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Everything posted by balo

  1. I do not know him personally, I am just concerned since he seem honest to me, he has been posted on another forum, not here.
  2. My understanding is the car belonged to his ex wife , he picked it up from her place a few weeks ago. He divorced from her years ago but the car was registered in his name so that should be ok. He tried to sell this car with a dealer now for 3-4 weeks but no buyer, I would think he is asking for more than 200k for the car. He is on a tourist visa, does not live in Thailand anymore but in another Asian country. I am not sure which brand of car, but that would be easy to find out.
  3. I am not sure where to go with this, since I am not in Thailand. But there is a guy who claims he is homeless and now have to sleep in his car in Pattaya, he is trying to sell the car but so far no buyers . He is not in great shape, and is 60 years old. But he does not drink or are involved in stupid things, just his money ran out. What type of temporary help can you get for foreigners in Pattaya if there is such a thing , I have already told him about the Norwegian Seamans church. He does earn money remotely, so should be able to survive but the critical time is from today until the end of the month.
  4. When you look at his past......sorry no sympathy here, and it's not a life sentence, he will get out.
  5. He will probably get the sack before Christmas.
  6. We are enjoying it for sure. What can possibly go wrong?
  7. You're gambling with your life every day here.
  8. Send him back to Russia, they need more soldiers on the frontline.
  9. Plenty of places , I rented a 2 storey house in NaJomtien for 12 000. Even had my own garden. That was 10 years ago, but my guess is you will find similar rent today.
  10. RIP to a great artist, this was his greatest hit . He released a new version of the hit some years ago.
  11. I am not going to read 72 pages of this nonsense. Can someone summarize it for me?
  12. I did a lot of bicycling when I lived in Pattaya, but never after dark, you need to have eyes and ears open at all times. The first thing I did was to install a mirror on both sides. Some of the mountain bikes they use here are not really safe , especially not at night.
  13. 60000 baht is a luxury income in Thailand, he can afford anything he wants as long as he keeps the rent down. I paid 5-8000 baht in rent for a 1 br condo with pool and a gym. So if he choose that option he can start saving money in the bank, it will be difficult to spend all that money in one month, unless he got a problem.
  14. I am Norwegian and I have also lived in Chiang Mai, but that is the only thing we have in common. They managed to spell his last name wrong , so I had to check if he really is Norwegian and sadly he is. If he is guilty, now it is still a big if, I understand he confessed but you never know what have happened , there could be language problems here etc. All I know is that the Norwegian embassy already been contacted and he will get some good people to help him there . As you would expect this is headline news in the Norwegian media, if he is guilty of murder I do not feel sorry for him, but it could have been self defence.
  15. Enjoy this table as much as possible, you never know what it will look like after Christmas. In Ange we trust!
  16. Imagine replacing one of the best keepers in the world in De Gea and you get Onana in return.
  17. Looks like a gangster, another farang giving us a bad reputation.
  18. Case closed. Another stupid drunk Brit bites the dust.
  19. Plenty of Russians in Argentina.
  20. When you can have legal sex with any 18 year old Thai woman/girl, I find it crazy that a foreigner would even try a relationship with anyone younger than that. Also when most Thais looks younger than their age. He was pushing it and deserves the punishment.
  21. Where is his beautiful sister? Back in Chiang Mai? At least she is good looking.
  22. You will not be missed!
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