pleasures. Who will replace them, The Lao divemasters, Russian yogic influencers, Sino time share touts who will make up for all this, big spenders from India?
  7. Cunninngly Use Media CUM on Ailynn has been around for years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwVnX4ZgliY
  8. I know little of economics but he is a very fine fellow, we attended a shooting party in China and many other off piste adventures, before his time at the Economst.
  9. While there is a lot of coupling on the sidelines SRT does provide a very cheap travel even free in rudimentary 19 century style 2nd and 3rd class comfort. Often full of Monks on tour, people who seem to move house/smuggle by train with huge paper packages all tied up with string. It also provdes a meagre income for an army of grannies who sell almost anthing as they ride free stop to stop in rural areas,vending leftover dinner and sticky foods to eager travellers. The few wealthy travellers would pre Covid have been foreign tourists, I often enjoyed the direct albeit slow sleeper to Penang. The cheap airlines have killed that market .Once Smile, Vietjet AA Lion recover from Covid that will be my long haul option internally . The much touted High Speed Beijing-Sngapore line may appear for my great great grandchildren if the gravy boat is spread enough. I'd imagine by that time a Musk drone/rocket will be able to fire us accurately into large catchnets towed by umanned redundant Australian submarines , if telekinesis is still awaiting Nop to deliver teh spare parts by nuclear tuktuk from Spaceport Surin.
  10. Perhaps a nation with Space ambitions and a sub fleet could ramp up production . The British navy had a great motivational scheme. "In Portsmouth, Candide witnesses the execution of an officer by firing squad and is told that "in this country, it is good to kill an admiral from time to time to encourage the others""
  11. You may well be roght on cases due to limited testing. However I cannot belive th eagerly expected funderal Piti could be disgused here, even if ceremony limited. Of course teh death may be accounted for by comorbidities . One day we may leanr all teh Data and serious comparitve longtitudinaal studes can take place. By the way I am not knocking either system, numbers have been v high initially in China now largely controlled but Russia USA Mexico Colombia all differnet Health system diet climate cultures. One final poser is AZ used here unacceptable to enter UK, do they think it is fake , diluted or they just don't trust the certs with local corrupt reputation?
  12. Good point re old people's home and indoor liefstyle, so you view it more as afil in UK than success here? I understand that may have been true last year but those old folks are long gone sdaly, it has been the sumer inUK yet numbers ad deaths still gigher, could it be the variants? It is hard to believe Drs and public Hospitals while doing their bes are better here than UK. Your point about compliance is true tho see mask wearing is slipping as cases fall and outside of the MAll 50/50. Anyway thanks for an informative and helpful reply.
  13. Beat me too it , II expect someone is figuring theor % greasing the man who'll get the contrct to grease the mechanic who'''ll grese teh actual motors . Khvn Lube is primed to go....Perhaps teh unemployed TAT folks and soapy gals could make more of a Splash get Dickkie Burrow to make a Tiktok eating porkballs and Voila self funding. Bangkok could become a center for slush puppies.In the meantime I'll stick some tourist brochures in my designer Wellies in prep.
  14. 1 I am not anti vax . 2 I have had many INt vax certs in 50 years of travel and registered for all Covid vax here 3 I do relaize stats vary depending on methodolgy size of sample,age of chorts, comorbiditues date etc 4 At present I understand around 3/4 of English pop 50 million are vaxxed and 3/4 of Thais are lacking double dose of any vax My question is how is is rate is 3 times higher today in UK, but even vaxxed people will have to quarantine to visit? A quick peek https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ Shows.almsot ten times more dead in UK than here and total cases in UK cases over 7 million yet unvaxxed Thailand 1.5 million. There is something very odd here,not just a few percentiles within the margn of error or sample size? Is it to do with unvaxxed foreigners or rule breakers? Have the variants or health treatments in UK been worse. Are Thai deaths not be named as Covid when comorbidities or vice versa? Were the high deaths in UK care homes fraail sick folks who woiud have already died here.where average life expectancy is c 5 years less, yet a Thai women can expect to live about same as a British man just under 80 Is either or both regimes massaging the figures for if they are even close to true it seems safer not to vax or lockdown as the British have repeatedly done I will be esp interested to hear from qualified statisticians, epidemiologits or Drs working with Covid. I do realize the stats and testing may be skewed but the deaths? UK yesterday 18o Thailnd 132. Total deaths Uk 135,000 poor unvaxxed Thailand 16,000 What am I missing ? Keep safe , wear a mask to protect the weak and vulnerable and lets hope this is the last big wave.
  15. Latest info last tme I looked the fee is now 128.51 for a 48 page and key visa offer 5000 plus UK fee , they will pay the 128.51 for an additional 7k bahts f you dont have a debit/credit card they will also pay the UK office end etc. Plus postage inside thailand c100?
  16. Real support to sustain real business in unusual times can be a prudent debt, for that is what it is on the balance sheet Unlike a reserve currnecy merely printing baht or QE just dilutes the paper in circulation.The rich have no appetite for tax, the tourists dwindled and the poor and jobless cannot afford to pay more, so kick it down teh can to the grandkids or the queue of billionaire digital nomads chomping at the bit ? BoT has been very prudent compared to many, however I regretfully belive many people can look forward to mnay more years of Mama Noodles, thin gruel and of course Joke in the LOS which I have never seen so subdued. Of cours eit's not over until ...the fat man returns?
  17. Be interesting to get real reports once up and running, I'm sure Immi will be totally paperless by 2121
  18. What is the approximate turn around time, post from UK slower and both ends may be affected by lockdowns/staff of with Covid etc?
  19. IMHO it may be impossible to preict local regime even the day you land. In addition to arbitrary changes the mutations may change in each location.Good luck or bonne chance as they say. Plan B .Perhaps you could deliver the navy one of the unwanted French subs?
  20. Ayone who has lived and worked here , mixed with locals, observed beyond the sybaritic tourist realm will know many of the largest criminals are at large.
  21. balls come under spotlight sounds like one of those gone with the wnd coming out parties
  22. Not much incentive to come back as Homer Honda or Tommy Toyota eh?
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