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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Let me add something as I forgot to mention it in my earlier post. In my wallet I carry a contact paper identifying myself as well as providing contact information in case of my death or an accident. That paper not only identifies my choice for 'DNR' it also states to take me to a government hospital and not a private one.
  2. Yeah, just like the need to wear a mask while on a scooter but neglecting to wear a helmet. I would also like to say that my experiences between a few private hospitals and government ones, I'll be completely satisfied using a government one.
  3. I think I used the wrong choice of words and you were more correct with saying 'pass out'. That is more of what I was thinking, pass out as not having any awareness as to when the impact was to occur. I know that the body just wouldn't completely shutdown and lose all signs of life. Wrong choice of words on my part.
  4. You sure? Perhaps the body recognizes what is about to occur and goes into immediate shut-down mode.
  5. What other choice is there? I have a similar situation. We were married in the USA and never registered the marriage here in Thailand. My understanding is, in order to get a divorce we would need to first register our marriage here in Thailand. My wife will not register our marriage here. So please tell me how I'm supposed to get a divorce....
  6. Better yet, visit a local butcher and take her back a huge salami or sausage. That should get a reaction better than any piece of fruit.
  7. If I want a fruit tree it would be something like peaches, apples, pears, or other larger fruits, not some small messy fruit like a mulberry. Berries for me shouldn't be hanging from a tree dropping everywhere. Give me strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries. Even cherry trees as well as those beautiful flowering crabapple trees are messy.
  8. I was wanting to say the same thing about a Mulberry tree. Had a couple in my parents' backyard while growing up as a teen. Smashed and yucky berries all over the lawn.
  9. "At the scene of the incident, authorities apprehended the suspect, Mr. Manit Charoenpoo, a 30-year-old tattoo artist, at the front gate of his residence." Damn tattoos, the gateway of being a criminal.
  10. Some excellent journalism here: "It is not rare to encounter road accidents in Thailand, especially motorbike accidents."
  11. You must drive like a little girl. I suppose you count this as driving:
  12. I personally think installing a primo disco ball would be your best option.
  13. I have had numerous tickets throughout the past years as those darn cameras always seem to get me. I have paid every single one! I am happy to pay 200-500 THB vs. those horrendous amounts in my home country. Shame on the 'Cheap Charlies' that don't pay!
  14. Wait a minute bucko, you're the one that said 'good', so what is your definition of 'good'? Can't you even say, or is it that much of a secret? My definition of 'good' is: - Within staggering distance of my residence. - All drinks are free but for me only. - All girls are hotties (10) and they only pay attention to me. - They serve an awesome pizza. - I always win when playing pool or darts. - Everyone there knows my name. So you're correct, no 'good' bars in CM for me.
  15. What is your definition of 'good'? .......and just so you know, what may be 'good' for one person may not be 'good' for another.
  16. I thought that pirating using torrents is illegal and yet that is openly discussed. I thought killing is illegal but yet every day there are new posts regarding murder. I thought robbery/stealing is illegal but yet again another subject that is always discussed.
  17. Does this come before or after the 'man purse'? The only 'man bag' I carry is the one holding my two family jewels!
  18. dingdongrb


    Don't folks who regularly visit this forum know that many times a post is posted in a particular forum location and it's not even remotely relevant to the location that the OP is wanting to know about? So what if someone asks what location, does it hurt your feelers to ask? Hmmmmmmm.......
  19. Unless you have been kidnapped and held for a ransom.
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