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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Monopoly stuff? Where do you come up with that drivel? ........ if anyone had a monopoly on mobile phones it was Nokia.
  2. How often does a person lose their phone? I have been using mobile phones since they started and pagers before that. I have never lost a single one in all those years. I treat it like my wallet, always know where it's at.
  3. Actually, being in Thailand, she should have looked not just to the right but in both directions! Even though it supposedly carries a 2,500 THB fine I still see many folks driving in the wrong direction.
  4. Is 14 the legal age to drive a scooter? Was she wearing a helmet?
  5. What is a browser? I use DOS to operate my PC while I'm connected to the WWW with my dial up modem. BTW, 'Thrashing' is something us foosball players do to the novices that spin the rods.
  6. So he essentially says 'eh' in every sentence and is calling everyone a 'hoser'?
  7. Your hands don't count even though you named your left one Rosey.
  8. What, no bamboo scaffolding? RIP.....
  9. That is just one of a handful.....
  10. Not really..... Maybe his ghost is still trying to find the right terminal.
  11. If needing a last resort then try doing what my father did when I was a youngster, raise and race them. If I recall some money could be made if you had a winner. But, the best thing is, it provided an excuse to sit and drink with the guys.
  12. so........I've been inside The Stanley Hotel (Estes Park, CO) without seeing anything odd occur but yet Jack Nicolson lost his sanity there. REDRUM
  13. WT4, are you saying that one cannot slip a brown envelope to the clerk and obtain a license these days?
  14. Just because a person may believe in ghosts and routinely has their future be told doesn't mean they are not business savvy. As far as anyone knows they don't allow those things to interfere with their business dealings, whether that's a 7-11 clerk, university professor, or a senior manager at a high tech firm.
  15. If you ask me, 'control' is something that many western country adults don't have over their adolescent children. In fact many of those adults have no idea where their children are going or what they are doing. Some control would be a good thing, IMO.
  16. The 'pain' is having to suffer while watching yet another boring soccer match.
  17. No pics?
  18. Not just that, but I think a lot of doctors have studied to some extent overseas in countries whose mother language is English. I know the majority of the dentists I've been to have.
  19. I watched this again last night as it has been a few years since I last saw it....... I miss my foos friends and the fun I had playing the game over the years. Here's a nice little site to watch it on if you like. I use this site with an ad/pop-up blocker and it does just fine for me on my PC. At least watch the first 5 minutes and you'll be hooked to watch the rest. https://fmovies.to/movie/foosballers-yv3q1/1-1
  20. I am not sure who it was but I did take someone's advice and bought a BMAX 3+ a few months ago. I connected it to my existing 55" LED TV via HDMI and I can surely say it's a great little unit. NOTE: I bought it on Lazada, fast delivery and no issues.
  21. Why? Because that is the only type that would be attracted to you.
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