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Everything posted by dingdongrb

  1. It was also mentioned by a Thai law office I contacted. I contacted the Clerk of Court in Clark county (Nevada) and she said the same thing.
  2. "Not questioning it. Just asked a question was all." What?????? I did 7 extensions (all in CM) and was never required to register. Looking into the divorce and finding out the same thing from multiple sources we have two choices: 1) Go back to any state in the USA (according one poster, Guam) and stay in that state until it recognizes me as being a resident, then file for a divorce. Once the divorce is granted then Thailand will recognize it. NOTE: States have different times (days/months) as to when they deem you are a resident. 2) register the marriage here in Thailand and then after Thailand provides the registration certs we can immediately get a divorce. The USA would recognize the divorce.
  3. No As I stated, our USA marriage certificate and an affidavit from the US Consulate (Chiang Mai) stating we were married in the USA (when & where). I find it humorous as well as annoying that no matter how many times I have stated we have not registered our marriage in Thailand that people are still questioning it.
  4. That is exactly why I like my Hilux, I can see around me and up the road much better. I had an awesome Mazda 3 for years and it was great for zipping around traffic, parking, and 'zoom-zoom' zooming down the Super Highway, but I like my truck just the same, only for different reasons.
  5. Looks to me more like 15 r so.... When I first looked at that pic and saw the guy on the left completely covered in tattoos my brain thought the guy on the right had one huge chest/stomach tattoo.
  6. I am positive we are not registered here in Thailand. I have posted what I had to provide each year I did the 'marriage' extension for 7 straight years (2009 thru 2015). Look at an earlier post I made listing what I provided, I am a pretty savvy organizer when it comes to personal records and data retention. Just like my tax returns I have a folder for every year I have done the extension process as well as 90 day reporting. In each folder I have a scanned copy of not just the completed application form but of every document I provided each time. And in those folders there is not a copy of any Thai registration of marriage. Likewise, there is no such document in my safe along with original copies of other important documents.
  7. Good suggestion but I'd rather try to get it completed without going through the hassle and cost of; re-entry permit, airline costs and flying time; hotel costs, etc.
  8. That is nice to know, thanks.. I'm hoping that's still the case which would give me options perhaps of choosing different states. Although I no longer have a US residence per se I use my brother's address for any required business needs. Up until 3 years ago I filed state tax returns until I sold my residence there.
  9. That's a consideration I may check on but I would rather not register here and get it done in the USA although I have no intentions to go back and stay there awhile in order to obtain a divorce.
  10. I did and Jack just appeared in my room..... It's kind of like saying 'Bogeyman' or 'Bloody Mary' several times real fast.
  11. For many decades companies have used the design/manufacturing of others and slapping their label on it. Honeywell used to slap their name on fire alarm systems made by Autocall way back in the 70s. And when LED lights were just coming out many companies were buying Lamina lights and slapping their name on it. Sylvania was one of those many.
  12. I recall many years ago when traveling with colleagues on business we joked about saying 'BOM' while on the plane. Yes, we all worked in the high tech manufacturing field and our daily work evolved around BOMs. (Bill Of Material)
  13. While I am getting up there in age (64) my mind as well as my memory is nice and clear. We never registered our marriage in Thailand. That is for sure! When I did the 'marriage to Thai' extensions there was nothing needed as far as translations. They required that affidavit saying we were married in the USA, saying I was legally divorced prior to marrying my Thai wife, and my daughter was born in the USA. Other than that affidavit I had to provide copies (2 of everything as it was a 'marriage' extension) of the following (again, no translation needed): - USA divorce decree of my prior marriage - USA Marriage cert for me and my Thai wife - Thai wife's ID - Thai wife's house book - Daughter's USA birth cert - and other various things such as rental house contract, House book of rental house owner, map to house, pic of family, and how I provided income to support my family (for that I provided a copy of my 1040 Tax form). Again the last time I did this was in 2015, Since then I've been going the 'retirement' route. All were done at the Chiang Mai immigration office. I am sure things have changed since then as there was no bank statements needed. Matter of fact, if I recall, I used to get another affidavit from the US Consulate stating I made 'x' amount of USD each month but the Consulate stopped providing that. The only thing I recall needing a lot of transactions for was: 1) When my wife and I submitted the application for the K1 fiancé visa process to get her to the USA....... and 2) Getting my daughter, who was born in the USA, a Thai birth certificate. I can understand the confusion because i don't think what I did then would be enough for today's process. Thanks for all the feedback. I am currently in process of contacting the Clerk of Court where we were married to learn what they require to obtain a recognizable divorce there in the USA.
  14. Maybe requirements have changed, I don't know. All I know is what I just posted. Also my extensions based on 'marriage to a Thai' were done in the years 2009 thru 2015.
  15. I'll have to go back and review all my paperwork kept during those extensions when I used 'marriage to a Thai'. But if I recall I only had to show US Marriage Cert and copy of my prior divorce to US wife. Yepper, just looked and that is all I had to provide as well as an affidavit from the US Consulate in Chiang Mai stating I was previously divorced in the USA and then married to my current Thai wife in the USA. NOTE: I did the 'marriage to a Thai' extension seven times before changing to 'retirement'. I have scanned copies of every doc I provided for all 7 years and there was no doc about registering the marriage here in Thailand. Only docs about marriage was our US marriage cert and the affidavit I referred to. Again, we have never ever registered our marriage here in Thailand or held a wedding ceremony here.
  16. I understand that and that is how I interpreted what you replied with. As I said, I will be contacting the relevant jurisdiction in the USA to see what I need to do to get the divorce.
  17. Accomplished what? Doing an extension based on being married to a Thai? or Changing it over to a retirement extension?
  18. I thought I made it known 3 different times? "We have never registered our marriage here in Thailand." "Can you, or anyone tell me then, since we didn't register our marriage here in Thailand does Thailand recognize us as being married?" "But if Thailand doesn't recognize us being married since we never registered here I don't foresee that as any possible issue."
  19. She would have no reason to go after me as the divorce would be uncontested and with saying that she would have both residences here in Thailand as well as monthly alimony while I would keep the residence in the USA. I am only concerned if the wife could pursue an adultery case against a girlfriend if there was no divorce here in Thailand. But if Thailand doesn't recognize us being married since we never registered here I don't foresee that as any possible issue.
  20. Thanks for that info. I'll contact the jurisdiction in the USA we were married in. Can you, or anyone tell me then, since we didn't register our marriage here in Thailand does Thailand recognize us as being married? I did do the extension based on being married to a Thai before i changed it over to retirement. I ask this because while I don't plan on remarrying soon I would however like to live with a Thai woman and I don't want any issues for her such as being accused of adultery.
  21. I am a US citizen living in Thailand with a retirement extension. My Thai wife and I were married in the USA over 15 years ago. We are seeking an uncontested divorce. We have never registered our marriage here in Thailand. Can anyone who has similar backgrounds and have already gone thru an uncontested divorce process here in Thailand help me understand what we must do to accomplish this? Thanks in advance.
  22. I think Biden has already been beat. He has been beat by two sticks. An ugly stick and a stupid stick! The USA doesn't need another puppet again for president!
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