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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Yes, the affidavit was done once for $50 but had to provide 2 copies of it each following year.....Besides, we never registered the marriage here in Thailand. Wife had to accompany me each time.....
  2. I wasn't asking for a quote. I was merely trying to get an idea of what others may have recently paid. Thanks for the link, much appreciated.
  3. Thanks for the replies but worthless, in my opinion. First of all I believe I definitely stated 'government' hospital so why are some replies telling me to seek prices at private hospitals..... Hmmmm I have queried two different government hospitals and have yet to hear anything back, thus the reason I made this post. Also just to get a general idea of what others have recently paid as we all know things can be very different. I guess making this post is yet another example of time wasted (so far).
  4. Looking for some recent costs anyone has incurred with getting a CT coronary angiogram at a government hospital, particularly in the Isaan area (Surin). .......but any recent pricing throughout Thailand at a government hospital is appreciated.
  5. "If I had been driving just a bit faster, the windshield might have shattered, potentially injuring someone in the car." ....and if you would have been going a bit slower maybe nothing would have hit your car at all.
  6. ......... and there it is, poof that my signature quote is indeed truthful.
  7. Make sure the railing is of considerable height. We wouldn't want you falling off.
  8. Did you not understand my post where I said: "I tried going one year without them and I was sent away and was told that my wife, at a minimum, had to join me." My daughter only went with us because she was less than a year old when I did my first marriage extension. (Moved to Thailand when she was 3 months old.) Can't you at least admit that the retirement way is much easier?
  9. Have you done both to know? Maybe things have changed or are different but the last tie I did the marriage extension was in 2015. My daughter and my wife had to also go to the IO as my wife had to be interviewed each time. I tried going one year without them and I was sent away and was told that my wife, at a minimum, had to join me. I also had to go twice each time. The first to go through the application and interview process, then about 30 days later to get my passport stamped after Bangkok approved the extension. Yes, 2 copies of everything for marriage and only 1 for retirement, (Writer's cramp signing 2 copies of all the dead trees.) Here's the list of what was required for marriage and has never been needed for retirement. (Maybe things are different now or are different at other IOs): - Marriage cert - Divorce decree - Wife's Thai ID - Wife's house book - Daughter's birth certificate - An affidavit from the US Consulate stating that I was previously divorced, currently married to my Thai wife, and when/where my daughter was born. (NOTE: This affidavit came at a cost. If memory serves me correctly it was $50 USD). - Pictures of me and the family at our rental home
  10. No worries for me, I changed to retirement years ago. Much easier, less paperwork, and no need to drag my family into the IO each time.
  11. Wrong thread... This post is about queue times, not banking information/experience.. Hence the subject line.
  12. ...or use the method I use (which works): Have the SSA direct deposit your benefit into your US bank account and then transfer funds to your Thai bank ...... or use ATMs in Thailand to withdrawal funds as needed.
  13. Defect to the USA, become a US citizen.... ???? Then you will have to dick with deal with the US Embassy in Manila to get any social security benefits...but getting a new passport, no issue!
  14. Yes sad indeed. I wonder what she was going through to do that. Where was her family and friends? Reminds me, if I am correct, one of the highest methods of suicide in Hong Kong is using charcoal.
  15. I did 7 years of marriage extensions all out of the Chiang Mai IO and not once did they visit the house. Things probably have changed as that was 2009 thru 2015.
  16. Amulets..... many of my Thai friends deal in trading old (and I'm assuming rare) amulets.
  17. By using the same process that driving regulations are enforced.
  18. Large deer? Pffftttttttt...... Looks like a small yearling compared to what we used to harvest in the Great Rocky Mountains! Now who is going to pick that thing up off the road and make me some jerky?
  19. Perhaps due to online shopping with next day delivery, numerous small Lotus, Big C, and mini-mart stores opening everywhere......and yes, food delivery such as Panda and Grab. Don't forget two 7-11s on nearly every block throughout Thailand. Big C where I am at doesn't appear to have lost any customers but the small shops always 'come & go'. NOTE: If you go early (9-11am) there usually isn't too many folks shopping but after noon it can become a 'nut house' especially on the weekend. QUESTION: Why do Thais call a weekend a 'holiday'? I never really understood that.
  20. 4:20 .......hmmmmm maybe she should have been smoking a big fatty instead of indulging in alcohol?
  21. Why would he go to a Thai jail/prison, he was caught in Zimbabwe.
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