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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. I came to post the same thing: Hotdogs - Who eats those disgusting things? Give me a real bratwurst smothered with onions, sauerkraut, and spicy mustard any day but keep those nasty processed hotdogs away!
  2. "Fourteen students were reportedly injured in the incident, including one female driver, according to KhaoSod." I'm thinking 14 was probably a few more than the amount the vehicle was designed for.
  3. Selling it won't help. I highly recommend getting rid of them all for good!
  4. "Leqembi comes from the Japanese pharmaceutical company Eisai and its U.S. partner Biogen. The companies have said Leqembi will cost about $26,500 a year." https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/07/06/1186225580/alzheimers-drug-leqembi-gets-full-fda-approval-medicare-coverage-lecanemab#:~:text=Leqembi comes from the Japanese,and its U.S. partner Biogen.
  5. https://ph.usembassy.gov/ https://ph.usembassy.gov/services/fbu-inquiry-form/
  6. I used to torrent movies as well as TV series and music. I can vouch for that with having a NAS system loaded with about 16 TB of 'stuff'....... However I stopped torrenting a few years ago because I can stream and watch nearly everything for free these days.......movies, TV series, live sports, and even some PPV events. With great Internet speeds these days streaming works well with no (or very little) buffering and with all the great AdBlockers they are essentially ad free.
  7. It sure wreaked havoc on those attending a concert recently at Red Rocks Amphitheater just outside of Denver.
  8. From the article: "On the hit and run day, they went their separate ways home around 8pm." I wonder if he was clearly visible with lights and reflective clothing? Too many times I see bicyclists riding in the dark without lights, Just like many scooters. Regardless, the person who hit him is a coward for not stopping and coming forward. RIP.
  9. Well, the family of the student that was in that recent fire extinguisher incident received less than $7k USD for his death so I think the loss of a leg would get you around $1k USD. ....sad.....sad.....sad
  10. May I ask, what did you buy, and where? I would rather have a desktop than a laptop any day. I have no need to do remote PC work and what little I do, my phone is enough. My current desktop could use an upgrade as it is going on nearly 10 years old. But, I don't do anything with it except personal finances/documentation and surfing the Internet. I do have a good quality video card installed as I connect the PC (via HDMI) to my 55" TV to stream shows/movies.
  11. Almost described me perfectly...... However I was in ICU for 4 days......stent placed.....government hospital..... no complaints except the food..... ???? 160k THB
  12. All great information. I wish I had known all this before I applied for benefits online and identifying to them that resided in Thailand.
  13. You ever hear of 'Big Pharma'? Big Pharma has killed more people worldwide just last month than more people dying from cannabis in the last century.
  14. ".........public’s concerns over the free availability of marijuana in the kingdom......" Where can a person get this FREE marijuana? (Asking for a friend.)
  15. I posted that information in another post after the one you have replied to. 160k, in a government hospital (Nan).
  16. So sad to see that a life is valued to be less than $7,000 USD. ........and yet the headline in other news is: 'Thai economy booms as government’s fiscal income beats projections with 122bn baht surplus'
  17. Yes, if you are currently residing in Thailand you need to go through the Manila FBU office: https://ph.usembassy.gov/social-security-administration/?_ga=2.248547716.2085155985.1687836031-1412800304.1687836030
  18. Many government hospitals have the capability and skilled doctors to perform a stent operation. The cost of mine was 160k THB. That included Emergency Room service and a 4 day stay in the cardiac ICU. I was extremely pleased with the service and care that was given. The only thing negative I can truly say is that the food was not so desirable but that can probably be said abut most hospitals, even the ones in my home country. Again, the best of luck on your return to the UK.
  19. OP, take a look at this link: https://www.ssa.gov/manage-benefits/identify-someone-manage-benefits-you
  20. Maybe this should go to the Home Country forum under USA as it seems to be more of a Social Security question rather than health. That forum has a lot of useful Social Security info.
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