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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Yeah, just like everyone reads the Terms and Conditions when you download an app or sign up for a website........
  2. But the would put a canister of propane gas right next to their cooking stove.
  3. I agree with what you say. I was merely questioning the other poster's comment where he seemed to say it's the battery and not the design. (At least that was my understanding of his post.) Now 60 out of how many caught fire? Any commonality with those 60? If I recall the Ford Pinto was dubbed as being 'a Bic Lighter on wheels' due to the design and gas tank position. But all Pintos didn't catch fire.
  4. Really? Why then do I have numerous personal items I use with lithium batteries, and have been using them for years, but yet not a single fire? Likewise, having worked in the High-Tech industry for over 40 years where there were hundreds of thousands, if not millions of products manufactured using lithium batteries and not a single fire. I guess you need to make it clearer with what you mean by 'principle'.
  5. It would be nice to know the model and brand of the bikes and scooters that caused fires. Was it due to design.
  6. Have you ever heard of Kings Island? Or Cedar Point (roller coaster capital of the world)? ....... didn't think so
  7. Move to Ohio....... Seems that Intel and Google like the area!
  8. Are the airports being taken over again?
  9. I do think he was just being a little facetious........ Besides, you can eat cannabis too. I've had some excellent brownies and cookies.
  10. Didn't that use to be a pizza place?
  11. Let me fix that for you: Yes. Anybody knows Cannabis makes Hemp-junkies extremely aggressive. Especially when they need their next injection doughnut. Hrhrhr
  12. I didn't read every post but skimming through the 7 pages so far I didn't realize that there were so many nutrition experts within the AN members. Now I would have to ask, how many have/had a profession in this field? BTW, FWIW, I prefer a 'spinner' which in my definition is a significant other that weighs less than 46kg.
  13. Exactly! The only way I was able to tell my daughter's original birth certificate from a copy I made was to feel for the embossed seal.
  14. I no longer have it, but I used to have a color laser printer where it was extremely difficult to tell a copy from the original even with different colored inks were used.
  15. Sadly it doesn't work that way. The next time it would probably be a different officer in a different mood.
  16. Just like most everything else, it depends on the IO, the officer you are dealing with, the mood of that officer, and the phase the moon is in at that time.
  17. The 'like' saying came well before Facebook. I see it as highlighting with the Valley Girl era back in the 80s. One of my favorite places is Nan.
  18. From the OP: "Several people on here (myself included) have reported Jomtien immigration demands 800k in bank account for 2 months prior to application for Non-Immigration O (Retirement). This is totally different to the rest of the country who only require funds in bank day of application." Now show me where he states a 'visa' or an 'extension'......... I'll wait!
  19. ......and here I thought beans on toast was the only thing that Brits ate?
  20. Here? I am assuming after Googling TopsClub I find the only location is in Bangkok, is that correct? Now if that is true I am wondering why this thread was posted in the Isaan forum. Thanks for highlighting the Thailand brand name of the store, much appreciated.
  21. I asked the same question and have yet to see a reply. Using Google, I don't see any.
  22. You're exactly right. I entered Thailand on a Business Visa I obtained at the Thai Embassy in NYC. I then applied for an extension based on marriage which then I later converted to retirement. Thus I have always done a TM7.
  23. Maybe that is my confusion then as I have always used a TM7 from the first time.... (2009). I have never ever used a TM86 or TM87 as another posted mentioned.
  24. Let me ask you this question: Isn't this same TM7 application used whether it's for an initial request or any following request?
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