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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Seems like this website is lacking support for issues/maintenance. I asked about the member ranking being incorrect for so long. Perhaps ad sales are slow thus less income for necessities?
  2. I recall years ago when the subway first opened. They allowed to ride for free for like the first week or so many days. It was crowded and mostly with people who were riding it back-n-forth just because they never experience anything like it before.
  3. Looks like someone let go of the puppet's strings......... 'I have fallen and I can't get up.' The Air Force Academy has an awesome golf course as well as a beautiful and unique chapel.
  4. Just be sure you buy the grapes that are individually wrapped in a protective sleeve with a cute sticker adhered to it.........
  5. I always found the Rimping stores in Chiang Mai to have a pretty good selection of cheeses most of the time. Some of my favorites is the Jalapeno/Monterey Jack or the Pepper Jack.
  6. That's not what I was insinuating.
  7. Real ones might be difficult to find with all the augmentation surgeries that occur.
  8. I was thinking it was this:
  9. ......or that cook/server at your local Thai noodle shop.
  10. You are somewhat correct, but as long as the fruits and vegetables aren't cut before washing they are still packed with nutrients. Besides, I would rather lose out on a few nutrients than to have my body grow tumors or contract cancer.
  11. My apple.......my choice....... Do as you please.
  12. I think of this when I hear 'Urine Luck': https://www.detoxforless.com/pass-a-drug-test/urineluck-urine-additive.html
  13. Grapes? How about most of the fruits? I have a habit of cleaning all fruits and veggies with a mild baking soda and hydrogen peroxide bath. Apples, I usually peel them (95% of the time).
  14. Be sure you're not going to end up like this guy: https://www.calcalistech.com/ctechnews/article/symnalfp5#:~:text=In the depths of a,and restore the lost coins
  15. I went to Lotus today and bought a very beautiful looking cluster of Green Seedless grapes. I was satisfied with the great fresh taste and decent price. However, I was mostly amazed that each grape didn't have it's own little sticker or wrapped individually in their own protective sleeve!
  16. Yes, I watched the video. But why couldn't a single label be placed on the bag instead on each individual piece of fruit in the bag? Besides the label on the apple I took the picture of has no information at all except the company name and the year the company was started ('Since 2002' for this apple). So where's the traceability number or other pertinent information at you're referencing the video about? .....and to add more, who is to say that the codes on labels are true and valid? i.e. Using no pesticides, organically grown, etc.. Do you think all consumers know those codes or even looks them up before buying fruit?
  17. Well of course everything is costed to the consumer. For my example the sticker and sleeve was already there. I was questioning, if they were removed would that lower the price? 'Brand name quality'.... What is that suppose to mean? I know what is meant by 'brand name' and what is meant by 'quality'.......but I have never heard them used together like that. What is it supposed to mean? Besides, the sticker I pictured came from one apple within a bag of them. Every single apple had a sticker. Why not just put a single sticker on the bag?
  18. 'Not supporting stickers.......' That's one of the points I'm trying to make, eliminate the useless stickers and keep the product costs down. 50 years ago when I gathered eggs from our family farm we all used baskets. They were then placed in paper bags for prospective buyers. I don't recall anyone complaining about damaged eggs. Seatbelts and helmets supposedly saves lives but does everyone use them?
  19. Then why not use that same concept for fruits such as apples, oranges, and pears instead of individually wrapping them? Most egg cartons are biodegradable. Where's the stickers on those eggs?
  20. Says the person who needs to make two posts to complete a sentence.
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