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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. Lasting power - shortcut???? Drop 2 doses of Viagra (or equivalent) and take 3 bong hits. That should make you have lasting power 'long time' just for her.
  2. Agents...... Pfffffft.... Who needs an agent? I have gotten 2 different bank accounts, had my Thai driver's license renewed 3 times, done the marriage extension 4 or 5 times, changed it over to retirement, and renewed it many times ........ all without the need of a silly agent!
  3. LOL... I see for WIN7/8/XP..... Who still uses these outdated OSs? I do! ???? I have WIN7 on one of the current desktop PCs I use. ......and what is it with that price, 171.20 THB? How does one produce .20 THB when the smallest coin is .25 THB? I just tossed 3 VHS tapes a few weeks ago that I kept for years since I no longer have a VHS player. I'm going to miss replaying those Denver Broncos Super Bowl victories.
  4. I am about 3km east of Prasat and we had some rain about a week ago. For about 30 minutes one day, not too hard but enough to be soaked up quickly. And then just an ever so light sprinkle, so little it was barely noticeable. The real bad thing is our electric went off for about 3 hours a couple days ago. No AC or fan power really sucks in weather like this. I see, looking at the weather site I use, they show a 50% chance of rain in the middle of the night tonight <fingers crossed> My friends in the USA were posting pics with having nearly a foot of snow a week or so ago.
  5. So it's okay if I pee in the water?
  6. Anyone ever consider investing in sting or twine before the Songkran New Year? Someone has to be making a profit with all the string being strung everywhere. It was strung all around our property. The trees, buildings, house, fences...... and without even asking. Driving through the small towns and villages it looks as if Spiderman was roaming about. And with being here for many years I have never once seen anyone cleaning it up.
  7. If a person is relying on free bus transportation then they are probably in need of some financial assistance in order to survive. I hope I never get in that position. Good luck.....and here's to having a great day!
  8. I just tipped 200 THB a few weeks back when doing my 90 Day reporting. I did so because they were closed but still did my report. 200 TB between 4 employees for coffee. Small price for great service and surely to be remembered doing future visits. Kap Choeng office in Surin
  9. Same as in the USA. My friends were posting pictures of empty shelves in the stores. I replied back with pics of pallets stacked high in Makro.
  10. From the OP article: "........shoot from the back....." I shoot from the front and the water is sprayed toward the back. How about you, do you spray from the back or the front?
  11. I had a 1973 Chevy Vega with an aluminum engine block and it had a zillion miles on it. The body finally rusted out and I had to trash it.
  12. Unicorns.... I believe in unicorns..... and don't get me started on Bigfoot.
  13. Exactly..... For all anyone knows the guy could have been burning a big fatty in order to calm down and forgot to put it out before leaving the room.
  14. Perhaps you get rid of the Volvo and buy a real car. My brother0in-law had a Volvo years ago. Always had issues with it.
  15. And you know how much she charges every time he goes to see her? Worse, he could be wasting many times more money gambling.
  16. Really, smiling? I had to zoom in and when I did it looks more like a smirk than a full out smile.
  17. Both are dangerous, but the drivers are probably more. I say both because I have personally been on a nice paved road and all of a sudden it has a 1 meter deep hole running entirely across it and not a single warning. Likewise I see a traffic light that has a right green arrow going in one direction and at the same time a straight green arrow can be seen in the opposite direction. Debris like sand and loose gravel all along the road sides where scooters are supposed to be. ......and don't get me started on the roads that have deep trenches on the left lane caused by all trucks passing through. They are big enough to swallow a small car.
  18. Just because they cross over the centerline doesn't mean there is always an accident.
  19. I am willing to bet that one of the two vehicles was left of center. Most Thais do not know how to stay in their lane when rounding a bend in the road or making a turn. Seems like they are too weak to turn the steering wheel as needed or just too lazy!
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